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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 44
United States


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Wardog
First, to the lady above me,in my opinion, the only so called "normal" people are all total head cases. In other words, I don't think that there REALLY IS such a thing as 'normal" so you can beat yourself up asking why now? But, I doubt you'll find any answer. Besides, even if you DO find an answer to that question, will it CHANGE what you WANT? No. Not to be "indelicate' here, BUT the answer to how YOU taste seems to me to be one easily answered (if you haven't already, and I'm guessing that If your husband is into oral sex too, you already KNOW! LOL) I don't KNOW but I've been told that every guys cum has an individual taste to it (and the ladies who told me definitely DO KNOW from experience.) As to women, yes; there IS a slight difference in their "aroma" and "flavor' but only a SLIGHT and subtle difference. BTW, while said husband might be tolerant of "explorations without him" initially; at some point he PROBABLY will EXPECT to be included. Otherwise he will in all likelihood feel cheated on (and rightly so. What you SHARE is just that. Shared. What you don't share IS cheating. That's why I wouldn't have a problem with a MFM IF my lady had no problems with FMF and/or FFM, but to exclude me entirely would seem selfish to me.)

As to the OP, not a dumb question; BUT as dpw states, the way you describe yourself does conform to the definition of bisexual. Being bisexual doesn't mean that EVERYONE turns you on, just that certain individuals of both sexes can have that effect on you. I mean, whether you get into guys who LOOK like guys or ladyboys doesn't change anything. If your attracted to both sexes, then yes; you ARE bi. (But, as the old joke goes, you've just doubled your chances of getting a date on Friday night! LOL)

This is one of my entirely large issues and hang ups with my situation. Thank you Wardog
Active Ink Slinger
I am Bi for sure. But I am Married to a man I love dearly who supports that and exploration. I have some personal emotional hangups about it all.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by JohnC
Isn't that what straight cross dressers do anyways? I think sometimes people try to look too deeply into kinks and fetishes. If you have no real desire to remove your male parts, or otherwise physically transform yourself into the other gender, IMO it is simply a fantasy or fetish; role play. To me it is no deeper than wishing you had been a fireman or police man and dressing up as one for sexual role play.

I am reading these responses and I am trying to formulate my own thoughts on the idea and this makes the most sense to me. Thank you kindly
Active Ink Slinger
I have not 'come out' to my Mom or my sister. My sister I think knows and just pretends she don't and as far as that goes it could be the same for my mom. My husband knows and typical of him he is thrilled and wants to 'watch'. I have always appreciated the female form and the male form. The socially accepted way to be was female and male so I suppose that is what I pursued openly. However in the past 5 years I have discovered that I would really love to get to know the side of me that was always suppressed and not surprisingly I have my husbands full support. I have had a minor relationship with a very liberal gay rights female and it scared me away from it all on top of that I also struggle with the fact that I took vows with my husband.
My children I am sure know as well however I do not think they understand what it all means. I do not like people to push and pull at me about anything in my life and this subject is so touchy on two levels for me that it is difficult for me to understand what is considered normal or just crazy. I guess it's a start but now I am 'out' to total strangers.
Active Ink Slinger
Welcome to Lush soldier. Be safe and smart and take the affection and high hopes of this community with you where ever you go. heart
Active Ink Slinger
If you have a friend in the medical field you can go get an IV bag of saline. That is the quickest most healthy remedy. You are hung over because your body is severely dehydrated. I recommend soaking in water while drinking lemon water and tea.
Active Ink Slinger
Arrogance (blantant)
Lack of Intelligence
Poor humor
Poor hygene
hell sometimes it's a single word or phrase
but most of everything that has been listed so far makes sense
Active Ink Slinger
Morning at the moment!!! Montana United States. Yes yes, the full moon and the autumn equinox all together this weekend. I will be taking some photos and spending some much needed time out with the family and in our beautiful yard.
Active Ink Slinger
Sapiosexual--- what does this mean? Without looking it up! LOL This is one of the ways I am.
Active Ink Slinger
Up until a few months ago. I would choose sleep over sex every time. As of recently though I have chosen sex and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Active Ink Slinger
I am new to Lush Stories and I just wanted to introduce myself. I have taken the handle Moonbaby here on this website. I joined because I have enjoyed reading the stories that are featured when I search for something entertaining to read. I have been very curious about the people here and I know I can learn something new at the very least every day. I have not updated my profile with all my information yet because I am still trying to get acquainted with all the ways I can communicate with people through this site.

I have been deep into a Role playing communities for the last 13 years, through those I have been able to express my love for writing. I have also made a few long time friends and learned that I have interests in all kinds of things sexual. I do not know what my specific kinks are and I slowly find my way to the ones I do not care for at all by exploring. Many stories on the site have been interesting and intriguing and very well written. I just wanted to check it all out and learn new things and I hope everyone can handle the psychoness that is me. Thanks for being here!
Active Ink Slinger
I am new to Lush Stories and I just wanted to introduce myself. I have taken the handle Moonbaby here on this website. I joined because I have enjoyed reading the stories that are featured when I search for something entertaining to read. I have been very curious about the people here and I know I can learn something new at the very least every day. I have not updated my profile with all my information yet because I am still trying to get acquainted with all the ways I can communicate with people through this site.

I have been deep into a Role playing communities for the last 13 years, through those I have been able to express my love for writing. I have also made a few long time friends and learned that I have interests in all kinds of things sexual. I do not know what my specific kinks are and I slowly find my way to the ones I do not care for at all by exploring. Many stories on the site have been interesting and intriguing and very well written. I just wanted to check it all out and learn new things and I hope everyone can handle the psychoness that is me. Thanks for being here!
Active Ink Slinger
My Kitty Sezsa, she was ferel last week live caught near a grain elevator this week she is out of her cage and hassling me with her body all over my computer purring so hard that she is slobbering every where.
Active Ink Slinger
The moon is my decante in my horoscope. So I am a MoonBaby.
Active Ink Slinger
I think I could find a connection with an escort but it wouldn't be the regular type of escort date or several dates. More than anything I think I would use them for company more so than sex. However, I suppose if it was common practice I would trust the credentials that said my escort was clean and good. smile