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Authors, what are your goals in writing here?

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Quote by KimmiBeGood

I remember your husband and loved his writing! He used to drop in Rump’s Bar and spoke of you with obvious love!

I have told him this - and he is touched. I am a very lucky woman, too, even if his creative temperament is like this. One day, I will win and persuade him to write again.

This is my collection of muses and stories. Stories of note include:

Little Bird - A true story of submission and dominance set in Paris between an older couple and their younger lover.

Le Weekend - Six lives intertwined during one weekend create events that change their lives forever.

My original goal was to find a site that protected my work and didn't mirror my stories to sites I never intended to publish on.

What I found here on Lush were readers and writers interacting. Actual feedback! I loved that.

Then I read a competition theme that fired my imagination. The competitions are a great muse for me. I suspend all other projects to get those out. My current goal is to place in one.

Action conquers fear!

I created Purdy with a singular goal—to carve out a space away from the noise of the world, away from pressures and expectations, where I could let my imagination soar and enjoy creating a story I’m proud of.

Know whenever you see me publish, I’ve accomplished that goal.

Looking at statistics can mess with my mind, so I don’t do it or have a friends list. As posted on my profile, all are free to reach out to me.

There’s one forum where I keep track of the categories because I’m working toward the Prolific Writer badge, but it’s just for fun. No pressure or timeline to get there. It’s super fun for me to really let my imagination loose and try to create a different type of story in a category.

Lush brings me mental peace.

Seeing my latest development step, Maria's Countdown, up on the site makes me very happy, Not perfect, by any means, but the sense of achievement feeling is one I still enjoy and celebrate. Whatever you're striving to achieve, I know the feeling you get when you do get there and that's true whatever level you're writing at. I can't rid myself of the annoying baggage of brain injury, but striving to be the best I can be? I'll keep that up as long as I can draw breath.

to make tons of money!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

I mean, I would be lying if I didn't pay attention to the numbers going up on my stories and enjoying it haha. But I suppose that isn't particularly the goal. I mostly like coming up with ideas and just writing them. I ended up coming here because I needed a place to post the first story I was working on at the time. Feedback is also always welcome, but not necessarily the goal.

I do enjoy the idea of the competitions, although I haven't participated in them as much as I'd like. I kind of come and go as my motivation to write swings. But I always hope to catch one when I'm around.

I also have to thank the editors for giving tips and reminders when I inevitably submit something that is wrong in some way LOL. I do feel like my writing has improved, especially during my latest flurry of story writing.

Naked! Birthday novella, part 1: Naked Birthday: Chapters 1 - 3 | Lush Stories

A new challenge met with the submission of my longest story to date. Longer pieces present their own challenge for me, in terms of keeping everything on track and making what I hope works uncomplicated enough for me to manage. Pippa's Journey was fun to write and it will always feel special to get to this point for me.

Quote by JourneyYoung

I mean, I would be lying if I didn't pay attention to the numbers going up on my stories and enjoying it haha. But I suppose that isn't particularly the goal. I mostly like coming up with ideas and just writing them. I ended up coming here because I needed a place to post the first story I was working on at the time. Feedback is also always welcome, but not necessarily the goal.

I do enjoy the idea of the competitions, although I haven't participated in them as much as I'd like. I kind of come and go as my motivation to write swings. But I always hope to catch one when I'm around.

I also have to thank the editors for giving tips and reminders when I inevitably submit something that is wrong in some way LOL. I do feel like my writing has improved, especially during my latest flurry of story writing.

Reading something and knowing you could have written it yourself! In this case, it's regarding those who steer us on the right path when we need it and feedback. The numbers, viewing-wise? I see them, but they're not a factor in what I do, although a couple of words of encouragement is a boost, when they appear, for sure, The moment chaotic thought makes sense for long enough to weave a story around it? As good as any in the process for me.

The Meaning Of Trust is up on the site and the sense of achievement feels the same. A few things different this time in the approach, but that just made the satisfaction of getting it up there feel even more special.

My goal is purely to explore my own sexual fantasies. All my stories are my own sexual fantasies, things I've fantasized about for a long time, or things I want to try or experience. For me this is a way to try and understand myself, and where these desires come from, as well as exploring and discovering any potential new desires or fantasies I might have. And I get a huge kick out of the idea of people reading how depraved my fantasies can be.

Personally, I have the stories so this is an ideal forum to test how they are received by other readers. I take on board all comments to help improve my writing. thanks to those who have made comment. I am hoping for bigger things in 2025

I am too often sitting in a lab waiting and watching as some experiment is proceeding, or overseeing students while they work, or managing my way through my own work and networking. My mind starts to wander, and I close my eyes and relive some of the incredible and fun things I've done - places I've been, guys I've known and blown, the sex I had this morning and/or last night, people I've met and want to get to know better - and a daydream starts and morphs into a short story. If I have my laptop or tablet handy, I open up an encrypted Word doc and start writing. I know I'm on the right track with something when I start feeling horny and "moist"...