Heighten the stakes, cross genres and categories, and always be true to your characters.
Also, it helps to edge a bit as you choreograph the sex. ;)
Happy belated birthday! I hope it was gorgeous!
I'm looking forward to reading for fun soon, especially with those teasers!
Adagio... that's a bit creepy. ?
A bit of coffee for me. I've been so productive today!
Someone showed me this last year (I think--my memory is shot these days). Go to the red bar up top and hover over the magnifying glass, then click "authors." Find your name and voila. You'll see your collective read views.
Also, 5 million views is shockingly amazing. Well done!
If I'm this open sexually and someone still goes behind my back, they're immediately my past.
Just had to scrap my comp story because I realized it was too boring. Lol I brainstormed and might have another idea now. I hope I can push it through!
Packing for my hike to camp outing this weekend. I'm a bit stressed and hope I pack everything... there's no turning back!
Lots of coffee for me!
You are a fucking psycho. Its past time for me to go. Bye, bitch.
Coffee, please. I'm taking the easy dish to Thanksgiving: bean salad. There's always too much to eat anyway so I'm not ashamed. Also, I volunteered for clean up duty.
Holy shit, I have an idea and some words down. I might be able to enter this!
(I feel like I always say this and end up taking too long. Lol)
Not as a planned event, but it happened.
Ever been to a nude beach?
Have you ever had group sex?
Quite honestly, if I have writer's block, I read something(s) from an author I love. It stirs something in my mind and I want to write in response.
EDIT: and everything Vanessa said, of course.