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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
0 miles · Aberdeen


I don't start back until October. Can I get an extension?

And yes Buz - there absolutely will be nude models.
Well that happened quicker than expected. Sorry, my mistake - double posted so edited this so y'all aren't reading the same post twice. Not pissed yet FYI.

Anal toasters?

Guess I'll come back when I'm pissed. (Take your pick of Brit or American reading.)
Various things, but never a girls panties. If any of the girls around here want to contribute so that I can add that to my list, I'm all for it.
Damn. Not even a sniff of a mention.
Lucky I'm not the jealous type - but then I probably wouldn't even vote for myself.
Hard Rock Florence, with a couple of embroidered guitars.
I guess being abused by the drunk mods is way better than being ignored by them.
There are so many different accents / dialects throughout Britain.
So it confuses me when Americans and other nationalities say they love a British accent - what kind? Plummy BBC? Geordie? Liverpudlian? Cockney? Glaswegian? Highland? Etc etc

A slightly more ridiculous one that I once heard was that someone loved a European accent....


So, I reckon it's just people liking the idea of someone / something a bit exotic / unusual.
Quote by sprite

Dude! #1. it's the fucking beatles! #2, you've heard of this thing called Youtube? you can pretty much to there and listen to any album for free.

#1 Yeah, it's the Beatles. But I don't actually like them....(Not an overly popular topic of conversation here on Merseyside.) No doubt I've heard a song or two off the album, but the only one I know of is the title track. Is Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds on it too?

#2 Yeah good point. But I prefer to buy my music.
Fuck that. Good idea but haven't a fucking clue about the album, and don't want to have to buy a shite album just so I can enter a contest.
Quote by 69Kisses96
Halle Berry squirting in my mouth.

Oooohh I'll second that one too
Quote by ginger86

me, I just want to lick my kk's body all over

I'll second that smile
Quote by Piquet
Ok, mine's from the original Alien movie:

Ripley : "This thing bled acid while it was alive. Now that it's dead there's no telling what it'll do."

Ripley again from Aliens:

Leave her alone you BITCH!
Quote by stephany96
i really couldnt care less about penis size, as long as its within the usable region so within 4 and 8 inches anything beyond both those numbers is a nono for me

But would you rather hear that someone you are chatting with intimately had a 4 or an 8 inch one? Assuming that you're only ever going to chat with that person?
Across on the Crowd Sourcing forum there's a question about why 'most' men exaggerate the size of the prize. (Although no proof is given to the claims made.)

The consensus appears to be that the 'normal' erect size falls in the 5-6 inch category.
The bar being set high with the proliferation of 8-10 inches in porn seems to be the most common answer given for any exaggeration made. (Although it's generally an assumption being made rather than people saying that's why they have done it.)

My question to you gals is -

If you were chatting to someone on this site, would you rather that they were truthful and told you that they had a 5" boner, or that they exaggerate it up a bit?

(Or is the idea of exaggerating so ingrained that you would assume that saying 5" actually meant smaller?)
Only for special occasions.
Got some Boss Soul, some Chanel Platinum and some Davidoff depending on what the occasion is.
There are no doubt various reasons. But I think one of them is that with the explosion of readily available porn, mostly what you see are big dicks. Some monstrously so. I saw one guy on Fetlife with a 14" (35.6cm for those European ladies) cock. It was just about up to his nipples. And he had balls like tennis balls (though not bright yellow). Who the hell can physically accommodate that? I believe lots make a good try though.

Anyway, I digress...

Yeah - how often do you see pictures put up on the chat room picture rooms of 5-6 inches, or less , cocks. Not very often.. So I think some men play up to what they feel is expected.

And let's be honest, is it any less dishonest than a woman wearing a wonderbra? I don't believe so.
How are we classifying 'having sex'?

Does any kind of arousing touching count?

Does it have to be with someone else?

Do they have to be present?

Does the touching have to take place between partners?

Does one or both have to orgasm?

Does there have to be full penetration?

Just in case Bill Clinton is adding to the comments - do blowjobs count?
Quote by Magical_felix

You should do like a top 50 so we can see who was the worst.

Fuck no! It's shit enough not getting a mention - but finding out you're 50th out of 50?

Might put you off writing ever again.
None. Not a single fucking one. At least none that are willing to show that they're online. They could have all made themselves invisible to me...