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posting "thank you for reading my story" comments

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So I almost never post a thank you for those who have read and commented my stories (though the number is pretty small, so it would not be hard to do), though I will occasionally email someone who left a particularly nice or interesting comment. Am I being rude and lazy? I tend to ignore them when I get them, but I may be in the minority. And if I do, do people prefer it as an image with text added, or just a simple thank you?
I am SO GRATEFUL when people Read and Comment... (I almost NEVER say so...) I take it as a given... Every now and again, when I notice a CONSTANT READER, (SK) I'll send a PM thanking them... But usually, I don't even LIKE comments...

(I kinda feel like The Stuff EXISTS up there on it's own... Who cares what I think? That said, I LOVE comments... Nothing Worse than a VOTE without a comment!) Good or Bad!

xx SF
I've made up graphics with 'thank-you's' for reading each of my stories, and post them in my friends' comment boxes when they read and comment my stories. Non-friends who read and comment, I send thank-you messages to. If they can take the time to read and comment my stories, I can take a minute to thank them. I was taught to be polite. :-) If ever I've missed any of you who commented, I apologize.
Lots of people do the custom made 'thank you' graphics for a particular story or series of theirs and either send it via PM (if the reader isn't on their friends list) or as a post on a wall.

You're pretty brave for openly admitting that you purposely don't thank people for reading your some people take that sort of thing quite personally and get offended by it.

Before we got the option of liking and commenting on story comments, I used to go the PM/wall post route. I'm actually considering going back because even that seems a bit too impersonal for my tastes.

As far as whether or not you should thank your readers goes, that's totally up to you. It's good etiquette, if nothing else, to thank someone for taking the time to read your work...especially if they took the time to score and comment. But you are by no means obligated to thank them.

My personal feeling on the subject is that it's rude. I can appreciate the fact that it's your time and effort that goes into crafting a piece and we should be able to appreciate each other's work, but someone taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate your efforts shouldn't go unnoticed. Most authors thank their readers in some form or fashion, and not just on Lush, but in general.

It's one thing if a few scores or comments go unnoticed by happens all the time, but some people don't know better and still take it personal. But deliberately ignoring those who take the time to read/score/comment on your stories seems kind of arrogant, even if it's not your intention to seem that way.

Also, thanking people for reading/commenting/scoring is a great way to establish a good rapport with your readership as well as other authors.

As I said before, you're brave for posting this brace yourself for the onslaught that's sure to follow from those who feel strongly about this.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

I always thank all my readers with a thank you and several pictures of things they might like.

I think if they are taking the time to read my things, the least I can do is to thank them.

As a writer, I make a strong attempt to thank my supporters. It's my way of showing my appreciation. I post a card of thanks on the walls of my friends, and I send a PM to those who are not my friends. And no, I do not feel that 'liking' a comment or sending a black box message is proper thanks; it's lazy. If a person takes time out of his or her day to read, score, and/or comment on my little ole stories and poems, the very least I can do is say thank you. Thank you; it's a simple courtesy one extends within a community of writers and readers.

As a reader, I think it's lazy, rude, and disrespectful to not thank the reader for taking the time to read, comment, and/or score on a story or poem. It only takes a moment to thank a person. is a great site to make a quick and free message of thanks. The failure to show thanks demonstrates a grand and assuming disposition as if he or she is expecting the read, score, and/or comment. Madame or sir, no one owes you a read, score, and/or a comment! I detest arrogance. When my presence on a piece is not appreciated; rest assured, my absence on subsequent pieces will be evident.

Quote by Dani
Lots of people do the custom made 'thank you' graphics for a particular story or series of theirs and either send it via PM (if the reader isn't on their friends list) or as a post on a wall.

You're pretty brave for openly admitting that you purposely don't thank people for reading your some people take that sort of thing quite personally and get offended by it.

Before we got the option of liking and commenting on story comments, I used to go the PM/wall post route. I'm actually considering going back because even that seems a bit too impersonal for my tastes.

As far as whether or not you should thank your readers goes, that's totally up to you. It's good etiquette, if nothing else, to thank someone for taking the time to read your work...especially if they took the time to score and comment. But you are by no means obligated to thank them.

