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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trinket
Nudist beaches are all about the freedom of not wearing clothing, NOT about anything sexual at all.

Hmmm, yes, really. I know that is what everyone says. I am not at all sure that it is true.

But there is a particular etiquette to be observed even at an orgy, or rather especially so at an orgy. And there is an etiquette for a nude beach which is you cover up an erection.
Active Ink Slinger
Only if she didn't insist on me doing superman - I don't think my back would hold out.

Date yes, but whats she going to do after her looks fade? Its kind of a short term career that.
Active Ink Slinger
Almost all of them as I don't watch television much. American sitcoms with canned laughter are just not interesting to me.

I do read comic strips though and there are quite a few there that seem to be completely devoid of interest of any kind. Zippy the Pinhead was considered a cult when I was at MIT. But to me its just an Emperor's new clothes situation. People pretend to find it interesting because it is considered uncool to point out that it is just crap.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll

I'm a female and I far prefer hetero porn to girl/girl. I probably watch a bit of everything at some point, but I would say at least 85% of it is hetero based. Honestly - the 'soft and sensitive' lesbian porn tends to put me to sleep.

To be fair, there is a lot of really lame/generic porn out there that comes in all sexual orientations - namely the fake orgasm, no eye-contact, vacant sex-bot style of sex. It's easy to avoid those, however, unless one's porn habits are relegated to the kind of stuff that plays on the movie network and fringe TV channels after 2am.

Which is what I think drives the girl/girl thing. Good male porn models are pretty rare. Most porn is made by people who see their male audience as seedy sleazeballs and they hire actors that fit that stereotype. The girl is obviously not turned on by the guy and is faking it. The guy obviously doesn't have the slightest interest in the girl.

There is some good hetero porn out there, but it is pretty rare.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BettyBoop4U
I'm a firm believer in the give and take. How can you expect someone to give it and not want something back?

I think it is very different for men and women. I actually prefer to give than receive.

For a man oral sex is an appetizer, for a woman it is often the main course. So when a man doesn't reciprocate he is doubly neglecting his duties.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Buz
I know a urologist that specializes in men's sexual health and he prescribes, so to speak, penis pumps to older gentleman that have erection problems. Evidently there are several ways they treat erection dysfunction from the viagra type medications, and injections, to penis implants. Evidently the injections go right into the penis. That sounds awful but I guess it works. He said that with the pump they usually take a pill, then pump their penis up and then slip a rubber cock ring on to hold the blood in.

I guess guys if we live long enough we'll be finding out first hand about all of these procedures.

I think there are two separate issues, one is the use of a pump to get an erection, the other is to make the penis bigger. There are good anatomical reasons to expect the first to work and the second to not.
Active Ink Slinger
Of course.

Lara Croft (because she is fictional)

Angelina Jolie (because she went for Brad instead sad
Active Ink Slinger
So you get this call. Your partner is at some event miles away and they happened to meet Angelina Jolie and/or Brad Pitt in a bar (or substitute your partner's favorite). For whatever reason, they are really into your partner but only if you agree to it. What do you tell them?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Elling50
Well can it? Or does it depend on what kind of activity you have her?

Judging from divorce filings, yes!

But so can looking at another woman/man. The fact that some things can be considered cheating does not mean that they are or should be.

Quote by janet_haney
I have to say that if you do anything you know your partner doesn't know about because you know he/she "wouldn't understand and or appreciate" you are cheating. I have been on the wrong side of this and learned the hard way. I know this isn't going to be a popular sentiment but it is what it is.

And judging by your age, well maybe your partner is from the era when sex was never mentioned and looking at porn was considered a really big deal. Views have thankfully changed.

If he couldn't even allow you to imagine being with someone else, well that is rather sad.
Active Ink Slinger
Of course.

Smoking is a filthy habit and the less of it the better. Not sure what marihuana is, perhaps it is how people spell marijuana after they have had too much of it?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
FYI: just checked it and had the same issue myself.

Me too, it looks to me as if it is a code issue. Have to wait for Gav to fix.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lizzy94

How about Twiglets? You foreign folk have these?

You can keep the marmite but that picture just cost me $20 which is the cost of getting Twiglets shipped to Boston USA.

One of the things about being an ex-pat is you end up paying a fortune to buy what are essentially cheap comfort foods in the UK. The most ridiculous being paying for imported Heinz Baked Beans in Boston (the US version is horribly sweet because it is full of added sugar).
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lizzy94
Threesome, foursome, well as many girls as I can get in a lesbian orgy actually.

Perhaps a meetup for all the lushies of like mind on this? Seems a popular one.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Sooohorny
my last boyfriend told me i was weird and creepy for wanting anal as i really enjoy it, is this true, and do guys actually like it or are they all like this?

