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The one that got away

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We all have that person, so what were they like? how did they get away?
the One that got away .... returned to his wife & family.
was how I learned that sexual chemistry (even the really explosive kind) does not an entire relationship make
I resorted to utilizing napalm.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Counting myself lucky to be the one that got away.
Sadly I betrayed the trust and not only lost her but lost and destroyed the friendship that we had built....a lesson never again to be re-peated.....sorry it took losing her to make me a better man.
When I was 10 or 11 I fell in love with a girl about the same age who lived a few doors away.
I used to see her at school but was too shy to go talk to her.
She and her family moved away shortly after that but I still wonder how she is every now and then.

Sad idiot lol
Quote by BangTidy
When I was 10 or 11 I fell in love with a girl about the same age who lived a few doors away.
I used to see her at school but was too shy to go talk to her.
She and her family moved away shortly after that but I still wonder how she is every now and then.

Sad idiot lol

laughing ... at 10 or 11?

maybe at that age, she really wasn't "the One" ... I mean, how would you know?
College. She was a year ahead of me. When she graduated, she left to experience the real world, while I (correctly) stayed behind to finish my education. We drifted apart, because of the difference in timing. We have seen one another since, we both acknowledge the chemistry is still there. Her joy is infectious, her wit is entertaining, her physical charms are intoxicating, but they are not mine.....
Quote by Yahtzee

laughing ... at 10 or 11?

maybe at that age, she really wasn't "the One" ... I mean, how would you know?

Well, you are right, she probably wasn't the one but she the only girl I was too nervous to talk to lol. At that age, what could I possibly offer her? A go on my skateboard? A backy on my bike? Maybe a game of marbles?? Lol

I do wonder about her every now and then though, which is quite nice.
Do you ever forget your first love? We drifted apart after my family moved to be closer to my Grandfather who was very ill.
It has been scientifically proven that any woman can be satisfied with only 3 1/2 inches --- and it doesn't matter if it is Visa or Mastercard
She was there for the taking - but, she was going out with a friend (supposed) and I let her go. When her circumstances changed I
couldn't find her.
I was young and stupid. I transferred colleges and didn't rekindle the relationship when I returned home.
My first love was not THE ONE. When we split up, we both knew it. I sometimes wonder, though, how she ended up. She was drop-dead gorgeous and too smart by half; all a seventeen year-old kid could want, and then some. We had a few problems, because she was "officially" black, and I was "officially" white. In the very early 1960's, that was some serious shit, even in Baltimore. And it was especially serious shit at a couple of places we went in to get served. I boycotted Double Tee Diners for thirty years after some of those ugly incidents. We never got beat up, or arrested, but we came damned close a couple of times. I met her at a Buddy Dean record hop. He was the first DJ in Baltimore to break the race barrier.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I'v had a few lucky escapes.

But the one that got away... two years ago. The only man I saw the rest of my life with, we talked a lot about the future, if we were still together I would be engaged right now. I have always said I'm far too young to start a family and just not ready. But with him I couldn't wait for that part of my life to start He treated me the way I thought no man ever would. I can't fault him for how he treated me in our relationship.

Unfortunately he had on going issues with his past and he needed to resolve that. The plan was that he would sort things out and come back to me. Goes to show how much I loved him because I'm always a realist and normally I'd never believe that. I guess I was just his rebound.

There will always be a 'What If' there and despite the hurt it caused I'm glad it happened. He showed me how I deserved to be treated in a relationship and if I never have a relationship again at least I know what is is like to be that happy.
The one that got away, I still think on and wonder where she is in t he world every once in a while. I wish her well and wonder 'what if'. But also think time makes a great use of rose coloured glasses and sure that it would not be as good as I imagine now.
Mine ended up in prison... i think he's up for parole in 2 years... and no, for once i am not just trying to be funny.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by DLizze
My first love was not THE ONE. When we split up, we both knew it. I sometimes wonder, though, how she ended up. She was drop-dead gorgeous and too smart by half; all a seventeen year-old kid could want, and then some. We had a few problems, because she was "officially" black, and I was "officially" white. In the very early 1960's, that was some serious shit, even in Baltimore. And it was especially serious shit at a couple of places we went in to get served. I boycotted Double Tee Diners for thirty years after some of those ugly incidents. We never got beat up, or arrested, but we came damned close a couple of times. I met her at a Buddy Dean record hop. He was the first DJ in Baltimore to break the race barrier.

That sounds like the makings of a good story, btw...just saying...

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I also had a pair of those 'rose tinted' glasses.

She was everything I thought I could ever want at the sweet tender age of 21 and I was truly gutted when we broke up. Actually, the one that got away was kinda let go because she wanted to get married but I still had a bucket list I wanted to finish. When I got a posting overseas it was the perfect excuse but I missed her terribly - until, that is, I actually met my sould mate in this foreign land. 24 years ago - phew!

