Join the best erotica focused adult social network now
Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 46
United States


Quote by nicola
This is a story site. We need a story told, so we can pass comment on your bitch factor!

I'm with the Matriarch, we need a story to determine true bitchness! (yes I know that's not a word)
No! You have no idea how hard that man had to work to get me to say yes. I wouldn't want to put someone else through that and more.
Congratulations to all that entered! I have to give a very special CONGRATULATIONS to the top group as listed here, outstanding works! What a difficult competition to judge, very well done to the winners!

Ever have sex on the hood of a car in public?
Fucking bitch! I knew when I entered your salon that it was not going to be a good appointment, I should have left, but a girl needs her nails and brows waxed. You fucking burned me, fucked up my eyebrow, and then I discover that you used my supplies on another person! Fuck! If I get an infection you will be sued. Fuck!
Depends on the mood..

Just straight up, dirty, nasty, "Use me for fuck's sak" fucking:

NIN's Closer (weird visuals in the video though)

Or The Ying Yang Twin's Wait (Whisper Song)

Others that get my juices flowing:

Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye
Between the Sheets by The Isley Brothers
Darling Nikki by Prince
Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers
Anything by Sade

I'm a music girl, so there are a ton more songs that get me going.
Quote by sprite

It was always the 21st, silly woman. smile

btw, i already picked MY 3 winners (i'm not a judge, btw, just an interested party) and none of them is me - honestly, some of the stories this time just really floored me.

I know that, but Nic said two more days.

I've often thought about what brings folks to Lush besides the stories, and why they stay. This answers that question and provokes more. Anyway, I am happily married. My husband knows that I am here, does not have an account here, but doesn't hesitate to read what I do here. I don't do anything that would hurt him. We have boundaries that are just not worth me encroaching upon, who needs unnecessary grief in their home? At times Lush makes me ...thirsty, and when he cannot quench my thirst, there are one or two here that can. He knows that and appreciates it, in fact, it often turns him on. I'm lucky that I don't have to hide it from him, grateful too.

No judgement from me, to each his own.
Quote by nicola
Only 2 more days until the deadline.

People, you'd best get your entries in today, if you want them to qualify with a large enough # votes.

Good luck stragglers!

All stories have now been tweeted to our 3000+ followers.

You changed the deadline? I would have tried to finish it this weekend if I'd known. No time now boo...
Quote by HeraTeleia
That's it...I can't look anymore. Just filed DMCA's for "Falling" and "Tension". If I look more my head will explode. I wonder if these fuckers stealing my work would feel differently if they knew that I shoot Glock pistols competitively and could drop their asses from 50 yards with my 34...

That's hot!

It happens all the time. I'm growing tired of it, and when I have time I'll sit down and search my work again. So far, I know of two of my stories on 3 sites.
Quote by trinket
Thank you Reject and Coco for taking the time to write your comprehensive replies. I appreciate it. smile I did read your initial post reject :)

Coco, the 2 words are visible but my point was I didn't think anyone new to the site would notice they were there. We already know they are there.

Come on, Trinket. You can't truly believe that new visitors to the site can't read/see those words. In a manner of speaking, that is just a tad insulting to those new visitors to the site that have the ability to see what you see.

Quote by trinket
Thanks for explaining the way the top authors list works. There used to be a top authors list for the poets as well, not too long ago. A mod also told me it was only for stories. That's why I always thought the one we have now we're for stories only.

I know the lists are generated for the last 31 days but I still can't get my head around why someone who wrote a poem about 6 days ago, with 8 scores, at least one of which is a 4 is on a list when;

My poem was written 22 March, is a RR, has 830 views and 35 scores of 5. Nothing less than a 5. I've never been on that list at all with that poem. The poem itself is fourth on the list of top poems. I'm not complaining, it is what it is, I would like to understand how it works. Nobody seems to know.

With regards to a top authors list for poets, I guess it doesn't matter if the top authors list includes poets. There used to be one though. Buz has the top poem at the moment. He's not on the top authors list. I've never seen ABG on the top authors list either and if she has a new poem out its going to be the most popular.

Again, thanks for your answers :).

Your single poem or even two poems will not compete with the likes of those that post multiple stories in that time frame which are being read and voted on. Imagine, if you will, a member that post a new story every 24-48 hours for 31 days. If each story was read and voted on 30 times with all fives, does your single poem stand a chance? (That doesn't even take into account that said member's other, older stories that are likely being read and voted on as well.) It's basic math, you must consider the regularity of which some members post.

Now I have had a single story place my name on both lists and it stayed there for some time, I've seen other quality stories do the same. I love when I see an author of one story maintain their appearance on that list.
Quote by InnocentBliss87
No this isn't what im going to submit just doing a rough draft thats all and dont worry im not sumbiting my story like this was just showin what i had a small preview am I still aloud to swear in my story ahah

Yes, lol cursing is allowed.
You should do what feels natural within the flow of the story. If a character's introduction seems forced or interrupts the interactions between current characters, then hold off. It also depends on the story, if the new character is not an integral piece of the story, then why involve another?

