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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 46
United States


Quote by MadMartigan

I'm not sure I can do the 10K limit.

I can keep it under 12K.

As in: 11,900 words give or take about 90.

Do I even bother continuing to try and push ahead to meet the deadline? content anyway could be construed as humping the content line with the massive supernatural elements.

The limit is 10K, (a thousand over?!) & if the content is questionable... Come on Man! You know the rules.
Quote by SereneProdigy
Saturday night just got easier...

That's just... Damn, someone actually thought of that?!
Quote by kornslayer1

kornslayer1 wrote:
I know with the gold membership, you can get your stories fast tracked, but it would be nice if we could see where your story is on the list or if it is being looked at currently.

Gold member stories go to the top of the list and get looked at Next. Anything more would likely open up the moderating team to nearly constant inquiries of "why isn't it finished yet?"

We do our very best to get stories out in a timely manner, and to give Gold members their due.

That's what Ravenstar said. I'm glad you like the idea, Echelon. I do agree people should buy a gold membership if only for that reason. I know the mods work hard to go through author's stories, therefore I always thank the mod for verifying my story. Only a handful of times since I became a gold member has it taken more than a day for a mod to get back to me, so it is worth it I think.

Time and time again I've heard about this issue with non gold members, and I'm sure it has gotten on the mods nerves to some extent. So, if you can't or just don't want to, (Not judging one way or another) buy a gold membership, don't press too hard on the mod's buttons. They are just people who have their own lives.

I thank all the mods that have verified my stories. Also, FYI, if you a gold member, make sure your badge is showing on your avatar when you submit, the mod may not be aware you are a gold member.

This is not the case as all gold members' stories are system placed at the top of the queue automatically. If there are more than one gold member submissions at a time, chronological order (submission date and time) prevails.
Please also be aware that the processing for stories these days is close to five days. It is important, as Echelon has said, to check and recheck your story if you want a speedy posting. You may also contact me if you have questions regarding your story.

In addition, if you wish to become a story moderator, please contact me via PM so that we can discuss your suitability for the role.

Thank you for your patience.
There are a number of true stories here, some just don't advertise them as such. You might find some in my catalog or Buz's.
Quote by squiffy
Someone asked a question on another thread earlier regarding apostrophes and whether or not they can be used to indicate plural form.

Well they can in some cases, but when, and only when, ambiguity arises. And it's done by adding the apostrophe after the "s" at the end of a possessive noun instead of before it. You all probably know this already, but I thought it worth pointing out. I'll show you some examples.

"The girl's tits were large and firm."

In the above sentence there is ambiguity as to whether the word "girls" is in singular or plural form.

So if we are referring to the "girls" in singular form, we place the apostrophe before the "s": "The girl's tits were large and firm."

But if we are referring to the "girls" in the plural form, we place the apostrophe after the "s": "The girls' tits were large and firm."

I'll give a couple more examples.

"The computer's hard drives are corrupt." Here we are referring to one computer with two or more hard drives.

But if we placed the apostrophe after the possessive noun, "The computers' hard drives are corrupt" we are referring to two or more computers.

"The tree's leaves are falling" Again, there is ambiguity as whether the possessive noun "trees" is in singular or plural form.

One tree: "The tree's leaves are falling"

Two or more trees: "The trees' leaves are falling"

I hope I've made myself understood, and if anybody has anything to add, please do.

I'd forgotten about this, well not really forgotten but when one rushes, one makes mistakes.

Thanks Squiffy. This should be helpful.
Quote by sprite
actually, i went kind of supernatural too, unless you think fairies are just kind of not? smile

Hardcore fairies lol! I'm looking forward to these entries.
There is never an occasion when the apostrophe makes any singular word plural. (If I am wrong, please educate me.) I know that the media, tv, and other institutions across the US are doing this, but we won't facilitate the dumbing down of the English language. In other words, just stop! The acceptable way of making the word jacket plural is by adding 's' to the word (jackets not jacket's). In addition, adding 'ies' to certain words will make a word plural. Please use apostrophes correctly.
My guy is a modern urban style guy, so while I do like the suit, I much prefer the stylish city dweller. He may indeed work in the corporate world of suits and power, but when he's himself it's something casually fly. A man in dressed neatly and wears glasses... yummy!
Everyone seems to have exciting stories pending! I look forward to reading them. I am working on the finale of my SIN series, currently titled Destined to Sin. The story took off and I'm having fun working on it. It's slow going, but I hope to have it posted late next week. The series centers around love, cheating, and fantasy fulfillment...lusty fun.

If you haven't had the chance to read the first two installments of Sin, be sure to given them a read.

