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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 46
United States


Quote by avrgblkgrl

I don't know if it will make you feel any better, but you are my favorite.

Coming from you, of course I feel better! You're a star & a superb author; that means a lot to me!
A massive congratulations to the Top 3 & well done to all that entered.
I've just read the last few pages of this thread...I must suck!
Introduce the title of your story:Images Of Sin
Provide the link:Click Here To Read Images Of Sin

1. What first inspired you to write this particular story?
This story is based on a previous story, Made For Sin. I didn't intend to do a follow up, but when I reread it and talked to a friend, the idea for a continuation formed and the story has taken on a life of it's own. Images of Sin centers around the two women in the original story, one has a fascination with photography.

2. How did you come up with these characters?Renee is very loosely based on two people I know, I am one of them. Natalie is based on a friend that I have a massive girl crush on. There are characteristics that both women share, and their relationship develops quickly in Made For Sin. In this story that relationship grows by a person that has his own plans for them.

3. How does it differ from some of your other stories?Most of my stories are based on fact, either from my life or those of my friends or colleagues. I've grown to love writing fiction as it gives me room for growth. The most important thing for me is to try to learn more about writing while getting better one story at a time.

4. What was the most challenging thing about writing this piece?It was difficult to convey the range of emotions of Renee while embracing the sex that she desperately wanted. I could say more here, but that would ruin the story. I'd much rather everyone read the story and form their own opinions.

5. Anything else you want to tell us about it?I've been told that I should not delay on the remainder of the story, but honestly, I don't have any idea where the story will go. My hope is that I sit down and the story writes itself, taking me along for a helluva sexy ride.
I need to give a shout out to Wilful. I was really lazy with my last story (you know how you get when you just want it posted) and didn't edit it at all. He fixed all my little mistakes, and for that I owe him a huge thank you!

I will say that I'm really proud of the fact that I belong to such a great team of mods! You all are great!
Quote by SydneySider

That's what the badges are. I am not sure there is a need to add it to statistics as well.

I agree. That section is already enough, adding to it is redundant. One only has to scroll to the stories to see the awards.
This here is entertainment, but garbage.

I like the number 3 (I like women too), and 3+9=12; I was born on the 12th...Whoa!

I think it's better to be a dime, anyway.
Thank you! The forums are now snappier, I like that...
Thank you all!

Lizzy, you weren't supposed to share our little secret!

I'm happy to be amongst the talent here, you guys inspire me!
Congrats! And yes, I can believe're very talented.
Quote by tammys2fun
really? in the heat of the moment dose it really matter how you spell it? i'm no brain child but cummed sounds as bad as axe me and ain't (AIN'T YA GONNA AXE ME IF I CUMMED)

Yes, it does. If axe was used in a story and it was supposed to be asked/ask it would be fixed by the verifying moderator or returned to the author if there were too many errors in the story. Ain't would be acceptable in dialogue only.
Quote by overmykneenow

It's not that people find a thank you detestable, they find them unnecessary.

Of course, I do respect your right to HAVE an opinion but I also reserve the right to disrespect you on the BASIS of that opinion

I find this statement rather interesting. Out of curiosity and nothing more, do you truly disrespect someone because of their opinion?
Quote by Dancing_Doll

Yep, bigger is better. biggrin

But yeah- when I first got it, I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to differentiate between the original and the new version because I had both in the midnight blue colour, but then I realized it was very obvious based on the size of the 'tongue tip'. You can see it in the comparison pics I posted.

It doesn't surpass the Soraya model (nothing really does), but this is the best clit vibe I've tried, just because it offers the most variation. And it's pretty.

It may be time for an upgrade.
Bigger? Hmmm.... You make it sound like it's worth purchasing.
I could get all sappy, but that would make you think that I like you!

Quote by Callisto

This has been added.

Love the new reading queue listing, thanks!
Quote by nicola
I'd rather we did away with the "Top Author" lists entirely, including from the front of the site.

Those lists could, *in theory*, be easily manipulated if you have enough unscrupulous friends. Or even in the case that Trace points out, can easily be altered by a few low votes. No mathematical modelling / programming is going to solve that.

The Most Popular / Most Viewed and Suggested give a better indication. The latter, especially.

We had a like / dislike system when we started the site. The overwhelming consensus when we put it to the vote, was that a numerical system would give a lot more flexibility. Members were also given the choice of range, and 1-5 was preferred.

I don't mind the "Top Author" list disappearing, but I'd like to see the other top lists stay. I often read those stories in hopes of finding something well written and worthwhile.

Every voting system is going to have a group of folks that are unhappy with it. I think this system works for the most part, and I'd wouldn't want a like button. My opinion, if it matters, is that it should stay as is.
Unfortunately for me, due to life throwing me a curve ball, anything that I write now is crap! I need to get my mojo back.

I will say that if you don't enjoy what you write, chances are that your audience won't either... Which is why I don't post crap, I'm like Liz, it gets buried.
It depends on the skill of the writer to adequately deliver a well written present tense story. In my time here I've found that there are few here that can pen a present tense story well enough for me to enjoy it.