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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 53
0 miles · Lanark


Happy birthday, dear! Hope you have a marvellous day!

Quote by Simmerdownchick
Pigs cannot look up, they don't have necks. Also, more vegatarians fall off the wagon for bacon over any other meat. Could this be a coincidence? I think NOT!

Pigs can look up, they just tend not to...
Finding money I didn't realise I had, going shopping and treating myself, oh and getting to spend the rest of the week with my special guy... Doesn't get much better than that!!
Nervous about putting your arm around your date?

Try counting shoulders!

I'm fairly sure that I may have posted this before but I would really like it if, when someone replies to a comment, that I've left on a story, it would show on my "what you've missed" page.

I rarely go back to a story once I've read it or left a comment, so it's easy to miss any reply that may have been added to my comment...

Quote by Dancing_Doll
Tonight's episode made me do the 'ugly cry'. I can't even believe they did what they did.

Ugh! I've not seen the episode yet, it airs here tonight...

I shall avoid this thread until I have (I have been told it's a MUST watch though)

It's easy to save a draft on Lush!! I'll find you the link to thread which explains that...

For your profile pic, it's probably easiest to upload it to your gallery but you can keep it hidden so that you are the only one who can see it...

I'll go find that link for you


This should give you an idea of how to save your story so that you can pick it up and edit it.

If you do submit your story and it doesn't get approved first time, don't be disheartened but make sure to make your changes on your saved story - that way the moderators can see the changes you've made because they will be highlighted within the text - if you copy and paste the text back in, it will lose all of that tracking and they will have to verify the whole thing again!! (they hate that BTW)

welcome to Lush


Well, I'm late to the thread but I DID wish you happy birthday on the day!

Hope it was a good one, hon

Quote by Magical_felix

Actually... Humor will only work if it's funny.

The two Nazi jokes and this thread are just not funny. I get the Nazi jokes but they just didn't make me laugh. This thread is just nothing though. There is no joke, no wit, nothing. It just comes off like a crazy person thinking everyone is stalking her.

Have to agree with MF and Liz here - this thread seems like a two fingers up to some Lushie who's caused offence...

It certainly doesn't float my boat and I don't find it amusing in any way...

There's already a 'rage expressed through gifs' thread somewhere around these parts - that would be a more appropriate place for this stuff, IMHO

Yay!!! Mine has updated and seems to be back to normal now smile
Yup, the last thing on my newsfeed is that a friend commented on a story almost two days ago...

I've tried logging out then back in as that sometimes fixes it, but not this time...

It's stuck!!
Quote by Mysteria27

Thank you for telling me. I didn't know that.

Also, if you place your text between underscores _ _ it will be in italics
Hi there, it sounds like you have the story quite well planned out.

I would suggest that you concentrate on the three of them in the story and how the relationship takes off (with maybe a small mention of the desire for children) and then write a second part where you tackle the impregnation subject. It feels like they could easily be two separate stories...

Happy birthday Rachel, all the very best for a wonderful day!!


The aftermath...

Quote by kiera

I wrote a poem about chocolate?

Well you'd have to write a NEW one!! biggrin
Quote by ChuckEPoo
Ok here's my list.


True Stories


Old Young



Fan Fiction

And how about a new talent comp where Mods and previous winners can't enter. Kinda like the Jr. Tournament at Wimbledon.

Fan fiction isn't allowed but I like the idea of Mystery...

How about food? That could be a broad category but very fun...
I noticed that too - my profile page was showing the same stuff for ages and then I was locked out of the forums and unable to post there.

I logged out of the site and logged back in and everything seems to be working just fine again!
Quote by stephanie


xx SF

(WHO writes PORN about WEDDINGS??? That isn't even A THING!!!)

Actually, as wedding stories go, this one was wonderful!! EP and everything!!!

Did you not pen a wee wedding story Steph?? As I recall, I did a wicked audio for it...

I think weddings would be a good topic though.

I thought the poetry comp was good last time, with lots of entries from people who normally wouldn't have taken part in something like that, so it was very inclusive... Maybe another poetry one but with trickier entry requirements? Or maybe a story with a poem in it, or even introducing it or something? (if that makes sense?)

I liked the Flash category too.

I like it when the authors put really clever takes on comp ideas and make them their own.

These days I find it hard to sit down and read a longer story so, shorter entries would be more desirable for me personally...

In saying that, I've not entered a comp or even written a thing in ages so I might well kill the thread...