My personal feeling on the subject is that it's rude. I can appreciate the fact that it's your time and effort that goes into crafting a piece and we should be able to appreciate each other's work, but someone taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate your efforts shouldn't go unnoticed. Most authors thank their readers in some form or fashion, and not just on Lush, but in general.

It's one thing if a few scores or comments go unnoticed by happens all the time, but some people don't know better and still take it personal. But deliberately ignoring those who take the time to read/score/comment on your stories seems kind of arrogant, even if it's not your intention to seem that way.

Also, thanking people for reading/commenting/scoring is a great way to establish a good rapport with your readership as well as other authors.

As I said before, you're brave for posting this brace yourself for the onslaught that's sure to follow from those who feel strongly about this.

This. As usual, so well-stated.
I guess I'm very rude then.

I'm not arrogant whatsoever.

I know no one owes me anything.

I would still continue to write even if no one read/scored or commented because I write to say what I must.
I appreciate the comments, so I try to send a personal email if they are not friends. If they are friends, I generally post a picture of a Studebaker on their wall (or equivalent) with a note underneath thanking them. I hope I never miss anyone, but I am one lazy mofo so I might have. I don't get many comments like the better writers here do, so I treat my commenters like the Very Important People they are. The one thing I generally don't do much is use the new reply-to-comment function, cause I don't want to do that for one or two people and not do it for the rest. I don't do all that glittery, graphic stuff cause I am an ignorant dork and too lazy to learn that shit.
“It's nice sometimes to open up the heart a little and let some hurt come in. It proves you're still alive.”
Thanks for the replies. I hope my behavior here on Lush in general has been polite and respectful enough so those of you vehement about not leaving a comment realize I was not being an asshole on purpose. I am often an asshole, but usually it's unintentional (: . So those of you I've offended (and there are several friends here who have replied), my apologies.

At any rate, I shall mend my ways, and begin thanking those who comment. The whole thing came to mind because people were being so nice about the audio of a recent story, and I guess I began to realize I should reciprocate (I previously had been so little noticed here I didn't think it mattered much).

In my defense, I am very conscientious about reading the stories of those on my friends list, and leaving detailed, thoughtful, positive comments. I like people who put effort into a comment, and so take pains to do it myself. I keep my friends list short so I *can* read the stories of my friends (or maybe people just don't want to be friends with me smile ). At any rate. Thanks for your honesty. Mea Culpa.
I've seen this question asked a few times, but I shall reply to it once more.

When I post a story I tend to thank those who are on my friends list (one reason it is so large) and try my best to thank those who are not on my friends list also. However, after a while of the story being out there, I tend to slack on thanking people. I have over 130 stories and they are read on an almost daily basis, I'd be consumed with posting thank you's if I did it with all of them, always. Unless someone leaves a comment that grabs my attention, then I'll send them a message or a dreaded black box.

I personally am okay with people not thanking me if I read theirs. I'm assuming they are grateful I read it, scored and commented. However, I do enjoy when they send me a message and a conversation is started from it. Many of my friendships have started just like that. Those, in my opinion are the best.

Quote by Verbal
Thanks for the replies. I hope my behavior here on Lush in general has been polite and respectful enough so those of you vehement about not leaving a comment realize I was not being an asshole on purpose. I am often an asshole, but usually it's unintentional (: . So those of you I've offended (and there are several friends here who have replied), my apologies.

At any rate, I shall mend my ways, and begin thanking those who comment. The whole thing came to mind because people were being so nice about the audio of a recent story, and I guess I began to realize I should reciprocate (I previously had been so little noticed here I didn't think it mattered much).

In my defense, I am very conscientious about reading the stories of those on my friends list, and leaving detailed, thoughtful, positive comments. I like people who put effort into a comment, and so take pains to do it myself. I keep my friends list short so I *can* read the stories of my friends (or maybe people just don't want to be friends with me smile ). At any rate. Thanks for your honesty. Mea Culpa.

No worries, friend. When you know better, you do better. (paraphrased) --Maya Angelou

On a brighter note...

A thank you, card, or a picture (especially one used as a story cover) brings a smile to my face. It reminds me of what I've read; it takes me back to the story/poem for just a moment. I know it may seem silly, but it's the simplicity of it all that's gratifying.
Quote by Verbal
So I almost never post a thank you for those who have read and commented my stories (though the number is pretty small, so it would not be hard to do), though I will occasionally email someone who left a particularly nice or interesting comment. Am I being rude and lazy? I tend to ignore them when I get them, but I may be in the minority. And if I do, do people prefer it as an image with text added, or just a simple thank you?

