Just curious, if you have goals with your writing on Lush, what are they? To hit a particular stat on stories or your profile? Earn a certain badge? Win a competition? Or something else? Or maybe nothing—you just love to write with no expectations or feedback needed.
My goals have evolved. When my late boyfriend brought me here, I just wanted to see if I could get published. Then I did, and I wanted to see if anyone would like my writing enough to leave a comment. They did. Then my bf passed, and I needed something to focus on so I decided to go for the Omnium badge. Got it.
And early on, I was drawn to competitions and still love the comradry felt with other authors in comps. A remaining goal is to continue to try to write a good story to the competition themes. A bigger goal is to write unique storylines and characters that I’ve not read before… and hope a few appreciate my efforts.
Please, share your goals. Sharing can maybe help you meet them! ❤️