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1 week ago
Pan Male, 54
0 miles · Cairns


My partner Trans and self medicated for about 1 yr with tables that were 3,700 mg. She notice a small change. In reality, it depends on genes. If your mother was smaller breasted, then the likely hood of your boobs growing big is false. You would need augmentation to achieve what you want. So in saying, we have noted that if mother had bigger boobs, gene wise using Estrogens would give you bigger boobs.

Hope that makes some sense.

I am a pansexual guy/fluid person who loves the feeling of cum on my body. Like it on my chest, belly or pumped over my cock or ass. With the right person, I love having cum inside hot..

I have a wonderful loving relationship with a Trans lady who has had SRS but she loves the same, cum on her and in her hot ass!! We are both Poly Am so like to play with selected others. 😃

I'm in a relationship with a Post Op Transgender woman. Seriously, for me, being pansexual, I don't really think about a person's genitals. I want to get to know the person, not what they have between their legs. When the subject come up, sure, we discuss as it should be with out derogatory terms. We are evolving daily and now live together, (2023) always talking about stuff. She is had her SRS and it can be challenging for us as dilating is a huge part of her life for the first few years. We both enjoy anal sex. I just want her to be happy and be the woman she already is. 😊

It's 2022 and bareback is an option ( always was, just like wearing a condom is an option). There is a great product called PReP which kills HIV in the body. I have entered into a great relationship with a poly amorous trans woman and she is on PReP, I'm looking to go get onto the product too as poly am is appealing to me even though I'm quite new at it. In Australia to get on PREP you have to have blood tests every 6 weeks before your script can be filled. It's a great incentive to test for STIs.

I'm a pansexual guy, I like to be clean shaved under my cock and a bit of hair above. My trans girl likes it that way and I agree totally. For me, I'm not into much public bush on anyone. Have seen and done with bushy, was ok but prefer groomed or shaved.

Fist time, no, she was an older woman and wanted to experience what we did. I was younger and not experienced. Was my first time with a female lover.

Well, it's 2022 now and they have this great product called PReP which pretty much effectively kills the HIV virus when it's encountered. I am not on it as yet but my trans partner is and is Polyam. I only have had sex with her bareback and she is a frequent tester for any STIs. I intend to use PREP at some stage as in the moment, bareback may happen with another lover I may meet. PReP does not protect against syphilis or gonorrhoea tho so you do have to make sure the other party has no SDIs. I don't have sex first meeting anyway, I have to get to know someone first before going the next step then there are records you can show of tests done etc.

I like a few tatts on a person. Although I have to admit I have seen a few thigh pieces on females which are a real turn on.

So for me, yeah, I like them. I only have one myself of a Dragon, but yes I like tattoos.

I have used Nair hair removal. Its not really designed for the groin but I did it anyway lol. Shaving is best for me these days. Next time you are at the chemist, have a look at some of the products on offer. You can always google and look for use on sensitive skin and or the groin area.
Best of luck.
I live in Cairns, had to go onto the website and re order a ballot paper, still waiting to vote Yes....
I'm an Ambivert, i like to feed off extroverts from time to time but i like my own introverted time to myself as well. I'm currently in a relationship with an Introvert who is quite shy when out in public. At her home or mine she is in her safe place and i like that. I feel fine to be like that. I can be introverted at times or extroverted. Makes for challenges that is for sure. ?
Gosh, there are some great replies to the subject here.
For myself, it has taken a lifetime of emotions, sexual adventures, love with men and women, Transsexual people and lots of reading both here and through medical facts etc. I have consulted with psychologists, and psychiatrists and eventually seeing sexuality counseling to finally state that i identify as Pansexual.
This really throws a spanner in the works and has its own sets of challenges everyday.
At the moment i am in a relationship with a lady who is straight. I have spoken with her truthfully on who i am. At the moment it is working however i still often love to read the stories on here of the LGTBTI as it is who i am. It is at times difficult to be in a straight relationship when you have views and political on same sex marriage and just being accepted for who you are and being in a relationship with whoever, male, female, trans, Intersex etc all has challenges but if you love the one you are with.....
The folks on here have shown me that all things are possible & love is out there for everyone.
Keep being true to yourself. My philosophy and mantra is Being, Right Here, Right Now...
Hello everyone. This is my first post but i have been reading stories by lots of folks on here for years. Please keep up the great writing. One day i hope to add mine.
Anyway, was wondering if any guys or pre op Transsexual ladies have tried using the female condom for anal sex. Reason I'm asking is i have a guy who says that in the past if he uses a condom he blows soon after. He is a bi guy and we have had lots if oral. I have fucked him but only with condoms. He wants to return the favour. I would like to try the female condom inside me but not sure if it will work for anal. What do u folks think?
Thankx heaps in advance.
Luxman. Xo
Wow, it's a tricky question for me. I am at XXY chromosome guy and have male & female emotions and actions. I consider my self as Intersex by way of the definition of above chromosome arrangement. I like either male or female. I have recently just in the last yr or so learned what Intersex was and now identify as such. I don't have a preferance for either men or woman. If I find you attractive and you are male, female, transvestite, cross dresser or Transsexual & you have that attraction to me then lets go for it.
This is me though... and I am happy with who i am.
I was with my wife at the time and her boyfriend. He came in her and i got right in straight after. Was something I have always wanted to do and i enjoyed it. Would do it again with the right lady but would have to know her and the guy well for it to happen.
Mmmm, that would be so great. Hope it will happen ☺
Yep, i shave my own cock and balls. Mostly because where i live is quite warm and having hair on that area starts to itch when it heats up down there. I was experimental some yrs back and have just kept going. I love it when I'm hard and my lover licks over my smooth skin. My ass is hair free also most of the time. I experimented with cross dressing and shaved the are to be more feminine. I loved it. I appriciate cds, trans etc or anyone who wishes to be shaved or bald below. So much better for oral pleasures. Also, there is hair removal cream at the chemist, use the one for intimate areas.
Hi there, this is my first post on here. I have tried a few Chinese herbs and or pills just recently. I have tried these pills called
Yang da wang..funny title i know but great for guys and gals alike. My ex wife and i use them and she has said that her orgasms seem more powerful, she lubricates better and her drive is more. We have a great friendship even now which is great so she tells me how this product works for her. As for me, well I'm a big fan. Its called herbal Viagra in some circles.
i will try to find a link to paste on here is anyone is interested. Cheers and good sex to all. ☺