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12 hours ago
Straight Female, 42


At the Halloween party, the strobe lighting made a monstrous montage; Murder victims, mummies and masked chainsaw wielders.

At the bar, I met a tall, handsome guy dressed like a vampire. We kissed after thirty minutes. Two hours later, we were undressing.

I’d assumed they went for the neck, a fatal error. 

I was enjoying the oral sex. A stinging pain, like a doctor’s needle, to my left thigh. Lost. 

My competition entry is up, so I'm turning back to my attempt to win the omnium badge. I've got a cross-dressing scenario I really like, but I just realised I'm at nearly 3000 words and no-one has got laid yet, even if the bedroom door has just closed! I think I need to get to the point a bit faster with this one!

Quote by WannabeWordsmith

"A fringe goal I decided earlier this year is to reach the Prolific badge and shoot for Omnium, though I know a couple of categories are going to be a real struggle. "

As I labour through my watersports story, trying to hide my disdain but.only 4 genres from omnium, I can relate to this sentence completely!

I don't really have goals as such. But I can imagine that if the day comes when I have an EP, a competition win and omnium badge, maybe millionaires club too, I might feel I've, so to speak, 'completed the game' and taken Lush as far as I can, if that makes sense? But since I don't have any of them, you're stuck with me for a while I guess 😅

Quote by JustForYou

I suppose it depends on what you're looking to achieve and how important it is to you. A badge, writing outside your comfort zone, a sense of pride in an ability to rise to a challenge, Some, all, or none of these might apply to you, but any reason would be your reason, which makes it right, I could only write in a small number of categories, but I'm as happy with doing that as those who want to cover a broad spectrum, whatever the driving force is behind the choices made. Good luck in getting where you'd like to be.

Thank you! I know omnium isn't for everyone, and many will be put off by some of the categories. But I set my heart on it about six months ago and I've come this far...might as well finish the marathon!

I sent a MILF story to the mods today. I'm so close to winning the omnium badge, but I'm down to genres that I have no experience of or, frankly, sexual interest in. Femdom, cross dressing and watersports! Perhaps I'll wait and see what the next competition is!

The scene in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" where the clock that turns the wrong way is unveiled. The mysterious clockmaker gives a speech explaining that he hoped if time went backwards, all the sons, including his, would come home from the war, and all the men remove their hats out of respect. It's very early in the film, but it hooked me absolutely to the story.

The Japanese film "Ikiru", (To Live), by Akira Kurosawa is pretty obscure in Europe. But everyone I know who has seen it found it thoughtful and moving.

Congratulations, ShyThespian! Yours was my favourite entry, so I'm glad you won! And thanks to all the other writers who submitted, that was a really fun competition!

I'm working on my femdom story, which is requiring more research than I'd anticipated

In my younger days, I did. After nine years of marriage and now in my forties, my flirting opportunities are few and far between these days😅

Has erotica on Lush or pornography affected your real sex life?

I'm polishing my 'uniform' genre story, which is Olympics inspired and, I think, a fairly original concept.

Quote by john456berry

I dreamed up a completely new story the other day and scribbled down a bunch of notes, scenes, characters and back story - the way I like to jot my notes before I start. It is loosely titled "the family business" and is a three generation tale, told by the youngest daughter growing up. Absolutely nothing sexual until she turns 17 when the reality of the lies, and misdirections she has been led to believe are explained by her plain talking Nan. She tells her that the family hotel was really a series of brothels, that mum has worked there for years, and her older sister also works there and gave up on university and now they want her to work there too.

It sounds different enough to warrant writing, but having set it all from her viewpoint, I fear it would be a longish story before any sexual content arrived, if at all. Do any more experienced readers and writers think this may be one to leave in the notepad and let it sleep peacefully?

Just an idea, but consider making this a flashback story, told by the daughter as an old woman looking back on her unusual family situation and how it was revealed to her.

I didn't have a timer running, but it was a minute of my life I'll never get back🤣

I recommend "Fucking with Art", which is a collaboration between kimmibegood and WannabeWordsmith. I read it and loved it when it came out. Today I learned it has won a well deserved editors pick award. Don't miss it!

I read this when it came out and loved it, but I didn't realise it had won an EP. Congratulations, Kimmi and WannabeWordsmith!

With the series feature, Novel feels redundant, unless you change word limit rules just for that category and allow 'novelists' to submit 30k + word stories.

Quote by Magical_felix

Harris is pro Israel too, unfortunately. Harris winning would be devastating to your plan of Trump winning so that he can create so much chaos the Green Party will take over in the future.

I actually think the Greens (or another third party) doing well is exactly what America needs. The Democrats and Republicans are both so deep in the pockets of corporations and billionaires it's embarrassing.

Labouring through 2 stories, Watersports and Uniform at the same time, and I have my idea for Femdom. But, honestly, I'm down to genres I have no experience of in real life and I'm finding it hard going at the moment.

Innocent. Thought about it but never done it.

You've performed sex acts in a cinema during a film.

Innocent. Has your real life sex life ever been influenced by Lush stories or pornography?

Innocent, but I have been (mildly) injured during sex.

You have changed your mind about someone you were attracted to when you learned their political beliefs.

It's good news that someone clearly too old has stood aside. 81 is too old to be president whatever party you stand for, and that includes Trump, 78 now and 82 in four years. But how did it take this long for the Left and the Democrats to unite behind the idea that it's time for the next generation?

It's amazing how one man creates so much sound and fury while being personally so shallow and inarticulate. Trump the man has never concerned me as much as the industries of adulation and hatred, both out of all proportion to anything he's actually done, that have led to this terrible day. Thank God he survived, which is not to say I hope he becomes president again.

Quote by SusanQuiet04

Are we allowed multiple entries?

Some genres on Lush positively encourage multiple entries as I understand it😉

I'm holding my nose and giving "Watersports" a go. Seriously, no interest, no idea why it attracts people. But I'm six genres from omnium so I kind of have to😒 I'll do my best to make it work!

I've resurrected an idea I had a long time ago for the contest. It's about as silly as it gets, but I'm having fun writing it!