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Over 90 days ago
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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Zafia
Exactly what I wrote and it was a question directed to Lush.

lol <rolls eyes>
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Zafia
Sorry I'm not fluent in sign language Jay.

What did you mean by: "Lush did you hire a consultant that I am not aware of?"
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by roccotool
It's not chaotic at all because every message sent is usually sent to a specific person, in the room, for all to see.

lol << does LushStories have that emoticon? I guess we'll find out when I've posted.

Anyway, yes, thus pointless having the room at all. Sure, someone could raise a topic to a specific person and then a few could butt in and that topic could be discussed for about two minutes and then we're back to the same stage, stage one where it's just person-to-person discussions just in the public eye; rather pointless if you ask me.
Also, "I spent years in adult chat rooms" made me laugh. :P That aside though, if one doesn't get judged then it still leaves the key point of: the feeling of being left out of the community.
I too used to visit chat rooms (rarely these days 'cause not one is good) and could barely keep up, so many topics and so many people it was just pointless. If anything, it was to see who could speak English and who couldn't. :-/
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by gav
I would agree on the chat room scenario. I have used them before and been overwhelmed by all the messages flying past. sometimes its an advantage being on a 56k modem

I am pleasantly surprised to discover that you agree; I had a feeling as though I'd have to defend my corner on that one.

Quote by gav
I'll spend some more time investgating other ways around this.

Thank you.

Quote by gav
Shortcuts, yes we can fix! Bad habit leaving sting comparisons case sensitive.

Again, thank you.
Active Ink Slinger
Hello, and welcome to LushStories. I look forward to reading your material.
Active Ink Slinger
I personally think: don't create the option to have more than one-to-one conversations because when there's a possibility of having everyone talking in one place it all gets a little overwhelming and will put some people off; leaving some people out; making them feel not apart of the community. Also, anyone who doesn't chat in the big conversation but will chat in a one-to-one may be looked at as some weirdo because no-one knows him/her and no-one can understand why him or her aren't talking in the "main chat". Sure, I know the forums are a big conversation for everyone to partake in, but if no-one makes any posts you hardly notice.
</all based off personal experience when managing my own website>

I would suggest some way of making it more obvious that a new message has been received. Sound, in theory, is a good idea but then what sound do you use that isn't annoying? Also, when using sound it can not only get annoying but interupt the users music or they may just not bother with audio.
Some visual indication is what I suggest: forcing the window to flash when a new message is received is a popular method.
Talking of new messages: could you please make it more accurate? ...i.e. When I am chatting with people it will say as a title 'New message' (or whatever it says) and it'll keep alternating between this and whatever it alternates with even when you have the window open, read the message, replied and minimised it.

Oh and emoticon shortcuts: can we make these more generic? i.e. Not case sensitive or if they must be then add capital letters to the shortcuts (e.g. :P will only work when using smaller case letters {silly}).

That's all for now. biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by xXxFuckDollxXx
[...]was a great ploy to get my MSN ;)[...]

I still haven't got your MSN/WLM yet. L.O.L
Anyway, glad you aren't offended. biggrin Now get back to writing... :P L.O.L
Active Ink Slinger
Hello Gav,
Nice work on the messenger. I and my friend are working on a similar thing but it has a room chat room also, anyway, you must have worked really hard so yeah... kudos to you.
Active Ink Slinger
Hmm, OK, well, maybe if LushStories earns enough from ads eventually you might wish to consider investing in IP.Board or vBulletin (I personally prefer IP.Board); the possibilities are endless with these. biggrin

Anyway, OK, understood ... feel free to lock this topic ...or whatever you do around here when a topic has be resolved/answered.
Active Ink Slinger
It is because of how closely your stories relate to the common fantasies of men that leads me, at least, to question your true gender. The likelihood of you actually being male is extremely high on the Internet so it’s not so much a personal thing against you, it’s one of them: *too good to be true* moments, and being a man would explain the “too good” part. It will also, for me, have something to do with my own paranoia because I’ve come across two girls that turned out to be guys before.

I trust you are who you say you are—I hope there are no hard feelings?
Active Ink Slinger
When using this chat feature tonight I have noticed (and the person I was chatting with) that 'Add to Friends' <not sure if that's what it says but you know what I mean> button creates an error on page and does nothing in Internet Explorer 7 [I haven't tried other browsers].
Active Ink Slinger
Perhaps pictures would help here?

