So I used the House of Autry brand of seafood breader to make some home made fried shrimp. I liked it so much I bought some of their chicken breader. Does anyone know if it can be used to make a beer batter? All I have done so far is mix other spices in the breader but I haven't tried making a batter with it.
All of the fan theories involving Luke Skywalker in regards to the new movie that I have read involve him turning to the dark side. I came up with one that I have yet to see posted. Remember, this is just a theory based on a few things from the trailers. In the new movie, Luke Skywalker is dead. All the scenes that Mark Hamill filmed are flashbacks or take place prior to the present time of the main story (or he is a Force ghost). That is why he isn't in any of the trailers (other than his voice) and why he isn't on any posters and why his action figure hasn't been released yet.
I am interested in photography as well. I mosty photograph nature/landscapes, architecture as well as every day inanimate objects. I would love to photograph women in pinup poses, lingerie and artistic nude. The problem is finding soneone who is willing to pose.
The various Gundam series are what got me into Anime, specifically Gundam Wing. I do enjoy hentai as well.
My wife pre-ordered this game for me for my birthday, when she got me an Xbox One. I thoroughly enjoyed Fallout 3 so I am looking forward to playing this game. The settlement building and weapons customizing has me intrigued.
I played the Beta and it was better than I expected, despite so many features being turned off for the beta. I will be getting it for Christmas.
And therein lies the problems with sequels nowadays, no real innovation. Sure, most take what works (if it ain't broke, don't fix it) and just adds more of it. For me, that's not a sequel...that's just an expansion. Maybe I'm just nostalgic for the way gaming felt to me when I was growing up.....either way, I still don't see the point in a minecraft 2.
I am a fan of the first 2 Battlefront games. They were a great way to experience combat within the Star Wars universe (minus the clunky aircraft controls). So I was excited when EA announced that DICE would be making the new Battlefront. From the footage I have seen, the game looks great and will mostly be a success. My only complaint is the lack of single player campaign. I'd like to have the option of playing offline by myself.
EA's COO stated that a single player campaign wasn't added because players who play games like this don't want to play single player. I disagree with that statement. A lot of comments I see online from gamers claim that he and EA are "out of touch with gamers".
So without a single player campaign, we only have player vs player and a few co op maps. What do all of you think about that?
I use to stay away from Role Playing Games, however I seem to find myself playing them more nowadays. I think it's due to the strategy aspect of them as opposed to the run 'n gun style of most shooters. The problem I find with shooters nowadays is that they are so multiplayer focused that the single player aspect is almost non-existent.
One thing I have noticed is that quite a few games are getting remastered. TMNT 4: Turtles in Time got a PS3 remaster; Ducktales got a remaster; Double Dragon also got a remaster. If I had to pick a series, I'd like to see a new F-Zero and a new Pilotwings. With today's gaming technology, both of these games would be stunning.
I have Minecraft for the Xbox and though I do enjoy the sandbox aspect of it, I really don't see a point in doing a Minecraft 2. The biggest thing that I didn't like about Minecraft was the Voxel graphic style. Now, as a gamer, I have never been a big "graphics are super important" type of person. However, with games like Minecraft and Terraria, they look like they game straight off the Super Nintendo. If there is one thing I would hope MS does to improve Minecraft, it would be to give it more modern day graphics.
As I was finishing this post, I thought of something else I would like to see added: machines. Something to help making the mining more modern, maybe allow solar panels, or something that can fly or drive, and other cool technology.