Lisa, Ali is this like in grade school when some boy would pull your hair if he liked you? He's dropping ass charges in some weird form of flattery?? Or perhaps somebody just needs to push away the hot dogs with onions and mustart at lunch...
For myself personally, I really began to aquire my Dad's lactose intollerance into my 20's. Used to chug down milk by the gallon as a kid, but sometime after 21 or so, milk would just tear me up and give my aweful gas. The shop I was working in at the time was converted truck repair bay, so it was really big. I could clear out the whole shop. Finally figured out it was the bowl of cereal and milk for breakfast that would cause an evacutaion drill after lunch, lol. I miss my bran flakes, **sigh**
I'm not yet at the stage in life where that's necessary. If this thread's still active in 20 years, I'll tell you how it works, lol.
I supposed I'd try it if I needed it. I can't imagine going decades until I die without sex.
No. No heart attacks. That would be bad.
And I'm pretty sure the primary reason Beijing blocks porn is jealousy, akin to a systemic cultural penis inferiority complex. In other words, the wankers in the High Poombah Proletariate, or whatever Chairman Mao's current (old guy) octogenarian generation of commu-buddies are so horribly ashamed of their own paltry, unimpressive and underperforming dangly bits that they will vehemently fight to keep anyone they can excercise their "overcompensation" drive upon from access, even verbally, from any type of entertainment, education or social discussion that may remotely suggest that there are cocks in this world much more satisfacory in their design intent than theirs.
It can mean a lot of different things depending if it's your S.O., somebody that's just passing by in the bar, or Creepy Office Guy Who's Desk You Always Avoid.
But, like others have said, it's context dependent. Like many other forms of non-verbal communication.
You know, Liberator Shapes, and a few other makers, offer "play" furniture to help accomodate lovers of different sizes.
Nope. Neither Air Borne nor Air Assault. Haven't got the knees for it.
Well, I was gonna say wrong Jodie, but hey, it fits the spirit I think, LOL
But then why have the largest democracies (and constitutional monarchies) in the world been in the business of socialist programs for decades now?? LOL
A lot of it has to do with what you're choosing to share or to withhold from your partner. If, in your relationship, you know that one of the other of you likes to chat and flirt with folks, whether it be your co-workers or somebody you met online, and you're open and honest about it, it can be OK, as long as that's what you both feel is acceptable.
Some relationships have stricter rules than other. Those rules are made by one or both of the partners.
If, on the other hand, you keep secrets from your mate, then that is unacceptable. That is when it becomes infidelity, or, literally, un-faithful to your promises, either expressed or implied.
When the green lights go solid, that's when the can get's opened!!
Now, a bit of cadence calling:
C-130 rolling down the strip.
Air Borne Daddy gonna take a little trip.
Stand Up, Hook Up, Shuffle to the Door.
Jump right out and count to Four.
If my chute don't open wide,
I've got a reserve by my side.
If that one should fail me too,
Look out ground, I'm a comin' thru.
Cuz I'm Air Borne,
Fit to Fight!
Air Borne,
Exactly. Mathusela and Jezziebelle, you've both got it. It's all about context. If that is or is not your scene, you both need to know it.
If in your household you're not into reluctance play, when she says "Stop" that means let's stop here and re-evaluate what's going on, right now. Or it may mean maybe we can make this work, maybe it's time to switch gears, but don't go any further until we come to an agreement.
If Jezziebelle is getting the business end of the crop in a hot Tied Down scene, "Stop!!" means that she's getting into the role. But if she says "Pop-Corn", then the 18" mercury thermometer is going RIGHT back into it's case.
"Pop-Corn's done, that actually is huring me, baby" is a CLEAR sign it's time to get the paramedic shears out (keep those things handy!) and get her down from that lifting eye. A little play is not worth getting injured over.
Pop-Corn is, of course, just an example. The D/s side of play (or S/M for that matter) is, when done in a healthy setting, about the understanding between the two players. It takes communication, mutual understanding and a definition of what the real, hard and fast, immalleable boundaries are.
Remember: Safe, Sane, Consensual
Oh Gotte, Tina Turner. What is it about that woman that just makes my mind fog? Mmmmmm...
I hope he's got some nice cotton or linen gloves. Even woolen would be nice. Just not those cheap polyesther gloves. Those would be itchy!
Stop doesn't work if "reluctance" is part of the roleplaying. It's got to be something out of the context, but easy to remember and easy to use.
Speed Boat
Really, when's the last time you told your lover "Don't Stop cooking flapjacks on your speedboat!! Play checkers harder!!!!"
Happy Thanksgiving all!! Mine's not gonna be as nice this year. Sister in Law got in fight with Mother in Law two weeks ago, so the whole deal is off. Think I'm gonna visit one of the countries that has Thanksgiving celebration on a different day so I can reschedule, lol.
That's why I ONLY use a computer with polarized glass, ROT13 cypher, Point2Point closed loop cryptography, in a basement fall out blast room shelter, with lead lined, tin foil draped walls and curtains.
Or at work.
Y'know, that's not the first time I've seen the "Grandma" poster.
And I could, easily, go the REST OF MY LIFE without ever seeing that poster again!!!
Just saying.
Now, back to Kitties: Merlin, a 2 y.o. Grey DSH who lives in my house (long story), woke me up the other night Mrow?ing. After about a dozen, I would have sworn he left Cat Speak behind him and just said "Hello?" Kinda creepy around midnight.
Good thing I don't believe in Paranormal Activity. I'm an active debunker. And, and active spunker. So, if I'm not getting laid, I'm handling things on my own.
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
If you don't take it out and use it
It's going to rust
OK, here goes...
Twelve Drubbers Drubbing;
Eleven Poles a Spinning;
Ten Pimps a Peddling;
Nine Ladies Prancing;
Eight Maids a Man-Milking;
Seven Dancers Splitting;
Six Skanks a Laying;
Four Fake Phone Numbers;
Three French Maids;
Two Sweater Kittens;
And a Tissue tucked in my Sleeve.
OMG!!! I think this is my best work yet!
Ducky!! The Intarwebz are everywherez!!!!!1112