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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 47
United States


Quote by AnnaM

and when we are at it her are a few stupid ones just like the one asked
once you go black you want your dignity back.
once you go black you wonder where your welfare is at.

and i could keep on going. let's not go there. sorry

Just a stupid saying

Black or white or whatever doesn't matter as long as the person knows how to use it or please a women in my book.

What the fuck? I've never heard that and if I do...pity the fool.

As to the original post, stupid saying. It's all a matter of preference.
In my best Tina Turner voice, "You're simply the best..." Congratulations!
Quote by sprite

serious answer, i don't. i approve plenty of stories that i wouldn't give higher than a 3 to. just because they pass, doesn't mean the story itself is going to be inspiring. that said, i am admittedly a very harsh critic.

Just made an account, will follow back. @cocoluvserotica
Vanilla, patchouli, earthy scents like fresh rain... Oh damn what rain does to me!
Congratulations to all that entered the competition.The stories were very well crafted and were quality reads. A very special congratulations and well done to the top 3!
Yeah I saw that. I switched when I did and thought, too bad...good app but overpriced.
I'd like to chime in on the co-authors issue. I have no issue with a badge, a single badge for both contributors, and a link is more than enough of a solution to the issue. I do not like the idea of giving a single story double view counts by allowing counts from the contributing author. In other words, the clicks on the co-author's page should not count when considering the other view related badges etc (nor should it increase the contributing author's view numbers)... That would be unfair.

While I'm discussing co-authored works, if you haven't read the wonderful piece that Milik and I created, please feel free to do so now. Gift Of The Geisha is superb read.
Quote by avrgblkgrl
One of my favorite writers on Lush is Coco. It's a given that her actual writing is well done--story structure, grammar, blah-blah-blah. That's because she's smart as hell. ? However, Coco can tell a good story. She can lay it down so well. It goes beyond just sexy. Her tales are truly interesting, insightful and they hold you. Anyone can be taught to write, but the telling of the story itself and where it takes you makes the difference between what you just read and what you don't forget. Those writers sometimes get pushed to the side because they don't publish as frequently as some others. A lot of my favorites are like that. But, they are always worth the wait and they put so much into what they are sharing. I'm thankful.

If I wanted to create a list, you'd be at the top. Oh and so is Burquette.
Your poetry is why I don't share mine. This Scarlett seductress strings words together so eloquently that one cannot help but be drawn in. Reading her work is so satisfying and a real pleasure. She's cutie too, that ginger tamer better watch out...

One day I'm sure we'll be praising her books and saying I knew her when...
I've browsed this thread a couple times already and decided that I truly had nothing to add, but I thought I should say something. Your talent astounds me, but you know that, your words stimulate me and you know that too, so what am to say? From Want to Trust, from My Body A Poem to A Muse's Poem your works pull me in... Your delicious mind amazes me so much so that I've developed a ridiculously silly girl crush. So I say all this to say, keep inspiring others with your gift... Keep writing.
Quote by CheifPussyPop
You'll get rejected for reason less than good. I had to different readers tell me "unbounds" was a misspelling of the word "unbinds". The 2nd one actually changed to unbinds for me. I was like dude unbounds is not a mistake. It's a better word than unbinds. He unbounds her. That means he set her free from limits by untying her. It was made clear before that line that she was tied up. When I can use one word that means a bunch of stuff then yeah I'm going to using it.

Rejection for a single reason, let alone a single word, is highly unlikely. In fact it is discouraged. I took the liberty of looking at your stories and their histories, both were rejected for valid reasons. If you wish to discuss them privately, please contact me.
Quote by avrgblkgrl

Don't touch my hair.


Or Dangerous Curves
Quote by trinket

It's the same from the other side of the fence. It's not only me anymore is it? Everyone else must be imagining it too. Yeah I've got a couple of people blocked NOW. I wasn't able to block everything until a few weeks ago. It still doesn't fix the problem. It's just hiding it.