I'm with you .... Here’s my very unpopular reply:

As an author, I write for my own enjoyment. Period. (something I learned in my previous lifetimes here on Lush)

I am one of the few authors here that detest another author posting their “thank you pic/title/etc” on my wall. To me, it’s like using my wall as their “advertisement”. A few times now, I have actually removed the ability to comment on my wall because of it.

I rarely thank a reader for their comment/score on my work …. And if anyone thinks that is rude, well, that’s their opinion. No where is there, that I am aware of, an etiquette rule for authors to have to pen a thank you note/wall posting to anyone who has commented/voted on their stories.

Lush is a popularity contest, with those authors who do their devoted marketing and networking in order to obtain many comments/votes. And so they get results! I just don’t have time in my world to devote hours here on Lush to such marketing and networking. Lush is my little outlet for when I have time. I will not succumb to the demands or expectations of the “masses” to satisfy their needs of thanking them for thanking me for writing. (Or to keep up with the AuthorsJones.)

It would keep going …. thank you ….. No, thank YOU .... No, THANK YOU!

I have responded to emails from members who tell me directly that they enjoyed/hated my work … and they have not scored or commented. That to me, feels more like a real conversation that a "real life author" might have with one of their fans/haters:

Member X: That was a great story/poem. I enjoyed it. I think I’ll read some more of your stories/poems.

Me: Thanks for telling me. I am glad you enjoyed it. Any suggestions for improvement?

Member X: yes! Write more.


Member X: I read your piece of shit story. I didn’t vote it a 3 or 2 or 1, though I wanted to because you'd know it was me and I'd make your story have a 3.65 average. Also, I didn’t want everyone to see I’m a dick.

Me: Thank you for letting me know! Much appreciated and I hope my next story/poem improves and meets your stringent standards.

Some feel it's rude not to thank. Others feel they write for themselves and they don't need it.

Morale of the entire tale ...... if it feels like you NEED to thank those who comment/vote .... have at it! No one should be annoyed that someone didn't thank them.
I'm actually in VanGogh's camp. There are exceptions, like if someone writes a particularly touching comment I'll say thank you, or if they've been a long time reader or if it's a fellow author or a friend, I'll usually send them a small, private note or BB. Other than that, no, I don't make it a habit to send out wall post thank yous, etc. It's not because I don't care, but it is one more thing that does take up precious time and organizational skills, both which are in short supply normally. To all those who have read my stories and left comments, voted, or just enjoyed them, I truly am appreciative - i simply don't feel the need to thank every one personally. Really, consider my thank you the fact that I wrote something that you enjoyed enough to leave a comment. If that makes me sound a bit like a narcissistic ass, well, I can be, to be honest, and I'm okay with being called on it. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by VanGogh

I'm with you .... Here’s my very unpopular reply:

As an author, I write for my own enjoyment. Period. (something I learned in my previous lifetimes here on Lush)

I am one of the few authors here that detest another author posting their “thank you pic/title/etc” on my wall. To me, it’s like using my wall as their “advertisement”. A few times now, I have actually removed the ability to comment on my wall because of it.

I rarely thank a reader for their comment/score on my work …. And if anyone thinks that is rude, well, that’s their opinion. No where is there, that I am aware of, an etiquette rule for authors to have to pen a thank you note/wall posting to anyone who has commented/voted on their stories.

Lush is a popularity contest, with those authors who do their devoted marketing and networking in order to obtain many comments/votes. And so they get results! I just don’t have time in my world to devote hours here on Lush to such marketing and networking. Lush is my little outlet for when I have time. I will not succumb to the demands or expectations of the “masses” to satisfy their needs of thanking them for thanking me for writing. (Or to keep up with the AuthorsJones.)

No one should be annoyed that someone didn't thank them.

So, if I'm understanding you correctly, your time is important and valuable. But the time that it takes a person to read, comment, and score on your story is not valuable. Is this correct? In that case, why not turn off scoring and comments? Why even publish? (The math doesn't work out here with respect to value of time, but that's my opinion.)