Like women, there are guys who are into anal and others that are not. And remember that we are all wired differently so what is delicious for one person can be meh for others.

Sitting at the back of seminars at the MIT AI lab, I learned a little bit about neurology. Almost enough to persuade me to open a textbook (bit late now that books are obsolete). One of the things they discovered in experiments is that the nervous system has a huge amount of crosstalk and if you know how to use it you can have fun...

This is the basis of acupuncture and reflexology, some girls can almost come if someone plays with their toes. Others it has no effect on at all.

The anus is wired up to the same nerve bundle as the clit. So stretching the anus while the clit is busy causes a circuit overload, oh oh. Also the angle of the penis is often just right to drill the girl in her g-spot, more oh oh oh.

And add to that the forbidden, nature etc. and we are into some serious sexual excitement here.

For the guy there is all of the above plus a really tight hole.

Leaving over it seems rather excessive. If you really want it, maybe sex with a butt plug or alternatively a different cock.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tranquil

lol, Quantum Physics is a good start to understanding magick.

Lol, my doctorate happens to be from the Nuclear Physics dept smile

Yes, I am quite aware of the theological implications of QM. Basically the universe is not deterministic in the Newtonian sense. So there is plenty of room for intervention without requiring any laws of physics to be broken.

I have no problem with magic, what I object to is claims to special powers or secret knowledge.

I don't like the idea of a 6000 year old earth created with the light already enroute from distant galaxies. It seems small mean and narrow. Like deciding to live in one room of your house and never leave for no particular reason. A hundred billion galaxies of a hundred billion stars is much more impressive to me.

Secret knowledge is the pretext people use for setting themselves up as intermediaries and I see no use for them.

Quote by Tranquil

Not sure about wicca being a recovery organization as I don't practice wicca. I am old school taught by my mother, whom was taught by her mother and so on. Wicca was in the in 1960's. it is a new religion which has been recognized by many governments and as such does deserve the right to be respected in its own right.

also you could try to understand healing such as Reiki (Japanese energy healing with scientific studies backing up the results without understanding the healing).

Well the Wicca folk did make some effort towards continuity with earlier traditions. But yes, it is essentially a new invention. But so was the Pauline church which transformed a small Jewish sect into a proselytizing religion.

The Catholic church recently tried to shut down nuns from offering Reiki. They really don't like the idea of women doing something that might look like laying on of hands.

But in general I consider anything to be positive that gives people permission to do things that are pleasurable that don't harm or hurt or exploit other people.
Active Ink Slinger
She knows who she is but I am not saying.

After that, Angelina Jolie of course.

Active Ink Slinger
Not at the moment but it is something I might want to try in the future.
Active Ink Slinger
Just in case it gets me more members, I have just decided that the theology of my new sex cult will have a special place for

* Eating chocolate
* Pancakes (with bacon and sausage unless you go for the vegetarian option)

The basic principles on which the cult is based are:

1) Eat chocolate
2) Have sex to work off the calories.
3) Go back to 1
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tranquil

As a member of a witch group, (Yes catholic girl turns witch. Once witch, never switch), i think i should point out that witches are only satanic if they believe in the bible as Satan is only in that book and therefore buying into a porject that has run hundreds of years with new changes made to suit the time and era it found itself in. The God and the Goddess along with many deity's are what witches a heed too. there must be balance of the dark and light. of female and male.

Good grief, I just realized that all my female witch friends are ex-Catholic. Wicca is really a recovery organization helping ex-Catholics, who knew?

Since all religions are in the final analysis made up it really doesn't matter when they were made up. What I get upset about is religions that are used as a means to extract money from people or tell them how to run their lives or both.

The authoritarian churches hate groups that threaten to take their audience and religion. Its about power and control, nothing to do with God. What sort of God would need the Bishop of child molesters as intercessionary? The idea that spirit needs intermediaries is and always has been a con.

I don't think Gerald Gardner's claim to the equivalent of apostolic succession hold up. Certainly nobody else has come forward to verify his claims. But it really does not matter because God did not create man in his image, it was obviously the other way round. And over time 'man' changes, including women for example. Times change and so God must change with them. Wicca isn't the only new religion in the process of emerging, there is West Coast Tantra and give it a decade or two and someone will find a way to dress up Jedi philosophy in a new religion.

The bible was not written as litteral history or truth either. It is a lot more complicated than that. The medieval scolars considered the litteral interpretation to be for the ignorant and stupid who could not understand the four level hermeneutic.

As for 'Satan' there is more than one prior religion that is being tarred there. Ba'al for example was the name of the Cartheginian deity that demanded child sacrifices. The Romans gave up the practice round about the time they started their war. The 'whore of babylon' is another attack on a rival preacher, in that case a female Christian bishop that John despises as an apostate because she is female and because she preaches the gospel of Christ to non-Jews and says that it is OK to drop the dietary restrictions. John was part of the Jewish church of the apostles not the Pauline church of non-Jews.

