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21 hours ago
Fluid Female
United States


Quote by vanessa26
Don't worry if things aren't perfect Just go for it, I am sure you'll surprise yourself. smile

Preach! No story is perfect, so don't get bogged down in that so much you don't write or publish. Just do your best. Writing is much like life: if you don't try, you'll never succeed.

Also, before it's on the front page it goes through verifiers who will point you in the right direction if it's too off the mark to publish and there is no shame in that if it happens. My first story here was rejected. Lush offers all writers, amateur and not, an opportunity to share their stories. smile
Heighten the stakes, cross genres and categories, and always be true to your characters.

Also, it helps to edge a bit as you choreograph the sex. ;)
I work with this beautiful, smart woman who has been with a loser for too many years. She has bruises rotating each day, everywhere you can see. I'm sure she gives it as good as she gets it, but I really wish she'd get out. I don't think she understands her worth. Pretty sure there's nothing I can do unless she's ready to go, but any advice is welcome. heart

Fuzzy, your horse is gorgeous. The weather too, as long as I'm not stuck in it or have to shovel. ;)

Verbs, damn. I'm so sorry for your loss. You were so lucky to have your dad. I feel like that's cliche to say, that doesn't make it less true. Great men stand out. You do too, and probably with some thanks to a few people like him. The great people that surround us elevate us higher than we ever know.

Chardonnay for me. I love the chill nature of you guys here--thank you Mr Rumps.
Quote by seeker4

It is a sombre night for Canadian rock fans (meaning both Canadians who are fans of rock music and all fans of Canadian rock music). We found out today that Neil Peart, drummer and lyricist for Rush, passed away from brain cancer earlier in the week. He was one of the best drummers ever and a masterful lyricist to boot. A toast to the great band in the sky, which just got its new drummer.

He was a famous drummer, not just in Canada. Damn.

White wine. A toast to Mr Peart.
Today I'm celebrating five years after the surgery that allowed me to walk and be a functional human being again. It's not without pain, but I try to keep in shape to help manage it. Also, you're never more adventurous than after you've been given a second chance. Anyone ever done ice climbing? biggrin

A round for everyone, on me.
Quote by sprite

even on the best of years, i am always looking forward, not back. smile

Me too, girl. Unless you've walked by and I have to check out that ass. ?
I'm looking forward to reading for fun soon, especially with those teasers!

Adagio... that's a bit creepy. ?

A bit of coffee for me. I've been so productive today!
I've about got my rough draft finished! I might actually make the cut off for the comp! lol it's a shame how slow a writer I am. I irritate myself, because I can't read anything for fun until my rough draft is done and this nerd loves to read.

Red wine for me! Surprise me. biggrin
I like this one! It's been a hell of a year, so it's a great idea to pick out things I'm proud of.

1. Learned how to begin to fight insurance companies and the giant healthcare system.
2. Went to Alaska and hiked to a glacier and inside ice caves.
3. Saved. Money, people, animals.
4. Began the Lisa Challenge, doing a submission here at Lush at least once a month since February and will complete the year of doing that next month.
5. Backpacked in the wilderness on an island with girlfriends.
6. Won a series award for This Side of Nowhere.
Someone showed me this last year (I think--my memory is shot these days). Go to the red bar up top and hover over the magnifying glass, then click "authors." Find your name and voila. You'll see your collective read views.

Also, 5 million views is shockingly amazing. Well done!
Well deserved, but I have to go on. biggrin You're one of the good ones, Curvy. You just make the world sweeter. So, so much love for ya!
Quote by Verbal

Pregnancy has got to be a tough, even without the anxiety.

Watching it with my Dad, who is feeding me historical minutia as we watch.

Is there pregnancy without anxiety? lol *mind blown*

I saw my pops today for the first time in ages. I love the historical minutia, but not so much the meandering way he tells stories. Get on with it already! Seriously though, I've missed him. He's kind of a sane compass and the biggest nerd I've ever known. Something to aspire to. smile

Had a great time hiking and camping with the girls over the weekend. Gained some blisters and lost a few pounds, but I had so much fun and the experience was amazing.

Still working on my comp story and hoping to make it for the deadline. Red wine for me!
If I'm this open sexually and someone still goes behind my back, they're immediately my past.
Just had to scrap my comp story because I realized it was too boring. Lol I brainstormed and might have another idea now. I hope I can push it through!

Packing for my hike to camp outing this weekend. I'm a bit stressed and hope I pack everything... there's no turning back!

Lots of coffee for me!
Quote by seeker4
Anyone here ever had a dream about getting caught masturbating in someone else's hotel room? Asking for a friend.

Morning tea, please. Earl Grey, hot.

Well that sounds interesting!

Coffee for me. I want to sleep 100 more years but I guess I have to adult. Welcome.back, Lilly.. I've been since a month. I was just starting to feel better when I think I caught something else. All this coughing hurts my back. I hope you have better luck that me and feel better soon!
Coffee, please. I'm taking the easy dish to Thanksgiving: bean salad. There's always too much to eat anyway so I'm not ashamed. Also, I volunteered for clean up duty.
Holy shit, I have an idea and some words down. I might be able to enter this!

(I feel like I always say this and end up taking too long. Lol)
Quite honestly, if I have writer's block, I read something(s) from an author I love. It stirs something in my mind and I want to write in response.

EDIT: and everything Vanessa said, of course.
I'd also like to add, I found wine in a CAN in the clearance section at my grocery store. lol I have never seen that before so in the spirit of loving all sorts of ridiculousness, I bought it. I am, of course, drinking it right now. biggrin (shockingly, not bad)
Quote by Kee
Sure. Haulover Beach in North Miami and beach in Negril Jamacia

I haven't been to Jamaica but I second Haulover Beach. A bit crowded on the beach but the water is gorgeous.

Edit: I prefer nude beaches over regular ones too.