Concerning being annoyed, it's my right as is my opinion. It's the same thing as you believing that your time is more valuable than your readers' time. That is your personal opinion, and you have a right to your opinion.
Quote by BethanyFrasier
I've made up graphics with 'thank-you's' for reading each of my stories, and post them in my friends' comment boxes when they read and comment my stories. Non-friends who read and comment, I send thank-you messages to. If they can take the time to read and comment my stories, I can take a minute to thank them. I was taught to be polite. :-) If ever I've missed any of you who commented, I apologize.


I am always thankful to anyone that takes the time to read and comment on my stories or poems. For me, I do write for myself, but I also write with the hopes that I can give someone an enjoyable moment of distraction.

I don't say thank you as a chance to move up the "Lush ladder", I say thank you because it is polite. They gave me some of their time so the least I can do is give them a moment of mine. It only takes me a second to send someone a quick thank you, I appreciate you reading it.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have never been offended by someone not telling me thank you. I understand that plenty of writers don't. I just happen to be one that does. smile

I have a new story out! Wish You Were Here A teasing sub may I have pushed too far, but the punishment is oh so sweet.

If you haven't already, please check out my story with leftlingula. A husband and wife rediscovered each other and It all started with one simple word...
Nightshade Part 1 & Nightshade: Part 2

Quote by Possibly
So, if I'm understanding you correctly, your time is important and valuable. But the time that it takes a person to read, comment, and score on your story is not valuable. Is this correct? In that case, why not turn off scoring and comments? Why even publish? (The math doesn't work out here with respect to value of time, but that's my opinion.)

Concerning being annoyed, it's my right as is my opinion. It' the same thing as you believing that your time is more valuable than your readers' time. That is your personal opinion, and you have a right to your opinion.

No. You are incorrect with what you understood. [edited]

My time here is limited. My time here is spent either reading stories/poems, enjoying some of the forums or a quick hello to my small number of friends. Who said that my time was more valuable than other readers???? You assume something that was never stated (and quite frankly, never even considered let alone thought).

You are surmising something that was not even a factor in my post.

I don't thank readers .... and I am not expecting a thanks for reading someone's work .... my comments/votes are my thanks to the author. Yay!! I must have enjoyed it!!

If someone is annoyed I didn't go out of my way to thank them for their time/effort to score/vote, then they will stay annoyed, and likely never read another work from me. I cannot please everyone, nor will I try.

Thanks again for your assumptions .... another reason why I spend less and less time here.

You can't always get all of them, but I say thank you in my forum signature if people have read my stories. Usually if I do get comments, they are short. I do get a few longer ones too, but thanks to everyone to comments on mine.
While I don't always thank all my readers for taking the time to read or score/comment on my stories, I am SO GRATEFUL when they do. I simply put stories out too fast to make graphics for each one (besides being graphically challenged anyway).

However I do want to go on record here in saying I am very appreciative of each and every person who has read one or more of my stories. I never in my wildest imagination thought I could become an author much less have my stories so well received. Thank you one and all for your time, your attention, and your wonderful comments. I am honored beyond words.

@}-'-,- Master Jonathan
Quote by Possibly

So, if I'm understanding you correctly, your time is important and valuable. But the time that it takes a person to read, comment, and score on your story is not valuable. Is this correct? In that case, why not turn off scoring and comments? Why even publish? (The math doesn't work out here with respect to value of time, but that's my opinion.)

Concerning being annoyed, it's my right as is my opinion. It's the same thing as you believing that your time is more valuable than your readers' time. That is your personal opinion, and you have a right to your opinion.

I wrote this on another thread but I think it's applicable here.

[original thread: [url=http://][/url]]

"So let me this straight. Someone puts together a 1500 word story, building characters and plot with a good dash of eroticism that you feel is good enough to be worthy of leaving comment. You run off an 8 word platitude and then expect to be the one who's thanked in this exchange?"

I'm also in agreement with VanGogh with regard to these "Thank You" images - nothing more than a bit PR to slap on someone's profile, if you ask me.

I'd better make my position clear: If anyone is leaves a comment on any of stories EXPECTING to be thanked for it, please prepare to be disappointed. It's not narcissism, it's not arrogance - I wrote a story in the hope that if someone reads it, they'll enjoy it. I don't enter any kind of contract for the time they take out to entertain themselves with the story. If they decide to read it and they enjoy it, my work has already been done - simple.

