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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 155
United States


G&R - November Rain

When I look into your eyes I can see a love restrained
But darlin' when I hold you, don't you know I feel the same?
Nothin' lasts forever and we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain

A slut is the fun sexually insatiable woman that gets the guy or girl hooked
A whore is the same woman a year later getting the guy or girl to pay bills and buy her what she wants using what she gladly once gave free as the bargaining chip.

Whore is often synonymous with Wife and Girlfriend
It is only the Fracked up world we live in .... Even the greats like Twain,Salinger, and Steinbeck have fallen victim to PC censorship over the years. Humans have become ignorant on so many levels. Common sense has been washed away by social imprints of what is right and wrong. I believe it to be a Damn Shame!
Quote by AnAmber
I think even a kiss is too much. Trust has been broken anyway then, as I see it.

Playing devils advocate... Is it possible that a kiss can be a catalyst of a realization. Hypothetical ... You're in a relationship, like many unsure of your true feelings or doubting past, and one night a person who has shared feelings for you and you possibly for them ambushes you in the lock of a kiss... maybe it lingers for a few seconds longer than it should.... maybe a biological response brings you to reciprocate briefly... all this before your realization kicks in and you push the other away. Now, The kiss has already happened and your realization for your feelings about the one your with is answered, have you cheated? Do people make mistakes? Do people learn from mistakes?

Things in life are not so black and white and those unable to into the grey try to live in absolutes ignorance to the reality of the world around them.
I will almost guarantee that a good number on here men and women alike have found realization about the person/persons who really means the most to them from a mistake as simple as a kiss.

I believe real cheating is premeditated, acted upon regardless the number of times then hidden from the other. This can be both physical and emotional, but I can not be so blunt to think there is no in between or grey areas and that something like a single kiss may be noting more than a kiss.
Quote by Danand

She's beautiful and the tatts go perfectly on her tight little body. But she, like all of us will stretch and wrinkle...and they're not gonna look good then. By 40, with three kids to her credit.....hey just sayin'. My best friend had a strawberry tattooed on her left breast when she was 15. She had 3 kids. She didn';t get fat at all either. But by the age of 31, at a nude beach one summer hols, my boyfriend leaned over to me and asked..."So why's that chick got a tattoo of a carrot on her tit?"

I kid you not.

I know plenty of women in there 30's,40's and a few in early 50's( most who had kids) that have body art and bodies that look as good as they did when they first got them minus some fading. Now these women may take care of themselves better than most with diet and exercise, but lets face it strawberry shortcake looking like a carrot was most likely not the only non-attractive aspect of her physique. The women I know with tattoos are all pretty much fanatics about taking care of their skin and bodies. I have also witnessed many women as you state that did not and there is little appeal to the ink on their bodies. As far as late 50's, 60's and 70's, I figure by that time I will be more into abstract art anyways ;)
Not all women that are considered petite or skinny lack the right curves, My ex (14 yrs together) was a size 4 with curves in all the right places as well as long legs. I have always been attracted to fit women from petite to curvy, many women who grew up dancing seem to fit well ( like Miss ;) ) into this category. I think there are examples of fit in every category from petite to BBW and that is what I look for.
Clum ...

In all seriousness... Come up with three non-traditional dates, the type of dates that can be a fun exciting experience then write them down and put them in envelopes. Meet her early in the morning and after asking what she would like to do, which will most likely lead to her saying something like " you choose, surprise me, " let her choose from the 3 envelopes... and tell her after she chooses that she will have two more to choose from for your second and the last will be your third date(Plant the seed early)... Then show her the most fun you can. If your ideas are good and she has fun she will automatically want to know what are in the other 2 envelopes and you have succeeded in giving yourself the time to discover things about her in a natural progression and not some Q&A download date. You don't have to have a strip club date in an envelope, but you never know how fun it might be if she picks it
Quote by CoopsRuthie

I'm pretty sure if a guy took me to a strip club on our first date it would be our last date as well.