All of which is besides the point really, the theologians have analyzed God in many ways, the real point is to change her. What sort of religion are people looking for today? How should we design one?

I think that at this point science has pretty much eliminated the need for a creator myth and limited the scope of divine intervention to that not explained by science. Good, the big bang theory is a far more beautiful and elegant story than Genesis I or the green arkleseizure story anyway.

So that pretty much leaves us only the fact that anything exists at all, consciousness, emotion, orgasm, empathy, all the stuff that science cant explain at all or can only give limited explanations for.

I am thinking that a fairly loose approach to sexual morality is in order (sex positive, poly positive etc.) with support for folk who want to get hitched while providing pretexts for sanctioned extra-relationship sexual activity under mutually agreeable conditions.
Active Ink Slinger
There are two issues she might need persuasion on:

1) She has always had a swinging fantasy but not had the courage to try

2) The has no interest in swinging / swapping

If the reason is (1) then you might be able to persuade her to overcome her inhibitions but she is unlikely to enjoy it unless she is into women somewhat as it is mostly the women who pair up first and their partners follow.

The swinging scene is not like the poly scene. There are some who do both but most swingers aren't poly and most poly don't swing. In the US the swinging scene tends to be rather older and often obnoxiously conservative. Plenty of people are completely open to their partner having sex with others but don't want to do that themselves. The BDSM scene is totally different again and there are some who will seriously argue that mere penetration of a vagina by a penis during a scene isn't 'sex' (go figure).
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tranquil
Uncut takes a little more finesse when handling i would assume.

I was nursing a young gentleman whom had pulled his foreskin back to far while being errr over enthusiastic. It took surgery after a couple of days where they hoped it would go down on its own...ouch for him...yes a little giggle for us nurses (well we were very young, training).

As with the hymen, there appears to be some sort of evolutionary advantage to delaying the start of sexual activity.

The foreskin starts off being attacked to the glans by a membrane which stretches with 'use' and as the penis grows in size during puberty.

There is rather less difference in appearance between the cut and uncut cock when it is fully erect than people imagine. The only real difference in appearance being what happens when it is not erect.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by hayley
Why does a straight guy fall for a girl he knows to be a lesbian?
And why does he stick around, sometimes forever, when there can be no sexual interaction?
If you are a young lesbian on Lush you actually get to meet some great guys,
but why? and why so many friend requests from Guys????
Oh yes there are the "Lay Preachers", those guys who Preach that salvation from your lesbian ways is assured by them Laying you.
But the others, the good guys? speak up.....

Well as a straight guy I can tell you that I have had several close relationships with men without wanting to fuck them so why not with a woman?

There is also an age related thing that won't hit you for another ten years. The biological clock goes off and kicks a girl in the head round 30. From an evolutionary biology point of view, a female does not need to like sex with men or do so very often. In fact once a year at their fertility peak will do just fine.

Gold star lesbians are pretty rare. So some men live in the hope. Seems a bit silly to me.

As far as Lush goes, 'lesbian' is the safe choice for men and women wanting to avoid the male predator jerks here. So most of the 'bi' girls are straight, and many of the lesbians are bi.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NymphWriter

Are you FUCKING kidding me?!?

So then, you don't consider E.L. James a real writer?

Umm nope. The story is pretty crap to be honest. I gave up in the middle of book 2 when I realized that they never were going to use that red room of pain properly. And that inner goddess of hers is going to be suing for a share of the royalties.

I mean its ok, but nothing like as good as the classics like the Story of O.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Hugecock69
I have no issue at all saying that I love to read the stories here, I'll grant that many of the writers are talented at what they do, writing erotic literature, But in my opinion, MY opinion, MINE, MINE, MINE, that does not make someone a real writer. to the small MINORITY of people that write outside of lush and erotica, you are real. but writing erotic stories online doesn't make you a real writer to me.

Well I don't much care what you think and I certainly don't much care about living up to your standards for being a 'writer' when your posts seem barely literate.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Hugecock69
Wow what great insights you have, your wisdom has totally made me want to restructure my life. Hey dumbass I read stories by all sorts of authors on this site, some of them not even girls I want to cyber with. I don't talk to the guys bitching about a lack of girls, but when 8 different guys are creating rooms looking for horny ladies because the only women are in the chatroom are either looking for women or not looking to chat, I'm able to put 2 and 2 together to get what they're feeling (please don't hurt yourself trying to figure out the math, 2 and 2 is an expression, it makes 4 if it was giving you a headache). And as a final point I had multiple friends on this site who I never cybered with, including men which I certainly had no interest in cybering with

Nah, I think it is more to do with the fact that the women coming to the site looking to cyber can find more interesting people to hook with.