To be annoyed by not being thanked by an author - in my opinion - is petty and not short of arrogance in itself
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by overmykneenow

I wrote this on another thread but I think it's applicable here.

[original thread: [url=http://][/url]]

"So let me this straight. Someone puts together a 1500 word story, building characters and plot with a good dash of eroticism that you feel is good enough to be worthy of leaving comment. You run off an 8 word platitude and then expect to be the one who's thanked in this exchange?"

I'm also in agreement with VanGogh with regard to these "Thank You" images - nothing more than a bit PR to slap on someone's profile, if you ask me.

I'd better make my position clear: If anyone is leaves a comment on any of stories EXPECTING to be thanked for it, please prepare to be disappointed. It's not narcissism, it's not arrogance - I wrote a story in the hope that if someone reads it, they'll enjoy it. I don't enter any kind of contract for the time they take out to entertain themselves with the story. If they decide to read it and they enjoy it, my work has already been done - simple.

To be annoyed by not being thanked by an author - in my opinion - is petty and not short of arrogance in itself

You have a right to your opinion. I respect that. Please respect my right to have an opinion. I understand some people find a thank you detestable. I get it. I find not giving thanks shows a lack of courtesy...that's all. We'll just agree to disagree. Fair?
Quote by Possibly

You have a right to your opinion. I respect that. Please respect my right to have an opinion. I understand some people find a thank you detestable. I get it. I find not giving thanks shows a lack of courtesy...that's all. We'll just agree to disagree. Fair?

It's not that people find a thank you detestable, they find them unnecessary.

Of course, I do respect your right to HAVE an opinion but I also reserve the right to disrespect you on the BASIS of that opinion
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by Verbal
At any rate, I shall mend my ways, and begin thanking those who comment. The whole thing came to mind because people were being so nice about the audio of a recent story, and I guess I began to realize I should reciprocate (I previously had been so little noticed here I didn't think it mattered much).

As I said, it's definitely not something you're obligated to do. But it definitely is something that some people put great stock in.

I also agree with VanGogh when she said that sometimes it all becomes a popularity contest and more of a 'I'll read/score/comment your story if you read/score/comment mine' kind of deal. And that also leads to people being offended by low-scores...which leads to the down-voting battle as well. Then you have a culture of people who leave positive feedback just to preserve their own feedback, which means just a bunch of dishonest scores. Kind of a slippery slope, but I digress.

It all goes back to your own personal convictions. As I said, it's something that people feel strongly about both ways, or not at all even. So if you're coming from a place of trying to please people/not offend them, then it's just best that you stick to what's best for you...whether it's thanking people or not.

Also keep in mind that I'm just commenting based on my observations for the most part. I'm not an avid writer, and I rarely score/comment on the stories I read unless they're really good and I feel moved to do so. I don't expect anyone to thank me, and if they fail to do so it definitely doesn't mean I won't read anything of theirs because not being thanked isn't enough to keep me from a good story.

But if you're 'mending your ways' just to please the masses, then the point is kind of already lost.

A quick word or note of thanks is always polite, but not mandatory. People will always interpret and misinterpret your actions as they see fit. That holds no bearings on your abilities as a writer.

And if nothing else, not thanking people makes things less political and is a way to see who your true readers are.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

After reading some of the comments here, I'm reminded of celebrities who refuse to be bothered to sign autographs for their fans for basically the same reasons some authors here refuse to send thank-you's for story comments. While I think its wrong for any commenter to EXPECT a thank-you, (or for a fan to expect an autograph, for that matter), this is an issue of individual preference. Courtesy is just something some people extend and others don't. What I failed to consider however, is how my thank-you graphics posted on my readers' pages may be construed as cheap promotionalism, so I may, in the future, curtail the graphics and simply send private thank-you messages instead. It has bothered me when authors send spam promotions of their new stories in mass PM's, as I feel its tacky and sets a bad precedent. If I want notifications of your new stories, I'll 'follow' you! Personally, I will never spam my friends with this crap, as I feel its playing into this Lush undercurrent of 'popularity-contest' mentality. My stories are there. Take them or leave them, but I'm not going to beg you to read them with either spam, or graphics attached to forum-comments linking to my stories.
Quote by overmykneenow

It's not that people find a thank you detestable, they find them unnecessary.

