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Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Dani

What have Democrats done to help the marginalized and the disenfranchised over the last decade?

Obamacare for a start. Biden was a big part of getting that through the Senate.

What have the Green Party done? They were hijacked by Putin's people, Jill Stein paid to dine with Putin. They have completely stopped promoting renewable energy and are more likely to be found opposing wind turbines, not because of the environment but because they like Koch money.

Problem with politics is that there are lots of corrupt people and sometimes they join a movement just to run it into the ground. The Green party had been coddling anti-vax loons for a decade before COVID. People died because of the lies they told.

Biden got a major infrastructure bill through Congress. As a result, the US has recovered from the pandemic faster than any other large economy. The bound back took two years, not six like it did last time when the GOP got to sabotage the stimulus bill.

Calling people stupid doesn't make a good argument.

Active Ink Slinger

The law is clear, as is the fact that Trump supported an insurrection. But this is one of those cases where the courts shouldn't apply the law - yet.

What I expect SCOTUS to do is punt on disqualifying Trump for 2020 and then make sure he is disqualified for 2028. The corrupt 6 don't care about the country but they do care about their party and if Trump is alive and isn't entirely incapacitated by the dementia, he will run in 2028 and become another three time loser.

It is pretty clear that the family and the people round him are limiting his public engagements to the bare minimum. The strain is clearly showing when he does appear in public.

Given Trump never won a majority of the votes and only got into the WH because of the slaver constitution, I don't see why using the constitution to stop the , criminal traitor from running would be a bad thing. If the EC is a valid thing then so is the 'no treasonous curs who tried to overturn the republic' thing.

Active Ink Slinger
Sorry for being late to the party, Rachel rocks.

Now more than ever, we have to persuade roughly 1 billion people to stay inside for two months. How we gonna do that?

... the Internet is for...
Active Ink Slinger
Riskiest place I can think of is in the dock at the old bailey.

Not that I did...
Active Ink Slinger
When I was at Oxford I was ushered into the presence of "someone I should meet', one David Cameron. I knew he was going somewhere because he got me smoking and I don't smoke.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest

You demand a condom with anal sex, but will suck a cock without one. Hmmm..................... I am going to let that sink in for a minute.. I never understood that - It is NOT okay to ejaculate INSIDE me because you may have a diseaes, but that very same cum I am going to swallow. HMM. REALLY think about that for a moment. You may just want to reevaluate your health concerns, just a smidge.

It is actually supported by evidence.

Oral sex is not risk free but the chance of blood borne transmission is very low. Anal sex has a much higher risk of transmission as it can cause tears in the anus and rectum.

The mouth is evolved to deal with risk of disease being transmitted by foreign objects being placed inside it. The vagina less so and the anus least of all.
Active Ink Slinger
If I am doing a consulting gig, I wear the Rolex in gold and steel. It is pretty much consulting uniform, to tell the client that you expect at least a certain size fee. But the all gold or watches or the ones with diamonds are generally considered naff.

I did buy a cheap watch at CostCo when I was going to Brazil. Paid $75 for it, now it sells for $500 on EBay because its considered collectable. So for everyday use I bought a Seiko Solar. It doesn't need battery replacement and it has a sapphire crystal face so it doesn't scratch.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by bluewolf12
Ever lied about your job to some one your trying to impress for a night of sex, if so did you get found out what happened

Most people don't believe what I do so I don't usually tell them. And the reason they don't believe is that its the sort of thing people make up.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
why don't you ask HER? how the heck would we know? smile

Hows the afterlife thing treating you? Do they have WiFi?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Liz

It would also appear, from the search box functionality in the top right, that they do not approve of same sex relationships.

That is pretty untrek like.

Did folk notice that Dr Who had a same sex relationship at the center of a plot story a while back?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Liz
Sci-Fi - Aww, yeah!

There is already a site for that. You could be the only girl on it:

The reason I say only girl is that if you go to the site you will see that the front page only has listings from women. But the site doesn't know whether the visitor is male or female. Therefore the all female lineup is to encourage men to sign up. Therefore the site designers are not anticipating the need to encourage women to sign up. Therefore no women are visiting the site to sign up. Therefore all the people on the site are men chasing bots pretending to be women.

Which gives me the premise for my next SF themed sex story.
Active Ink Slinger
Yeah, I don't think most girls are too thrilled with a dick so long that it pokes them in the cervix.

Also pricks longer than 10" tend to wear out.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MaryLewid
OK im new here, but do i have to fuck anybody with a decent avitar, so i dont offend them? Just asking.

Hmm, I guess you have discovered now that sarcasm does not work too well on the Internet, it tends to just roll off people.

Some of the men here are complete idiots.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Tranquil

How do you feel about the younger generation and their idea's on sex.

And you young ones (Under 40) whats your take on the older generation in regards to sex?

I was just musing the other day that I really don't consider myself to be middle aged and probably never will.

In Miley's case I think the cause of her 'issues' has probably got rather more to do with wanting to escape the suffocating clutches of Disney corp and their rather 1950s corporate outlook.

