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8 hours ago
Fluid Female
0 miles · Florida


Thank you for the tune, Martin. I actually enjoyed it and I normally am not a jazz fan, so I appreciate the ear opener.

I didn't watch the debate. I quite honestly like neither of them, which is typical for me in any election but more emphatic this time around. idk. No one seems to have anything positive to say about the whole ordeal, though.

A glass of Apothic Red, barkeep? I hope everyone is doing well.
I'm just starting to get into extensions, and have really only tried the clip in kind. I've been hearing about halos and I've heard about glue ins and sew-ins. Are there others? Which have you tried or prefer and why?
With all the quarantine/social distancing, I've begun to learn to do make up and such. I've never cared much for it, never felt like I had the time to do the whole thing. But it's so fun for me now.

It's made me realize how important it is to take that crap off at night though!. I use the Precision wipes with retinol to remove it, then clean with Philosophy's purity. I have eczema, so I dab a bit of Cortisone at the sides of my nose and medial areas of my eyebrows, then moisturize the rest with It Cosmetic's Confidence in a Cream.

Recently I've been eying the eyes and am trying to remind myself to try these Veriphy or Lancome trials I have. I have all these beauty gifts I've never really used, and it's just time.

Do you feel like the masks are worth the time? (there I go again, lol)
It's been awhile. Hey, everyone. A round of Yuengling for everyone who likes beer. I'm so behind on reading it's like I'm a brand new member, lol. I like seeing show suggestions and what everyone's watching. I don't get into much TV but since real life is dramatic enough, I've gotten into Jane's Extraordinary Playlist. It's just fun and doesn't make me think, which I appreciate right now!
I mistakenly thought there was an option in the settings to change the colors of your profile text and links. sad Can we add that?
On your profile, scroll down to your "favorites stories" tab. To the right on the tab, text reads "Story Followers". Click on that and you'll be able to who has favorited which of your stories or poems. smile
Quote by crrcrawford
Interesting. I'll have to check out The Plot Whisperer, Bird by Bird and Story. King also talks a bit about 'The Elements of Style' by William Strunk which is apparently a classic.

I have Bird by Bird and Elements of Style, but haven't actually read them yet (don't judge!). I've actually been reading more lately though, which makes me think of a tip King mentioned in his book. Something about how being a reader makes you a better writer. It's a lesser talked about truth, imo. I'm not as full throttle as he is about it, but then I'm not a full-time, famous writer either.
Quote by noll
May I suggest we (as in: you) throw in an awesome award as well, if only for all the wonderful pics he posts?

oh hell yeah! *emphatic round of applause*

Congrats, Clum, and never stop with those pics!
Nick Cave & Warren Ellis "Song for Bob" on Pandora yoga radio. Zenning out. smile
I read it and thought it was decent. Wish he'd follow his own advice though. I'm not a big fan.

I liked The Plot Whisperer. To me, it really explored the craft and made everything click in for me.
I'm ending a day of high temps under a Saharan dust cloud with a beer (they were out of Blue Moon so I went Corona, because what better time in life?). Now losing myself in the comp entry that will likely not be entered in time, as per my normal. I like it, though. Maybe a little off-normal, but that's the way I like them. ;D

Martin, that's too much pressure washing. Sleep well!
On my laptop, it's usually an image using a setting from a story I'm writing. Just helps me get in the zone.
Congratulations, Mags and everyone! This was such a fun comp and for the first time I think I was actually able to read most of them! It was really great to read writers I've never read before too, and fantastic to see some of them place in the top.
A coffee every hour for me, please! lol

It's rainy here but I'm enjoying the sound. Hoping it'll clear up and maybe I'll go for a swim or a bike ride or something, but the hope is small. I'm in my new place, finally, with a lot of windows so I don't feel too cooped up though.

Glad to hear you guys are writing! I have one in the works, but I'm trying to figure it out in my head first. It'll be a long one, and I was looking to make it hit a bunch of categories (because I'm lazily trying to get an ominum badge), but it's probably just gonna go in novels. Pretty sure it'll be in the erotic thriller kind of genre, as tiny as that readership is lol.

I haven't been here in so long I feel lost! Maybe I'll be back to steal some of Curvy's beer later. biggrin
Red wine. I love blends, but also cabernet and noirs.

That said, if it's a hot day, I'd want a cooler, lighter drink. I like whites then, if I'm drinking wine. Chardonnay or Moscatos.
Sara, I'm so glad your mom is doing better!

Jim, I've heard all about New Jersey from the truckers I know. Everyone hates it lol.. your boss is nuts. Is your legal driving time still lifted or back in place now?

I've been on sick leave this week, but I'm cleared to go back to work. I work 2 days and then I'm on my actual scheduled vacation, lol woohoo! Wine for me!
Seeing anything from you always makes me happy. You're sweet and wild and fun, and this place is better with you in it. Congrats.
What are some of the weirdest things you've Googled to write your stories?

I was laughing about this today. I've looked up a few fetishes, porn statistics, knife fighting, basic geography and weather of various locations, language translations, addiction basics, and homesteading... and that's just for erotica stories in the past year.
I loved this one. No character or plot cliches and I swear this woman writes better with every story. I've become a fan and a jealous fellow writer, lol. Congrats, Alyx!
I love comps. Even when I don't enter them, they float me ideas and keep me fresh so I don't just stop writing altogether. Plugging away at one now. It doesn't feel exceptional but it's light and lightness right now is what I need.

Vanessa, I struggle with titles. You've seen how bland most of mine are?! Literally, this new one I'm writing is called Untitled right now.

One of my best friends came over the other night. Having both social distanced for a month, we couldn't handle it anymore. We talked (and drank) for hours before she mentioned her interest in writing. I referred her to my amazing editing teacher and then we talked writing for a long time. She knows I write erotica but hilariously, she didn't know what a giant writing dork I am in all areas. Now she wants me to teach a class, lol.

Life has been so much lately, I guess I needed the reminder that I love this stuff.

Y'all are prolific and all in my queue. TG has a fun one out on the front page now, actually.
It's been a long week. I'm sick of talking and thinking about, and planning for the virus. I'd much rather have a laugh, get laid, and/or get spanked. Maybe later. Now, it's wine:40.

Hello, you sexy bunch.
Only a week?

For me, Sprite is one of those people who drives the site. She was a rockstar when I started here and still is. There are a few writers whose work allowed me explore and understand my own sexual orientation and that the boundaries of what's sexy aren't solid. She's one of them. She's funny but serious, strong but vulnerable, deep but light, intense but chill, and she's fiercely passionate and compassionate.

Love you.
I'm glad you went! Some workshops are more like a celebration of writing and too nice to be constructive. Sounds like you got a good one.

Take what you heard, learn it, breathe it, and forget it when you write. Use it when you edit. Otherwise you'll never be able to do it again. That was my experience anyway. I constantly read published work as well, to get me out of my head and keep my writing more fresh.
Quote by LucaByDesign

Let's put it like this: If your family and friends know, and are okay, with the fact you write erotica, then I can understand why you think I am over-cautious.

On the other hand, if your writing is a dark secret, something you do furtively behind closed doors, then you will probably understand the mental place that I'm coming from.

I love how honest you are. I do understand that mental place. I used to live there but have since moved out. Maybe it's because my personal life and lush have shared spaces at times, I don't know. But anyone I've been intimate with can know about my erotica, I don't care. The fact that I write in general just isn't something that usually comes up though.

I doubt they'd see it in the amount of erotic shorts out there unless they're avid readers. Even then, if they're avid readers they may make that connection.

Be proud of your work.