As a story mod, I'll tell you this. If your post is indicative of the way you're going to submit your story, it will be returned; there would be too many grammatical issues to approve. Good luck!
Trinket, I'm going to attempt to answer your questions one at a time. I hope to answer them to your satisfaction, and any suggestion that you've made will be discussed.

Quote by trinket
one suggestion I have is regarding the split between the stories and poems. Of course being LushStories the default view on home page is stories. As we know the link for stories is bright blue. Would it be possible to have a background colour for the poem link? A reader not familiar with the site, can see stories by default. If they are reading stories by default is there any reason to have a "stories" link? Most are not going to know they can link to poems and I dont think the "poem" or "all" links stand out enough to catch someone's eye. There is not even a frame around the words themselves. It's just two tiny little words that aren't easy to see. I write poems hoping someone will read them. if they don't know poetry is here, they aren't going to read it are they?

I disagree that people can't see the words, they stand out and can be seen by all; they aren't two tiny little words. I've looked from a phone, a tablet, and a laptop; even on the smallish Iphone screens, all the words appear and can be read. If you click on poems, the highlight switches to the poetry page. I truly don't see what removing the stories link or highlighting the poem button will do. Still, your suggestion will be considered.

Quote by trinket
There is a list of top stories and top authors on the home page. Flip over to poems and there is a list of top poems and the same list of top authors. Is the top authors list a combination of story/poetry authors? I've never thought it was because there have been times I've seen a poet with say,100 scores of 5 and are not on the top authors list.

If it is only top story authors, I think it would be nice to have a top poetry authors list on the poetry home page. Nobody I've ever asked knows how these "top" any things are calculated. I have an erotic poem which is 4th on the list of top poems yet my name isn't on the list of top authors within the Erotic Poem category. My poem has 35 scores of 5. The writer on the bottom of that list has only 19. Doesn't seem logical to mE.

I'm not going to lie and say I don't care if I'm Not on those lists. I'm curious as to how they are calculated.

The "Top Lists" are the top authors, by scoring, over the last 31 days. The list is a created from both poetry and story authors, and I'm not sure how Gav would change the algorithm to do as you suggest. Your view of the numbers matters not if the time frame has elapsed. The timing option is totally logical as we had authors dominating the lists because of the regularity of their postings, which wasn't fair. It's more fitting to have a time frame so that we can expose and highlight as many contributing members as possible.

So to sum up your suggestions, you would like to have each word option highlighted on the home page as opposed to having the highlight appear once a person clicks on the desired option, and you want a separate list on the poetry page listing top authors?
Hell yes, it's so exhilarating & risqué. As a member in a wedding party, we had access to the couple's limo, and whew what a ride. I also like being thrown over the hood and taken. Road head works too, good times.
Sexy on the one I'm currently wearing, but I just ordered one that says Walter Scott.
Fucking drunk drivers, another life gone too soon. RIP Chazz! Damnit
Quote by avrgblkgrl
I think that I've come up with something that might work and I'm so excited. Of course the challenge for me is that I'm so sweetly innocent and absolutely wholesome that I may not be able to come up with something "deep and dirty" enough.

That's some funny shit right there... lol
Quote by MadMartigan

Ah, well.

I guess this thing is outdated then?

"New Stories only should be entered, not stories you've previously submitted here, or that have been published anywhere else online. Only standalone stories should be submitted, not those which are part of a series. Stories should be less than 12,000 words. Longer stories will be rejected.."

If the 10K limit is going to be super strict, then I'll just hold on to this story then for the foreseeable future until I can figure out what to do with it.

In the contest information this is listed:

Stories for this competition should be under 10K words and contain one or more edgy sexual elements that puts the focus on the Hardcore and successfully melds the ‘deep and dirty’ with ‘the erotic’.

Write the story, dude! Just let it flow and if you think it's good enough submit it and let the powers that be decide if it's too far over the limit.
Quote by MadMartigan

Said it humps the line.

Basically 2 levels further than my first story I submitted.

And I think I remember Ashley getting extra leeway on a competition once because she needed the extra words.

I'm just saying, I can't fit it in at 10K without leaving out an integral scene. If rules can't be bent, I won't bother entering. Which I wasn't planning on anyway till sprite and Ash went and pushed my buttons.

I mean the usual contest rules say under 12K. Right?

Meh. Whatever. If I can even finish in time, I'll be running it by Ashely first anyway to see if it's even of good enough quality to submit in the 1st place.

A thousand? Of course there is always leeway... but that's stretching it.

I just told myself to suck it up and write, if it works it works; if it doesn't move on or don't enter it and post just as a story. I doubt your story won't be of good quality. We are all our own worst critics, aren't we?