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Date sites, yeah. But it's hard to say I looked for sex. I looked for a chat friend first and encounters were moved into some further future. I am very picky, so I made my selections well enough to enjoy amazing time and I am still friends with all of them. Oh well, I admit I knew one guy for 2 days, but I didn't make a mistake, time with him was amazing - not only sex.
I think I've never watched porn with anyone. I know it's a directed movie, even the jism is sometimes fake, so I just enjoy it as a movie. At the same time points Lia brought up are valid; there are guys who learn everything about sex from porn which gets painful in the real life LOL. Especially this deepthroating after dinner and anal sex without the lube... holy shizzle!
Geez, teens should be watching TV 24/7 so they wouldn't have time to get pregnant. Unless they did it doggystyle in front of the screen so both kids could watch.
You shattered my dreams; I was just about to finger when I saw 2862
In the meanwhile I see some vote cleaning on the front page LOL. Lush dressed up in some sexy servant outfit took a sexy broom and cleans.
Pam, I am sorry if you got some negative ones for no reason (or even if you talk in abstract), but gotta agree with Lush; it's a choice between a few comments and almost no comments... It's almost everywhere when the registration's needed... I've noticed something funny though when hanging last night on a site a bit; I mean, a new story appears (not so good IMO and later it gets proper voting anyway) the person who submitted it votes it immediately 5 ;) - like it appeared with a vote already. Quite a nice thing to boost up own ranks; gotta think about it .
Quote by A_Crowley_thebeast
LOL, I think the last few posts show where the chat room idea would go. I think chat is dying on the web and one of the most wonderful things about writing is using language and your mind to move you into erotic realms. I don't think a chat room is needed.

I do think that a more official ranking system is needed or desired. There are stories on the site with ratings of over a 100 that are choppy, lack feeling, lack emotion, filled with cardboard characters with little intensity and passion not to mention have all the erotic desire and intensity of a glory hole in a porn store. While there are stories from talented writers that quickly get knocked down to sub levels, lost in the sea of bad porn with ratings below 10. I've read some really nice work on this site, some people that deserve better attention and I love reading stories by other writers but it's hard to find good writers because the ranking system isn't helping. I ignore rankings and read through several first paragraphs. You can tell good writers from a single sentence.

I've also read stories that had fantastic ideas, creative, imaginative, erotic, but were poorly written because you can tell it's someone's first time writing. Nothing wrong with that! They need practice, a pool of friendly folk who will help them gather together their ideas and communicate them passionately. Not easy to find on the web but from what I can tell, this site has a number of them. I read the posts and you have people with fantastic senses of humor, passionate, creative and witty. Seems we just need a way to effectively have some writers retreats (orgies...oops, did I say that out loud?) and bring these great writers together.

Ok, tonight at 8pm, my house.

Seriously though, something to think about?


I was thinking about something similar today, but on the other hand, market reads what market needs. If people are into poorly written (usually LOL, but not only) wank stories with no greater thoughts and keep rating it, it means similar stories will keep appearing. Just look at normal book market, why crap like Harry Potter, The Alchemist or Da Vinci Code sell in millions while many great books remain unnoticed? Why Coldplay tops Radiohead in the charts while it's only the very poor imitation? That's the mainstream taste and it's hard to fight against it.
Oh, gotta agree with fireman, *love* stories about threesomes ;) Then, go for it Lia LOL.
Out of curiosity I would like to ask, are the quality standards only about grammar / forbidden content or is it also about if the story was good or not?
I guess rate and runners are a pain in the ass. I am yet to experience it myself; for sure it's a matter of a few days. I have no idea why people read things they don't want to read because the subject doesn't interest them .

But things go also the other way. Today I read the story and it finished with a question for improvements. It had a lot of errors, so I didn't rate it (it's not like WDC where I used to actively review a year ago and where you can re-rate), but I suggested reading it again for eliminating simple errors, so everything would have a nicer form.

I heard back the author didn't want to win a spelling contest .
It's kind of a complicated subject, because not only they are a married couple, but also you seem to spend a lot of the time with that man at work. Threesomes to me are less fucking with the body, more with the brain. It is a question if someone can mentally handle it. All the couples that I knew that had a threesome split up to a few months after - no matter for how long they have been together before it happened. Of course, there are some people who never care about anything, but most of people actually do. Sometimes they figure they do care already *during* the "action".