Made For Sin
Images Of Sin
Quote by Shylass

Please, use the tumult and storm of passion you feel now to produce more pieces. One day, perhaps what the judges are looking for in a particular competition will be encapsulated in something you produced from the bowels of rage, or the weeping of rejection. You won't know unless you continue on this writer's journey. Never mind other contestants and what they produce - splay your heart and soul across the screen because you can; because you wish to; because you are a winner; because you are a champion.

Well done, not only to the prize winners, but every winner who ever manages to post, whether noted or not.

Very well said!

Congrats to all that entered, and a very special congratulations to the winners! Judging this time was difficult!
Quote by Wilful

And I have to express my appreciation to Coco for not firing my ass when I lectured her ad nauseam on the difference between speech and action tags. They're a real thing. Learn them, people!

I pounced on her story in the queue last night, thinking, 'Oh, this'll be good. A story from a senior mod. I'll be able to zap it straight through.' You have no idea how close I came to booting her ass back to the street. *holds thumb and forefinger a millimetre apart*

Don't any of you even think about sending your stories through to me unedited. *points finger and waves it around menacingly* Coco's poked the bear, and now I'm itchin' to rip somebody's head off!

*clears throat* It can get a bit tense back there now and then. But on the whole, they're a great bunch of people; all willing to donate their time to help each other, and the writers here. I first thought being a mod would be a good way of honing my own skills, but very quickly I realised that there's not a lot to learn from checking the quality of other people's stories. What it's really about is helping others to be better writers.

Threads like this one are really touching, and honestly make our efforts worthwhile.

Thank you.

Yada yada yada! I know the difference, told you I just got lazy and knew that some wonderful mod would help me out and YOU did, Thank you!!!
Quote by Sweetaboo
No, those are not the facts. But I'm not going to argue with you. My issue is not that Lush doesn't publish . It's that the story verifiers are excessively punitive. In fact, so punitive that I have refrained from submitting stories because I never know what words or sentences might get me in trouble. The site guidelines are long and complicated and ultimately, it's the verifier's discretion as to how they apply. When writing and submitting, I can only hope that I have complied. I don't submit anything that, to me, looks like it violates guidelines. And when I get a story back saying that I've violated guidelines, I'm usually shocked. And that's the kind of mistreatment I'm talking about.

I also know what it costs to run a website such as this. I am very aware that the revenue will greatly exceed the cost. More power to you. Nothing wrong with using what you have to make money. I just won't be contributing.

I don't intend to argue with you at all. However, you should know that we keep a record of all history regarding story submissions and breach of site situations, and they are readily available to the admin team. If you would like to discuss your issue with the verification team privately, I will be happy to do so.
Quote by Sweetaboo
I can't fault anyone for trying to make a buck. But I do think that the "250,000 members" is a bit misleading. As a forum administrator myself, I know that the vast majority of registered "users" are either spam accounts, one-time browsers, or repeated registrations after losing usernames and passwords.

My main issue with contributing financially is the excessive amount of censorship and heavy-handed moderation on this site. I simply cannot justify financially supporting a website that has treated me the way I was treated during the purge of the section. Long story short, I made a sincere effort to change my stories to comply with the new guidelines. One or two sentences remained that the verifiers didn't like. I was banned for two weeks, rather than simply asked to change it. Since that fiasco, I do not publish stories here anymore. I am afraid to. Sorry, you will not be getting any financial support from me until verifiers can treat story contributors (the talent of in a manner that is deserving of such support.

Lush is the most restrictive adult-oriented site I have ever encountered. The stories on Lush are not of any better quality than what would be found on less restrictive sites. In fact, many of the stories posted here are also posted elsewhere. The only thing keeping Lush at the top is the social media type features. If those features become locked up to everyone but paid members, then active membership will plummet. When things go from free to fee, users naturally go from free to flee.

That's my two cents.

You have that right, and thank you for your opinion. The fact remains that it was no longer possible for the ownership of this site to maintain free accounts without the infusion of cash this system now provides. If you feel that you cannot support such as system that doesn't allow stories, don't support. The decision was made and the verification team was charged to process stories accordingly. You submitted stories that contained after the new guidelines were installed, and by doing so you were warned once and asked to change all stories as needed. You followed up by submitting a second and third story that did not meet current guidelines, and was subsequently suspended from publishing for seven days. Those are facts, please don't accuse our team of story moderators of mistreating the talent of Lushstories as they do a good job of maintaining a high standard of professionalism while oftentimes being attacked personally.

Thank you and good luck with your stories.
Quote by Guest
Skylar Diggins

Candace Parker

Lolo Jones

Too many men to list, but add Tora Bright to this list and OMG each encounter would be soo mmm!
Fucking bitch! I hate you for ruining my weekend...I wish I could shoot you but you aren't even worth it. Choke on your spit and die, bitch!