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American Horror Story

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Is anyone else watching American Horror Story? I love the dark tone of it (and Dylan McDermott walks around naked sometimes smile and, to be totally honest, I love the young maid character ) But the writing is getting ridiculous. I feel like it was too much, too soon. I liked the first few episodes best. I'll keep watching, but I hope they slow it down and get deeper into the horror aspect and less into the soap opera melodrama.
I have been watching it as well. I'm waiting for it to come along a little but, I don't know how long my patience will last. I think it's made by the Nip Tuck people and they've suckered a lot of people in by saying that. Now they have to live up to it.

I still watch SOA although sometimes it gets a little um... something too.
Active Ink Slinger
Sons of Anarchy (SOA) .. The BEST Show out there right now is HOMELAND (my opinion)
Wild at Heart
Quote by AngelHeart01
Sons of Anarchy (SOA) .. The BEST Show out there right now is HOMELAND (my opinion)

I agree about Homeland. Im addicted... Add Walking Dead to that too.
I just discovered 'Breaking Bad' (which didn't get shown on TV in the UK/Ireland....) It's as addictive as Crank!!! xx SF
Breaking Bad! Yes! that's another one I have to watch. May just rent them all and watch them in one go... although, I feel that's fun, but not the best way to watch a TV series. Because story wise they're not meant to be experienced that way. hmmm....

I better really think about this longer. This is a big issue...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by stephanie

I just discovered 'Breaking Bad' (which didn't get shown on TV in the UK/Ireland....) It's as addictive as Crank!!! xx SF

P.s. Breaking Bad is ..... Badass!
I like American Horror Story but I think it is burning through stories far too quickly.
Quote by gpjunk
I like American Horror Story but I think it is burning through stories far too quickly.

So you think that could be why it's just a bit... off?
I wish there was more intense moments that pop out of you and make you fall out of your seat. Not just the creepy tone.
Quote by chefkathleen

So you think that could be why it's just a bit... off?

I think so. The story is good and there are some scary moments but there just isn't any real build to anything. Something happens and then something else happens.
I get what you're saying and think you might be right. Wonder if they just need more time to find their legs or if this is it?
Active Ink Slinger
I love breaking bad, I think I watched 4 seasons in about 2 weeks.

I have also started watching American horror story. The first episode creeped me out a little too much, but have continued to watch it and I really like.
Quote by chefkathleen
I get what you're saying and think you might be right. Wonder if they just need more time to find their legs or if this is it?

I think maybe once they get renewed and don't have the pressure of making a new show a success they will settle down a bit and tell some solid tales.
This past one wasn't so disjointed. Filled in a bit more and now it's making more sense. The house was built on an Indian burial ground. Anyone who dies there, stays there as a ghost. Obviously they can't sell the house as they want to. That would end the story.
i really liked it but some of it was a bit overkill! but apparently there is going to be a second series but in a different house im not sure about it but apparently so and i Don't get how that will work :S
although the maid dear god yes maybe not so much when she's 70 though... and tate even though he's a mentally disturbed psycho he's a sexy mentally disturbed psycho
Something has to give. It would get old having all those ghosts in the same house trying to scare off new owners.
I love it! Dandy is a scary figure this season...