In case if something went wrong with their marriage, you have to answer yourself a question, would you be not only able to handle the fact you *could* have been one of the factors, but also to spend much time with your co-worker, or if one of you is psychically forced to change the job. The level of sensitivity is different for everyone, so this question is only to *you* and not anybody else. I only point out there is this kind of danger and that is not rare.

From the threesome experience I have myself, despite they were successful in sexual terms, there were always some repercussions later on. However, I had a foursome with my co-workers once and it was a great thing (except I couldn't walk later on), but it was a bit different situation. These Bulgarian guys worked at the same tennis event I did, and we were getting along really well, and we did it on the last day of our cooperation. We haven't seen each other ever since, so I don't know if or how it affected their lives, as for me, I felt fine.

Good luck making up your mind! (Ah, anyway, feel flattered you were offered this )
Will it be an orgy room then? I wonder who would have time to write the stories ;)
Haha very funny

PS. Zafia, you new avatar is spellbinding
Quote by Chase
Not sure what you were reading that indicated that, Natalia. But take comfort in knowing that they are read, appreciated, and thought about!

Reminds me, on this Halloween day in America, about Linus and his annual wait for the Great Pumpkin. How many recall? He said the Great Pumpkin would always visit the most sincere pumkin patch.

Natalia, your stories are read - perhaps not by the masses - but by some sincerely appreciative readers!!!!

Thanks for the comfort hahaha... I hope bots are having great time jerking off when they read some of the great stuff that can be found on this website ;)

Aww, 99% the bots? How come? I hoped our stories were read by the real people... I feel demolished.
Never liked lollipops when I was a kid, but now I am catching up for all times when it comes to sucking
Quote by fireman

The reason I asked this question is because I see so many hot women with guys who are not very good looking (according to other women) so I wonder what they had. Money or size. Thanks to everyone who responded. Lush great site. Just starting to get more involved than just reading the stories.

Oh, I understand now. Then again, I am not sure these golddiggers deserve to be called women over the sweet name "cum bags."

But when someone's ugly, it doesn't yet mean he doesn't have other values; once I was seeing (uh, he was even my bf...) a guy who wasn't hot at all, but exceptionally smart (and he had money, but it was irrelevant since once he didn't want to *lend* me 30$ at the end of the month knowing I would give it back after a few days; well, he was a German, what else to expect... it was the only time I asked a guy for money - in my whole life). His knowledge impressed me and I felt a bit stupid when I was with him, gotta admit. Anyway that relationship had to fail since I dated him only to make love of my life freaking jealous (pathetic, I know).
Quote by Chase
Ah, the tease comes out.

Can kinda see the necklace, but then again we can't. But we find it alluring and titillating (ok, so I like the word too much) when we cannot quite see it all. That concept has always worked for me.

By the way, Natalia, did you need some help finding whatever dropped down there?

(A scout is courteous, kind, helpful, friendly....)

I think there is another necklace hidden LOL.
lol, we have so many great guys around, why should we bother with some ugly ones? ;) I'd prefer to live with a dildo than to meet a person who doesn't match my looks & smartness expectations.

Money and cock size are secondary things for me.4z7AoPaYuURFqyhi
I've read already some of her stories and what can I say... PURE TALENT, WOW!

Life starts after 40, doesn't it?
Hahaha I hear ya! These days I cut every contact who asks me for a FFM *immediately.* I have high dignity and it's not ok for me to invite another woman, despite I am bisexual, and not hiding it. MMF doesn't work for me either; I'm a fan of fucking with someone's body, not the brain. A few months ago I was seeing a guy who was really obsessed about having a FFM. I tried to explain him why I didn't want it, but he was like deaf - no respect for my feelings at all. So, I made a plan, and made it happen. We met a Russian chick and I spoke to her about a plan, when the guy didn't hear. She liked it a lot. Overall, at first we both allowed him to touch us and so on, but later we pretended very much attracted with each other, and we kinda ignored him, kissing and caressing each other all the time. Also, I didn't stay with "my guy," but left with that Russian chick, and on the next day I texted the guy I was dating that girl from that moment on. Anyway, his face when it was happening was priceless. One of my favourite revenges ever
In my country Monty Python is very popular, I think almost everyone watches it

To answer this question, I think I would faint at first, and then I would be damn upset. Not that he was with a guy, but that he cheated on me with another person. I am not into relationships at all, but when I am seeing someone for this short time, we are just one for another, awww. That's what only would work for me.