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Scarlet Seductress
Quote by sensual_pleasures
Oh, and could we make it a requirement that authors at least have an avatar if not a completed profile before their stories get posted?

Scarlet Seductress
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Greetings to all the assemble and dis-assembled lifeforms who enter.

Mr Rumps, I've always been curious... what Lush username would you have picked if you were Jewish?

Scarlet Seductress
The site runs a bunch of different scheduled scripts. These do all the daily maintenance aspects of running the site. I assume the slowdowns or times when the site becomes unresponsive are the short periods when the scripts run. Gav could confirm.

If that is the case, these is no ‘good’ time to run them as people visit Lush from all over the world and from every time zone. Waiting 5-10 minutes and refreshing the page usually works.
Scarlet Seductress
I think Kistin‘s question has been answered. Why don’t we leave it there please..
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by kistinspencil
Given that some readers here use these scores for story selection, it seems that they should be accurate in fairness to all the writers.

They are.

Firstly, if you are relying on those little bar charts at the bottom of the stories to work out what scores have been awarded then you’re wasting your time. They don’t show enough detail to work that out.

Second, the scores are calculated as trimmed mean averages. That means that the highest and lowest score values are excluded incrementally. That prevents the extremes from unfairly influencing the traditional mean and gives you a more accurate weighted score.

Your example of “twenty-one 5's / one 4 = 4.95 > shows as 4.95” is more likely to be:

20 x 5
2 x 4

If you remove the top and bottom scores you’re left with:

19 x 5
1 x 4

So, 19 x 5 is 95, plus the 4 equals 99. Divide that by 20 votes and you get 4.95, which is correct.
Scarlet Seductress

Christopher Plummer, Sound of Music star and oldest actor to win an Oscar, dies aged 91

Christopher Plummer, the dazzlingly versatile Canadian actor whose screen career straddled seven decades, including such high-profile films as The Sound of Music, The Man Who Would Be King and All the Money in the World, has died aged 91.

His family confirmed the news, saying he died peacefully at home in Connecticut with his wife of 53 years, Elaine Taylor, by his side.

Lou Pitt, his longtime friend and manager of 46 years said:

“Chris was an extraordinary man who deeply loved and respected his profession with great old fashion manners, self deprecating humour and the music of words. He was a national treasure who deeply relished his Canadian roots. Through his art and humanity, he touched all of our hearts and his legendary life will endure for all generations to come. He will forever be with us.”
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by fuzzy1954
And Liz you will be happy that my poetry is much shorter than The Mahabharata, which comes in at 1.8 million words.

Scarlet Seductress
Quote by Meagananne1986
How about a badge for the best first-time Competition writer. One way, perhaps, of getting new writers to take the plunge and enter competitions? I understand the purpose of the competitions, but many new writers are discouraged from entering because they believe they don't they have a chance. By recognizing the first-time writer, such a badge would at least show them that we appreciate stepping outside of their comfort zone.

That's not a bad idea. What would you call it?

Quote by Twisted_Skald
For myself I'd suggest Barfly as a badge.
It's hard being a new writer, especially when you get knocked back because you're submission doesn't meet the standard. I'm pretty sure almost everyone got their first submission rejected, or they're bloody more talented then I am.
Joining the community in Rumps bar made the journey far more pleasant.

Ideally, any new badges would be something automated in order to minimise any additional workload on the admin team. Something Gav can basically program and then forget about. Awarding a badge for participation in a specific forum thread I don't think would be viable because of the probable volume.

And you're right about getting knocked back. I had my first submission rejected when I joined Lush.
Scarlet Seductress
Anyone have any ideas for new badges that newer members to Lush could attain?
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by curvygalore
Coming right up! Can I tempt you to a brownie or 3 while I'm at it?

I would love to nibble your brownies. biggrin
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by curvygalore
Morning, Lizzie! Fancy a cuppa?

Oh god yes. Cup of tea, please.

Scarlet Seductress
Quote by JamesLlewellyn
Oh Boy! Something I'm really no good at!

I don't know why but your avatar keeps reminding me of Christopher Lambert in Highlander...

Just thought I'd mention it for no particular reason. smile
Scarlet Seductress

Captain Sir Tom Moore dies at 100 after testing positive for Covid

Captain Sir Tom Moore, the second world war veteran who raised almost £39m for NHS charities during the first coronavirus lockdown in spring 2020, has died aged 100 after testing positive for coronavirus.

His daughters, Hannah and Lucy, confirmed Moore’s death in a statement.

They said: “It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our dear father, Captain Sir Tom Moore. We are so grateful that we were with him during the last hours of his life; Hannah, Benjie and Georgia by his bedside and Lucy on FaceTime.

“We spent hours chatting to him, reminiscing about our childhood and our wonderful mother. We shared laughter and tears together.

Scarlet Seductress
Quote by Curious_Laura
How does one delete a person from your followers list?

If you're talking about the people that follow you as an author, you don't. It's up to them who they follow.

If you're talking about unfollowing an author, you can do this on their profile page. I think it's in the 'interact with' section.
Scarlet Seductress
Put it in the fridge for a while first then use a serrated knife. Don't apply too much pressure. Use a gentle sawing action.

Or buy it ready sliced. smile
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by elecombc
I don't have a good imagination for it is only nonfiction stories for me and all of my stories are written about my wife's experiences in and out of public with guys trying to see her naked or take advantage of her.

What's your question?
Scarlet Seductress
Congratulations to Tamara, Jake, Mags and to the rest of the runners up!

Good show!
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by Lucky_lildragonfly
Hi, I recently saw a offensive comment on one of my stories. It doesn’t break lush rules, but it’s personal offensive to me. My question is....Why can’t we delete offensive comments on the comment section to our stories? Is there a way we can delete them ourselves?

No, members cannot delete comments on their own stories. The reason this feature does not exist is that it would inevitably end up being abused by some people.

Please drop the moderating team a message via the contact page if you feel a story comment should be removed - we would be happy to oblige if we feel it is warranted.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by sprite
i am still working on my Lord of the Bukkake trilogy...

The Fellowship of the Cock
the Two Cum Showers
The Return of the Bukakke

I'll have words with anyone who defiles the sacred scriptures.

Scarlet Seductress
If a profile page does not load but the member's forum posts are still there then that member has deactivated their account.

Sprite probably just needed a break. smile
Scarlet Seductress
Awesome competition idea!

I wish Dancing_Doll were here though. sad

She would absolutely murder this.

Scarlet Seductress
Quote by GrushaVashnadze
Help, please! I went to give kistinspencil's "My Working Weekend" a "5" but accidentally clicked on "4". I then clicked "change" and gave it a "5" but it seems not to have registered.

This story really deserves a "5" - at least! Is there any way I can make sure she gets it?

Thank you, and apologies for the hassle!


I have fixed this for you.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by LakeShoreLimited
Thank you, I'll consider it. An edited story has to be reapproved again, correct? I don't think I've done one on this site. I know on another site it takes them a week, so it has to be something big for me to bother with it.

They do need to be reapproved but we get to them pretty quick. Moderators will be able to see that the story has already been approved once and is only back in the queue for an edit. It won't even need reading again by a mod as the changes are highlighted in the text for our convenience.