Rather than the forums header being this: Clicky
I suggest it'd be like this: Clicky (perhaps with the exception of the latest forum post part, though, to make it easier you may as well keep this here; depends how it's all coded)

Why do I suggest this? make the interface/navigation more user friendly and it keeps a standard.

Active Ink Slinger
When editing ones profile or looking at PM's there's no link back in the navigation section to the index page of the forums. sad Could one be added?

Also, whilst I'm here... perhaps making the header of the forums the same of that on the general website?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote from 'CHAT amongst yourselves (Beta)':
Quote by CuriousJayUK
After reading in the official announcement of this service I got answered one of my questions, however, I had noticed that when someone tried to contact me today (I stupidly used Internet Explorer 7) and the pop-up blocker was on so of course the chat window didn't appear. Yes, the black box appeared but I refreshed the page in an attempt for the pop-up chat window to try popping up again, unfortunatly this didn't have the desired affect and I lost the convo' completely.

Anyway, nice addition.

Maybe consider a way to stop this?
Active Ink Slinger
After reading in the official announcement of this service I got answered one of my questions, however, I had noticed that when someone tried to contact me today (I stupidly used Internet Explorer 7) and the pop-up blocker was on so of course the chat window didn't appear. Yes, the black box appeared but I refreshed the page in an attempt for the pop-up chat window to try popping up again, unfortunatly this didn't have the desired affect and I lost the convo' completely.

Anyway, nice addition.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sweet_escape
Hi, Jason. I hope your stories do well...

I do also, thanks. After reading the guidelines I have spoted a few flaws; basically am gonna have to adjust how I set my stories but I should cope. :P

Thank you all for the welcomes. biggrin

Edit: I've read your profile, techgoddess, I'm the "other" type. I'm the one that puts up with moms putting their mouse on the screen asking why it won't work.
Active Ink Slinger
I'd zip up and point to the door.

Ha-ha, no I wouldn't. I'd leave her to it and spare her feelings, of course I'd try and get her to improve. Depending what her weak area is depends what I'd do to try and help her improve.
Active Ink Slinger
When, younger--a fair bit younger, I touched a friends cock. That's all. It really doesn't float my boat.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by techgoddess
and how would you practice?

By using this equipment I had this very special day that I woke up with.

If you want details ...look me up.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by techgoddess
No need to hide...for now!

Is that a threat or a promise, I hope a promise. ;)

Anyhoo, back to topic...

I guess the guy could pull a *Blue Peter* (British people will get this). :P Basically, *here's one I made earlier* and have her blindfolded so that you can just dribble it on her. biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
This may shout inexperienced and a noOb (though false) but: get some practise in. If this time isn't a good enough time to perfect your skills then when is? Of course everyone to their own taste/method but each gender has equal buttons to push.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fireman
It all depends on the woman. I like both just not extreme.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by techgoddess
Will let this comment slide since you are so young Jay.

It did dawn on me that there are alternative reasons for a guy failing to cum, sorry.

> */bows and backs up to then run away/*
Active Ink Slinger
A few times, especially when with a girl.

I either remain seated (if possible) or try and point it down. :P
Active Ink Slinger
Do a Google search for 'turkey baster method' and I'll let y'all draw your own conclusions. ;)

I have never faked an orgasm, and like someone said: it's fairly difficult too ...with guys there's a lot more evidence to prove the orgasm was real. To be honest, I can't see a guy ever needing to, the girl must be pretty crap if she can't get a guy to cum.

I'd like to know if anyone has, in which case: how and why?
Active Ink Slinger
So hello all,
I am Jason aged 18 from Yorkshire and I am here to submit stories that I have written, of course. I never really got into the whole story thing ‘til a friend got me into it. She also got me curious about a lot of things; hence my name.
My stories I hope stay tasteful to people but I also hope contain original material that will inspire yourselves and get you interested.

Now I must explain that I am at College doing a full-time course so I will not be able to submit regularly (maybe once a week) but should get on here forums often.

Want to know something, please do ask worse I'll just say: 'I'd rather not answer that', at best: you could find out what you want to know and more. ;)

I have filled in my profile also, so check that out.

P.S - I like this website, it's by far the best looking story site I have come across.