Look at how annoyed some of you are getting about this thread alone. Yes it's flogging a dead horse because it never changes. It's not only one person either. I don't start forum tussles but I will fight back. I don't take kindly to others talking to me like I am dirt beneath their feet. Somehow that makes me a bad guy too. Nobody likes a smart mouthed smartass. Internet bullying IS a real thing that is punishable by law. I've never asked for anyone to be banned. I've only ever wanted to post on a thread to have some fun without being mocked or humiliated. I DO think twice before posting on some forums/threads here because I've had other members target me repeatedly on those specific forums.

I've been reported for harassment/bullying Based on much less and some of it was, in my opinion only , an absolute farce. A lot of you know I love this site. I admire and respect the moderators more than they know for doing a thankless job. I keep hearing the same thing... "Grow up. Ignore it, don't feed the troll" the advice says yes there Are trolls. Live with it. The majority of those getting offended are moderators. Because you don't know what it's like. I'm not trying to offend any mods by saying that. It's a fact. I could find another playground to play in but i don't want to. Why do I have to move on because other members think it's funny to treat me like a piece of dirt?

Not really this thread alone but you are entitled to your opinion.
Quote by Simmerdownchick

Don't hold back, I haven't noticed the others holding back too much. At least Rachel showed some class and made valid points. I don't know if you realize this, but I blocked him and Kiera hours ago. It seems odd to me that mods are the few that can't let it go.

By the way, this is a very VALID question. An inconvenient truth that, for some reason, those that could do something choose not too. So, whether I post this shit or not, someone else will. It just makes you look like fools.

Also, I see no difference in maligning my opinion to completely deleting the post and censorship. Both make me question your character..

I see you've edited your post. Let me say this, you should be careful, what you said could be considered a personal attack. Like fools, really? Your gross generalizations are indicative of foolishness that is near shameful and by some may be considered dumb.

Furthermore, how can you say that mods don't let things go when you and others keep bringing things up that have been previously put to bed or discussed or are being discussed by the admin team here? What you all should realize, what we all should realize, is that every system is flawed...even the one that was previously suggested is flawed. The fact that the decisions made by the team are not made public should be admired or appreciated as in most, if not all, cases it is a form of protection of Lush members' privacy.

Now on to your post that I believe is aimed at me. Restraint is an act of maturity that many here lack, I don't. You see, adults understand that sometimes the best sign of maturity is to speak without ridicule, sarcasm, or ignorance. (I imagine that is why you chose to edit your post). I choose to act appropriately at all times.

Finally, you don't want to enter a character debate with me. You know nothing about me...nothing of my online personal
character or my real life character. If you did, you wouldn't even question it. My advice to you, simmer down little chicken, is it would be a wise choice to think before acting or making assumptions on issues you're not qualified to.

Real life calls... Later.
This has to be the most sophomoric post on this site. For an adult community, we sure do have our share of children lingering about. If I said What I truly want to in this thread and the countless others like it, I'd be asked to step down. Now excuse me while I get some sleep.

Talk about beating a fucking dead horse...
Quote by VirgoGo
I hope this isn't too obtuse a question, but many gothic/horror stories run do not comply with the Lush content guidelines....for instance, Poe buried people alive....Shelley dismembered corpses and killed.....I've been pursuing an idea that hits up against the content guidelines, in part because it's hard to evoke terror without spilling some blood. Do I need to reconfigure, or is "gothic" a special circumstance? Frankenstein, for instance, runs afoul of the Lush guidelines as there are deaths depicted.

Many thanks for any guidance you can provide.

We are aware of the issue as Liz said. What you and every entrant should remember is that for THIS competition, we are more apt to accept a store that killing, blood letting and other issues that are utilized to develop the story. We will absolutely not accept a story where the sex is bloody or excessively violent. Please do not literally fuck someone to death or fuck a corpse.
Quote by stephanie

Remind me not to MESS with you...

xx SF

Lady Pepsi: "You mean AGAIN?"

(clicks off the safety) "You got somethin' to say, Irish?"
Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney
Venus and Serena Williams
Smith and Wesson... Lol