I am sure if you were so insecure as to enjoy the date then the guy would be thankful not to have a second. I have done many different types of first dates from picnics in the gardens to horse back riding through the wilderness, or even blasting targets at the gun range, and have found that traditional lets talk first dates are the worse for both usually. Get out and do something spontaneous, daring and fun and learn about the person beyond the answering of the typical questions. We all learn more about others by their actions and not by filling in the blanks with words. I like confident, strong, independent sexy women and of the numerous dates that were at strip clubs all had second, third and multiple dates after that first. It is sad how many women I have met that look at going to a nice restaurant, a coffee house, a movie, or the like as a date.
Her beauty is not diminished by her Ink IMO, and still would not kick her out of my bedroom
Tats and piercings are fine, but can turn off a person as much as they turn on depending on the woman. Some of the most kick ass women in life and the sack I have known have had some ink and/ or piercings ... Not like anyone here, guys and gals alike, would kick Kat Von D out of their bedroom.

My French Toast with real Maple syrup, and a some fresh fruit.... you have everything to help lead to a breakfast she will never forget. Things may get sticky before everything gets eaten
Strip clubs make a great first date... you can learn a lot from observing and communicating with your date in these type of places... One such first date of mine like that ended up with us catching the last flight out to Vegas for the rest of the weekend. It was a great first date and weekend. Never turned into a big romance or exclusive relationship (I seen those signs in the strip club,) but was several years of great encounters and sex when we got together. Just make it an experience for her an not to Vanilla women get that 90 percent of the time.
Loved being probed when he was abducted by the Aliens... And now gets wood from watching E.T.
Well, I used to shave and wax (got damn good at this) my Ex-wife ... at her request and not having to with anything I desired. I like a little something personally, So trimmed and neat is what I prefer.
As a former vaulter it is hard to disagree with Allison, I would have let her use my pole as much as she wanted

However, I say, with out a doubt, that Gina Carano is the sexiest female athlete!
Allison and Danica Patrick would be a close second

I say it depends on the woman... I think the stereotype of women being bitchy during their period may just come from the fact that they are very horny during this time and many do nothing to relieve that tension. Many women I have been with, none of witch I would define as bitchy or crazy during their periods, enjoyed sex right as their period was approaching and then when their flow was light especially towards the last couple days. Shower/ Tub sex is often a fun way to deal with the mess and just as most women have their specific panties they wear during that time some have a couple extra sets of bed linen for that time too. I believe it really comes down to the woman and how she feels though.
It is only Harassment when the actions or words are from a person whom the recipient does not like or find attractive.

I have always had my own quote when it comes to Sexual Harassment.

" Sexual harassment is a person (man or woman) who puts in the time to look their best, only to not be noticed or complimented on how they look" can anything be more harassing for a woman than being invisible?
This is the type of question in which everyone knows the answer, but most posture not to seem shallow or insensitive to the opposite sex. Physical attraction and looks are important to both men and women and are major factors into what kind of relationships both sexes build. However, looks and physical attraction are not the only things that determine who a man or woman may choose to hook-up with. Indifference creates many negative behaviors in all of us and in those actions we may miss opportunities, but that is life.

I have been considered picky, when it comes to the women I have been with, but I have had connections that are not only physical but take into account the entire woman. Without that initial attraction I would not have gotten to know the women beyond just looks.

the gray in the matter is that all of us have our own definition to what we consider attractive and ugly.
There have been many places that some might deem unusual I will share my top 3 .

1. An empty confessional
2. The middle the crowded dance floor (Club Rio, Vegas)
3. On horseback in the forest
It is about taking care of the woman and her needs. It has been my experience that pregnant women need sex and some build an insatiable appetite for it. Go with her mood (which changes daily) and give her what she desires... making love... or a good hard romp. It is all good as long as she feels sexy and comfortable.
Love is senseless. It is something inside you that if questioned almost never makes sense yet always feels right. It does not have to be persuaded nor reminded. It is something you should never have to concede or barter. It should not derive from thought, though provoke thought it will. It is something we should never think, but feel.