I have a simple formula, if a girl doesn't have anything interesting in her profile and no stories and all she says in the chat rooms is 'who wants to cyber' then she probably isn't going to be much fun. I suspect most of the women come to the same conclusion.

After all, does anyone get excited by 'cyber' like this:

Huggy-Cock: I want u
Slapper-Sal: I want u 2
Huggy-Cock: Strokes my cock
Slapper-Sal: Deep throats you
Huggy-Cock: Slides into your cunt
Huggy-Cock: Cums in your ass.

Seems to me that you run out of orifices rather quickly that way. And not wanting to be rude, your style of writing does not suggest to me that you are capable of more. Online it is not the size of your cock that matters but the size of your brain. And lets face it Mr Huge, the way you write suggests that the blood flow demands of your huge member is starving your brain of the necessary oxygen.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tranquil

You do realise this is the same man whom when the truth about the pedophiles came out in regards to catholic priests back in the 60's,70's 80's 90's etc, he would remove them to a poor country to continue their ways, and refused to admit. he even wrote the chapter and verse for all catholic dioceses on how to act apon such allegations with complete denial and contempt....he knows what he has done. and he will meet his maker with that knowledge

yes he is old. he has had two heart operations, he is very frail and is stepping aside to allow someone to rule whom is capable...but in my view as a catholic, as a mother. he should never have held this office.

interesting side fact..Nostradamus stated the next pope with be the last...curious thought.

There were two problems with the scandal. The first was the abuse, the second was the coverup that perpetuated the abuse.

If there is a causal agent for the first, look no further than priestly celibacy. There is no scriptural authority for priests, let alone celibate ones. The original reason they brought in celibacy was a power grab by the monastic faction.

The coverup has multiple causes. The main underlying cause being the notion that the church is not accountable to any other party, not civil law and certainly not the lay members. It is a medieval concept of power. But next to that was the fact that John Paul II was completely incapacitated from 2000 on and possibly much earlier. He was unable to move his head to greet someone, let alone recognize that the policy had to be changed to respond to the crisis.

I think that the reason Ratzinger got the job in the first place was that he had been effectively running the papacy as more or less a Regent for ten years but without any authority to change policy.

So having been frustrated by being the stuckee for cleaning up the John-Paul II mess while he was incapable, he decided that the one thing he could change in the papacy was the idea that the post had to be held for life. That worked in the middle ages when they used to bump them off when they went senile (often earlier) but it is a complete failure in the modern age when a pope elected at 60 is likely to live to 90 or even longer. So absolute power could easily be concentrated in the hands of a senile Pope for 30+ years.

In the long run, this is probably the single most important reform one pope can make. It is certainly the most necessary. It is also going to open up the field to a much wider number of replacements. When the job is for life, the tendency has been to choose popes that are not expected to last too long. Ratzinger was chosen because the factions were sure that it wouldn't be too long before they would get another chance.

John Paul essentially invented the notion of the modern travelling papacy. The Pope is now expected to be globe trotting on a regular basis which is exactly what you would expect a modern leader of an international church to be doing. But thats not something that a man can be doing after 75 or so. If people want a globe trotting pope they have to have a young pope.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by dianaaa
Ive wanted to try anal sex, but never been able to do it.. My ass seems way too tight. How do you girls manage to do it? Even a finger in there hurts if it's too deep. Doesn't help that the guy I'm seeing is well hung either. I just can't see it fitting in there. How do you do it if you have a tight bum? LOL

My 'anal correspondence course' has instructions...

The anus is not like the vagina. It does not have lubrication, it has very powerful muscles that can shut it pretty much completely and the male and female anatomy are essentially the same. OK so women don't have a prostate but the right angle and position can get some serious G-spot action going.

The trick is lots of preparation and lube. You need to get the ass ready for the idea you are going to put something inside. Then you need to start small and work your way up. Contrary to the popular belief it is not about 'stretching' the anus. Its really about building up a comfort level.

Need to take it really slow as far as width goes. Length has no effect as only the outer inch or so of the anus has any nerves at all.

Oh and NEVER play with anything that could get lost. An anal plug would be a good investment, Start small and work your way up.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by latinfoxy

Im also Catholic and we are NOT the oldest religious in the world! Jesus was jew... and the Pope is NOT the holly father (the holly father is God).

Heh, she did say institution, not religion...

But Buddha founded institutions in the 5th Century BCE that are rather older and the Roman church was in any case the junior branch of what was a Greek church until the 5th century CE. The bishop of Rome didn't even rank an invite to the council of Nicea and certainly did not inherit the title of pontif until after Constantine.