Checked up on the one that got away about 5 years ago and now have no regrets whatsoever.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
I met my first love when we were very young, maybe 7 or 8. We grew up in school together; first apart, then together. When I was 14 I summoned up the courage to ask her to date me, and was enthralled when she said yes. I took her on dates, to movies, dinners, and the occasional movie at my house (which we all know what really happens then... No, not that. I was 14 you perverts). However, a few months after I turned 15, I hit a really strong depression spell. For weeks and weeks I dismissed it for being all in my head, but that only made it worse. By the time I forced myself to realize that I was depressed is when I started having anxiety attacks, and delusions. By this time, the connection between her and I was gone.
Not too long after, she called me up and said she wanted to talk. I did, and she broke up with me. You see, I never explained to her how i was really feeling inside, because I barely knew myself. Still to this day I don't know why I didn't have the courage to ask her to wait, to explain to her the demons that I was fighting. I guess it's because I didn't want her to bear the weight I had been bearing for so long. So I let her go, and lost track of her a little ways afterwards. I am now happily married to another woman, perfectly healthy in both physical and mental state, but I do think of her sometimes. I wonder where she is now, and how our lives could have been different...
He is and he isnt. I got away from him luckily as he just wanted to pick me up and then leave me whenever he wanted, but he will always be 'that one' that i will always think about and i hope that for him, i'm the one that got away
The one that I let get away. When it came down to it we could not get over distance and family. I was just getting my career going. I could not just give it up. She had her son in grade school. Plus a job and her family. When she was ready
I couldn't and when I was ready she couldn't. We were great together in every way. No matter where we were or how many people. It was just us. No sense going into more details. Not a day goes by that I don't wish I could of found a way. As hard as it was I could not insist she move and then their was her son to think about. In the end I believe
I did what was best for her.
I guess it just wasn't meant to be. Shame. She was pretty special. I thought we were on the same page, but it turned out we were reading different books.
This guy i knew not too long ago he was everything i wanted in a man but it wasnt meant to be i wish i had another chance to be with him even if it was only for one night just to hold him
She was six years younger than me and was my muse.
She was offered her dream job at the BBC, and I didnt want to clip her wings.

So I let her go. That was 15 years ago, and I still think about her pretty much everyday.
Not me but my boyfriend obviously hasn't gotten over "The One". Even though they have seperated almost eighteen or nineteen years ago.

From what I have heard about her:

*Was a girlfriend/lover of my Boyfriend's older brother

*At least six + years older then boyfriend (refered to by his friends as the old woman)

*Boyfriend's first fuck

*The song Desperados by The Eagles makes boyfriend think of her

*They broke up because boyfriend caught her fucking his best friend and also found out she was fucking some other guys.

After all she has done to him, he calls her his "TRUE" love.

I know I sound like the bitter current girlfriend but we have been dating for six and a half years. Shouldn't he just get the fuck over her? From what he has told me she sounds like a (excuse my French) putain. Really charming.

Just recently we were at a friend's house and he goes to his friend "So John, have you ever tried looking up your true love? I have and I can't find her on facebook." RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

Okay I'm ranting now but for almost six years I have been feeling like I have to compete for his love with this other ex from almost two decades ago. It gets fraustrating when he is all gloomy "Oh she was this and that and I miss her". I want him to think that way about me. To be all starry eyed and romantic sighs.

This is the bitch in me I refer to The true love of his life as the "Brother's scraps".

(Breath: Enough ranting)
Quote by Sirene_Jaune
Not me but my boyfriend obviously hasn't gotten over "The One". Even though they have seperated almost eighteen or nineteen years ago.

From what I have heard about her:

*Was a girlfriend/lover of my Boyfriend's older brother

*At least six + years older then boyfriend (refered to by his friends as the old woman)

*Boyfriend's first fuck

*The song Desperados by The Eagles makes boyfriend think of her

*They broke up because boyfriend caught her fucking his best friend and also found out she was fucking some other guys.

After all she has done to him, he calls her his "TRUE" love.

I know I sound like the bitter current girlfriend but we have been dating for six and a half years. Shouldn't he just get the fuck over her? From what he has told me she sounds like a (excuse my French) putain. Really charming.

Just recently we were at a friend's house and he goes to his friend "So John, have you ever tried looking up your true love? I have and I can't find her on facebook." RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

Okay I'm ranting now but for almost six years I have been feeling like I have to compete for his love with this other ex from almost two decades ago. It gets fraustrating when he is all gloomy "Oh she was this and that and I miss her". I want him to think that way about me. To be all starry eyed and romantic sighs.

This is the bitch in me I refer to The true love of his life as the "Brother's scraps".

(Breath: Enough ranting)

Sorry to hear your story, your current boyfriend is being a total dick, and should not be saying any of that in front of you.
In essence, what he is saying is "you are second best"!!
Not something that is very conducive to a healthy relationship.

And for me the one that got away?
Not sure, but more the feeling of, "what if" scenario.....

Your BF sounds like he is being a complete jerk, and he doesn't deserve you! I had the same problem with my ex, who always spoke about his previous ex. It got old and boring in the end, and things ended.

.. That was enough to make him realise it was actually me that he wanted, but it was too late them.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure all his next girlfriend heard about was me. He still tells me he wants me now, after 7 years.

I say your BF needs a wake up call..

What's that saying 'You don't know what you've got until it's gone?' ..
Miss Mimi.