Of course, I do respect your right to HAVE an opinion but I also reserve the right to disrespect you on the BASIS of that opinion

I find this statement rather interesting. Out of curiosity and nothing more, do you truly disrespect someone because of their opinion?
I always try to thank all readers of my (our) stories. Sometimes I'm a little slow replying but I sincerely appreciate even if most of the guys and some women are a little racy in their comments but the racier the better. I do have one request to everyone, If you see a military man or woman take the time to say "Thank you" as they give up so much for us. Best of everything, JuLee
Quote by Coco

I find this statement rather interesting. Out of curiosity and nothing more, do you truly disrespect someone because of their opinion?

Of course I do. It's probably the only legitimate reason to disrespect someone.

If, for example, my opinions were bigoted or sexist or in any other way offensive, would I be worthy of respect?

I hope your curiosity is satisfied
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.

Why not read some stories instead

NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber
Quote by Dani

But if you're 'mending your ways' just to please the masses, then the point is kind of already lost.

Well that certainly started a ruckus.

I would 'mend my ways' to show respect for the reader, because they took time to read it. That was the point presented by Beth and Possibly and others, and I thought it was valid. Not to please the masses. To show gratitude.

I'm beginning to feel a little sorry I brought the whole thing up.
Quote by sprite
I'm actually in VanGogh's camp. There are exceptions, like if someone writes a particularly touching comment I'll say thank you, or if they've been a long time reader or if it's a fellow author or a friend, I'll usually send them a small, private note or BB. Other than that, no, I don't make it a habit to send out wall post thank yous, etc. It's not because I don't care, but it is one more thing that does take up precious time and organizational skills, both which are in short supply normally. To all those who have read my stories and left comments, voted, or just enjoyed them, I truly am appreciative - i simply don't feel the need to thank every one personally. Really, consider my thank you the fact that I wrote something that you enjoyed enough to leave a comment. If that makes me sound a bit like a narcissistic ass, well, I can be, to be honest, and I'm okay with being called on it. smile

This. All of it.

I write for myself first and foremost. Not the readers. Not a specific audience. I write what I like and I post stories not for comments really, but to get them to think about something in a different way. Or invoke something. I personally don't post stories willy nilly. I write a lot of stuff that's absolute shit that never sees the light of day. I'm often embarrassed when I stumble back across it at a later point since I tend to save all my notes. My thanks for "readers" is not subjecting them to horrible writing.

I don't quite agree that it's rude if an author doesn't respond. In fact, I think it's silly to assume rudeness. But then, I hate making blind assumptions out of people and assigning motives, or getting all worked up about something someone I don't know didn't do. People are busy as fuck. Some writers are here for grandiose public acknowledgment. Some are here to connect with readers and do so through the forums, PMs or wall posts of thanks. Others to learn. And others just to share the things they've created because they're proud of them, want to share their gift, or hell, even inspire. They post their story and that's the end of it. Making a big deal about not catering to your readers is silly, especially if you have a life outside of this place, which, I assume we all do. I don't go in expecting reads or comments. But then, I'm not sure my general writing style in the first place is even meant for this platform, but that's another beast entirely.

And honestly, as far as comments go, I'd only ever feel obligated to someone who actually took the time to formulate a deeper response than "good story" or "loved it" etc. That's fine. But tell me why. Maybe then I'll respond. And I usually do. There are a couple here who read me, that provide insightful comments, and they know who they are, that get thanks. One in particular in fact.

Anyway, the greatest gift a writer can give a reader is something of far greater meaning than the banality of "thanks" for a particular comment or vote. And that's continuing to write and put out stories that their readers come to enjoy. If that's happening, who the fuck cares? I don't expect Stephen King, or other of the hundreds of authors I read to respond to me. (If I want that, I'd go to a signing where I can actually have somewhat of a conversation with them. And I have. Many times. And talked shop with them. Tell them to keep it up). I just want them to continue to write.

- One last note that's a question. If a reader votes, but can't be bothered to leave any comment, why respond at all? I don't put stock into either way, but comments are much more personal than votes and reads.
Quote by Verbal
I'm beginning to feel a little sorry I brought the whole thing up.


These discussions need to happen.

People being afraid to offend people is the reason people are hesitant to vote less than a 4 on a story.

If you feel you shouldn't have to thank people, own that shit and move on.

If I or anyone else feels differently, that's not your concern.

Act according to your own convictions and others will do the same.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░