The child stars on Nickelodeon seem to (mostly) handle the transition to normal live rather better than the Disney kids do when they grow up. Well apart from poor Amanda who really just needs a good hug.

I can't quite see Miranda Crosgrove feeling the need to do Twerking.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lustyrose4u
Hitachi magic wand. nothing better.

The Hitachi magic wand certainly wins all the reviews I have ever seen for a mains operated vibe.

For battery operated, the lelo range gets most positive reviews. Particularly the Ina. But they are pricey.
Active Ink Slinger
I think it should be possible to press a button on the black box interface and have it present as private chat regardless of what the other person has as their setting.

Black boxes just get confusing. The chat interface is just a better way of organizing the conversation.
Active Ink Slinger
I think it is more of a turn on for the girl than the guys. She is the center of attention. As with double penetration, the 1812 overture and much else, its an occasional piece rather than something to do everyday.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MoonlightSerenity
That seems like something that would happen. Have you also been getting the malware warnings? I know google chrome has been spitting them out left, right and centre on here.

The naked Julia site has a fukushima scale malware warning on my dashboard.

That does not mean that they are using malware to spread it, but people who visit it may get clobbered hard. Or it might just mean that they are getting so many complaints in so many places that it is being treated as malware.
Active Ink Slinger
I am not finding this a descriptive tag. What is being described is a branch of BDSM. Rather than the usual definition which is just adultery.

The humiliation thing ain't my bag. But I have banged a preacher's wife or two because the husband is a bigoted loathsome wretch.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
btw, am i envious of her? yep. be nice to have that kind of money. here's what's dumb - a high end store like that, someone walks into it and wants to see something expensive, you should assume they're serious - you don't want to lose a 38,000$ sale, i means, seriously, if you were a car salesman, would you turn away some guy looking at the Jag because he's dressed in shorts and a tee? hell no.

Some years back I used to drive a flame red SAAB 9000 that I had bought second hand and which turned out to have rather a lot of mechanical troubles due to the high milage. But I liked the car well enough to want another but this time new (my father had a SAAB 9000 for over ten years that was never any trouble).

So I drive up to the dealership in a five year old top of the line model and the salesman isn't interested in talking to me even before I ask about having the automatic gearbox swapped for the manual that I knew SAAB made but only delivered in the US to special order.

Three days later I drove into the same dealership in the brand new Jaguar convertible I had just bought which cost rather more than the SAAB he wasn't interested in showing me.

Now when we went to the Jaguar dealership it was some way away and we were not sure the SAAB would even make it. So we went in a Dodge Omni that had one wing replaced but not painted. They didn't think anything of it.

It is not clear however that Oprah knew that the bag was $38K when she asked to see it. So dissing her on that score is somewhat off.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
Can we please express all opinions respectfully? While I'm sure many of you may not understand Scientology or take it seriously, there may be some here who believe strongly in it. Let's not mock others' religious beliefs.

Please and thanks.

When people are taking money from people under false pretenses they deserve to be mocked and shamed. Calling something a religion does not put it beyond criticism.

If people had been prepared to criticize the Catholic church rather than avoid offending people's religious beliefs tens of thousands of kids might have been spared being by the hundreds of priests the church covered up for.

The reason I despise the scientology cult is that they have a practice called 'fair game' by which they harass and intimidate their critics. They abuse the legal system with numerous frivolous lawsuits, they break up families, they manipulate lie and cheat. Scientology is not just 'a' cult, they are one of the worst, most exploitative cults.

Scientology makes a large number of testable claims and every one of those claims turns out to be false. The e-meters they sell for hundreds of dollars contain about $5 worth of parts. The OT documents they charge tens of thousands of dollars for have to be kept secret because they are complete rubbish. And yes, I have read them.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by polly95

i promised mum before she died. i have a stepmum now and she doesn't mind id i lose virginity before marrying. but my mum did. Hugs

That is a terrible reason. It is no business of parents whether their adult kids have sex before marriage. Attempting to control their lives from beyond the grave is obnoxious beyond belief. It is emotional blackmail.

Live your life for your own moral principles, not someone else's.

Do you really want to marry in your 20s just to have sex? What happens if the guy you marry tends to be crap at it? Women are much more likely to end up with a crap lover than men are. The woman does not need to put in any particular effort for the man to have a fun time but the reverse is not the case.

Sex before marriage is a much better option than getting married and then having affairs because hubby is crap in bed. See my poem 'to all the husband's I have cuckolded'.

Sure you can find men who would wait. Even today it is pretty common to want to wait till a relationship is serious to have sex, even though men aren't supposed to admit that. But the risk you face by holding off till a wedding ring is that you will be picking from the pool of men who are just not into sex or are closet homosexuals etc.
Active Ink Slinger
This is just an excuse for a dick size measuring contest.

I have never had a woman complain it was too large. I have had women concerned that it might be too big to take them anally but that has never turned out to be a show stopper.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
It's anticipated that there will be over 1 billion websites by the end of 2013.

We have broken into the Top 5000 (in the 3 biggest target markets), according to Alexa - putting us in the top 0.000005%.

Who'd have thought erotica would be so popular?

There is porn on the Internet, I am shocked! shocked I tell you!