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2 days ago
Fluid Female
United States


Red wine. I love blends, but also cabernet and noirs.

That said, if it's a hot day, I'd want a cooler, lighter drink. I like whites then, if I'm drinking wine. Chardonnay or Moscatos.
Sara, I'm so glad your mom is doing better!

Jim, I've heard all about New Jersey from the truckers I know. Everyone hates it lol.. your boss is nuts. Is your legal driving time still lifted or back in place now?

I've been on sick leave this week, but I'm cleared to go back to work. I work 2 days and then I'm on my actual scheduled vacation, lol woohoo! Wine for me!
Seeing anything from you always makes me happy. You're sweet and wild and fun, and this place is better with you in it. Congrats.
What are some of the weirdest things you've Googled to write your stories?

I was laughing about this today. I've looked up a few fetishes, porn statistics, knife fighting, basic geography and weather of various locations, language translations, addiction basics, and homesteading... and that's just for erotica stories in the past year.
I loved this one. No character or plot cliches and I swear this woman writes better with every story. I've become a fan and a jealous fellow writer, lol. Congrats, Alyx!
I love comps. Even when I don't enter them, they float me ideas and keep me fresh so I don't just stop writing altogether. Plugging away at one now. It doesn't feel exceptional but it's light and lightness right now is what I need.

Vanessa, I struggle with titles. You've seen how bland most of mine are?! Literally, this new one I'm writing is called Untitled right now.

One of my best friends came over the other night. Having both social distanced for a month, we couldn't handle it anymore. We talked (and drank) for hours before she mentioned her interest in writing. I referred her to my amazing editing teacher and then we talked writing for a long time. She knows I write erotica but hilariously, she didn't know what a giant writing dork I am in all areas. Now she wants me to teach a class, lol.

Life has been so much lately, I guess I needed the reminder that I love this stuff.

Y'all are prolific and all in my queue. TG has a fun one out on the front page now, actually.
It's been a long week. I'm sick of talking and thinking about, and planning for the virus. I'd much rather have a laugh, get laid, and/or get spanked. Maybe later. Now, it's wine:40.

Hello, you sexy bunch.
Only a week?

For me, Sprite is one of those people who drives the site. She was a rockstar when I started here and still is. There are a few writers whose work allowed me explore and understand my own sexual orientation and that the boundaries of what's sexy aren't solid. She's one of them. She's funny but serious, strong but vulnerable, deep but light, intense but chill, and she's fiercely passionate and compassionate.

Love you.
I'm glad you went! Some workshops are more like a celebration of writing and too nice to be constructive. Sounds like you got a good one.

Take what you heard, learn it, breathe it, and forget it when you write. Use it when you edit. Otherwise you'll never be able to do it again. That was my experience anyway. I constantly read published work as well, to get me out of my head and keep my writing more fresh.
Quote by LucaByDesign

Let's put it like this: If your family and friends know, and are okay, with the fact you write erotica, then I can understand why you think I am over-cautious.

On the other hand, if your writing is a dark secret, something you do furtively behind closed doors, then you will probably understand the mental place that I'm coming from.

I love how honest you are. I do understand that mental place. I used to live there but have since moved out. Maybe it's because my personal life and lush have shared spaces at times, I don't know. But anyone I've been intimate with can know about my erotica, I don't care. The fact that I write in general just isn't something that usually comes up though.

I doubt they'd see it in the amount of erotic shorts out there unless they're avid readers. Even then, if they're avid readers they may make that connection.

Be proud of your work.
I've attended many workshops, all run by the same (published) woman. It's changed the way I read and write, but mostly how I edit. We met once a week for about 6 weeks, and it was fantastic. I miss the atmosphere and almost everything about it.
How many fall through the cracks? It's so common--why isn't this fucking streamlined? It shouldn't be this hard. This is a motherfucking disgrace. A FUCKING DISGRACE.
I miss smoking, but quitting was one of the best decisions of my life. I urge all the smokers I know to quit. Even weed... you can bake it or do the candy or whatever instead. I have a real fear of not being able to breathe, for whatever reason, and I can't stand the thought of anyone I know going through that.

anyway, I'm on the verge of house hunting again. Wish me luck.
I slept for around 11 hours last night. It's like I've been stressed and tired or something. 5 cups of coffee to de-sludge my brain, please. ?

Planning on a small hike later. The weather says the sun will be shining with no chance of bears. Lol
Queen pillowtop mattress, right now covered with my new blue sheets. Dark stained frame with grey upholstered headboard. My bed makes me feel like a queen, especially on freshly cleaned sheets. ?
Quote by Evanescent
Thank you to everyone for all the responses. It's continually insightful with each comment.

Just to let anyone know who might be reading, and is somewhat skeptical of the idea, I don't mean potential friendship or romance judging from how someone has written their story. That might well be possible, but all I mean is would you be tempted towards or curious about sexual interaction with the author because there was something in the writing that intrigued you.

Nope. I'm more interested in the writer as a person sometimes, but I'm not ready to throw my panties at them.
My part of Florida is cold and overcast right now, but I've had some great conversations with friends and strangers today so it feels sunny anyway.

Coffee for me.
Quote by WannabeWordsmith

So, yeah, Eilish is a strange choice, but I'm hopeful. I just pray Zimmer doesn't overcook things in the soundtrack, like he did on Interstellar.

Hey, hey, you leave my Hans out of this. Ignore that soundtrack, too. That never happened.

Chardonnay, please.
Quote by TonyaL
I'm just sitting here watching the boob tube, something called Into the Wild. It's pretty good.

Ooh, Into the Wild! What'd you think? It's not climbed into my favorites, but into my memories--and I've got the memory of a damn gnat, so that's saying something. I did find it interesting and it was one of a handful of influences that created my renewed interest in hiking and adventuring.

Vanessa, I'm so sorry about your kitty. It's never easy, but especially when you've had them for so long.

The comp was really fun. I usually discover or rediscover a writer during these things and this time was no different. Some serious gems twinkling in there, and a few I haven't read yet but definitely will.

Coffee for me, then I'm off to yoga.
I nearly didn't submit, so to go from one extreme to the other is a bit bewildering and seriously cool. Congrats to everyone who entered, all the top ten, and to the writers I think I can say we all revere, Fuzzyblue and Liz!
Quality, for sure. This involves character and plot arcs, well crafted settings, tones, pacing, and for sure, sex. I'm not fully opposed to reading any genre, though.
Quote by Beffer
Never even seen one. I don't think it sounds fun though. Sounds kinda dangerous.

This. But to each their own. Keep researching, play, and be safe. heart
I published 14 stories and poems on Lush.

Whoa. Even I didn't realize that. Lol I only intended to do one a month.
Quote by BewareTheChain

Thing is that I am not a particularly sexual person, and I more just wanted to challenge myself by writing things of this nature. Does experiencing more in real life help with this?

Writing erotica has really helped me expand my sexual horizons and be comfortable with my sexuality, but I don't think my sexual exploits have helped my writing. Be descriptive about the sex, but beyond that, I think it's about the same as other stories.