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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by xxPaigexx
Do men prefer shaved pussy over hairy?
Do Women prefer shaved cock over hairy?
Or is trimmed the best option?

The main issue for me is whether the girl's slit is covered in dental floss or not. I will go down on a girl who is au naturelle, but if she prepares herself by shaving then I feel more welcomed.

I prefer shaved aesthetically as well. But looks are not so important to me. The idea of women having plastic surgery on their pussies to make them look prettier is just ridiculous in my view. But then is pretty much all plastic surgery except for correcting really major disfigurement, burns etc.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jack_42
I suppose Sean Connery is the best but I don't like the Bond formula writing and the stretching of believability (even allowing for the far fetched stories) for example Oddjob killing the guy to get the gold back but crushing the car so the gold had to be separated from the crushed car when all he had to do was take the gold out of the boot (trunk) and put it in the other car which he drove away with the crushed one. I prefer the stuff John Le Carr comes out with - realistic and amoral intelligence novels.

Connery was the definitive Bond but the Craig movies are the best movies.

I think the original movies jumped the shark with Moonraker.
Active Ink Slinger
The point about the cougar is not really the age gap, it is agency.

Traditionally the man hunts the woman. A Cougar is not merely an older woman, she is an older woman on the prowl with the objective of seducing young men.

A Cougar is quite definitely not a slut. A slut is easy, a Cougar picks her prey, stalks and devours him.

A Cougar is not a MILF either. A MILF is a woman with children that the boy seeks out and seduces.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
i can dig it, man - happens to me all the time.

They gonna throw you out of the lesbian club if they catch you saying that too loud.
Active Ink Slinger
Queen Victoria tattoo on her pussy.

Her labia and slit make up the queen's mouth.
Active Ink Slinger
First owned was an Austin Maxi from the parents
First I paid for a '72 MGB GT with the chrome bumpers I paid GBP 650 for
First new car a '99 Jaguar XK8 Convertible that I still drive every day.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Nat4fun

omg...i'd so let her take advantage of me.

Me too, threesome?
Active Ink Slinger
Back in the early days of the net there was a chain letter 'Make money fast' that appeared. A little while later, this started to circulate:


Follow these instructions EXACTLY, and in 3 to 6 weeks you will have received well over 50,000 inches of penis, all yours. This program has remained successful because of the inadequacy and vanity of the participants. Please continue its success by carefully adhering to the instructions.

Welcome to the world of Mail Order Penis Enlargement! This little business is a little different than most cosmetic surgery. Your product is not solid (sic) and tangible, but rather a service. You are in the business of extending penii. Many small of endowment are happy to pay big bucks for this service.

(The money made from the penis enlargement is secondary to the income which is made from people like yourself requesting that they be included in that list.)

* Immediately cut off your penis at the base.
* Cut off the head of your penis, and pack it in ice.
* Take the remaining midsection of your penis, and cut it into 5 pieces of equal length.
* Immediately mail each piece to the first 5 names listed below starting at number 1 through number 5. Send penis only please (total investment your penis). Enclose a note with each piece stating: "Please add my name to your mailing list." (This is a legitimate service that you are requesting and you are paying your penis for this service).
* Remove the name that appears number 1 on the list. Move the other 9 names up one position. (Number 2 will become number 1 and number 3 will become number 2, etc.) Place your name, address and zip code in the number 10 position.
* Post the new letter with your name in the number 10 position into 10 (Ten) separate bulletin boards in the message base or to the file section, call the file, MAKE.PENIS.FAST.
* Within 60 days you will receive over 50,000 inches of PENIS. Keep a copy of this file for yourself so that you can use it again and again whenever you need penis enlargement. As soon as you mail out these letters you are automatically in the mail order business and people are sending you their penis to be placed on your mailing list. This list can then be rented to a reconstructive cosmetic surgeon that can be found in the Yellow Pages for additional income on a regular basis. The list will become more valuable as it grows in size. This is a service. This is perfectly legal. If you have any doubts, refer to Title 18, Sec. 1302 & 1341 of the postal lottery laws.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh don't get me started.

When I was involved in various efforts to stop email spam we had lots of industry meetings and round tables trying to tackle the problem.

Guess what every one of them thought it would be 'amusing' to serve...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Jack_42
Someone compiles all news items and decides what we will have access to and always from one viewpoint or another. Consequently and also through experience of lying charlatans such as politicians I have a deep distrust of most media presented items. I also have an inconvenient long memory and this helps to consolidate my attitude. I wouldn't be surprised if this paragon of unbiased presentation and virtue didn't have some nasty skeleton clanking around in the closet. I feel there is a possible degree of hypocrisy when devotees of a site dedicated to sex points fingers at celebrity indulgences.

I have no problem with politicians having an affair or six on the side. They should have given Bill an incentive plan, a nubile virgin to deflower for each month the deficit is cut by x% or is eliminated.

What does infuriate is when the party that has claimed the position of national arbiter of moral standards turns out to be filled with adulterers, homosexuals and whoremongers. I have no problem at all with any of those in itself, it is when they are coupled with hypocrisy and vicious nasty attacks on people who dare to do in public what they are up to in private that they become an outrage.

Newt Gingrich impeached a President for adultery while he was doing the same.

The GOP has been pandering to the religious right for decades now. They have tried to eliminate the right to have a abortion and some of them have been trying to outlaw contraception. They have made their sexual activities fair game.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DanielleX
Feedback. As in the loud whining noise you hear when someone's on the radio and they go too near their radio with their telephone, or whatever.

So last week I was at my folk's house and it happened on a phone in on Radio Five Live. My Dad explained to me what did it, but even when he'd told me, I was none the wiser!

Anyone got any personal examples? And if anyone can explain what feedback is in laymen's terms...

Feedback simply means that a part of the output is going back into the input.

When you place a microphone close to a loudspeaker that is being fed by that microphone, the microphone is going to pick up a very slightly delayed version of its own signal. The amplifier is then going to take that signal, amplify it and feed it into the speakers.

If the microphone is far enough away from the speaker, the feedback sound reaching the microphone will have spread out far enough that it is quieter than the original and there will be a dampening effect.

If the microphone is too close then the oposite will happen and each time the signal is fed back into the amplifier it is going to get louder. After a few thousand cycles (a second or two) the volume will max out whatever the amplifier can produce and you will have a feedback 'howl'. The pitch of the howl will be determined by the delay in the feedback loop and the characteristics of the amp.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DanielleX
I still don't get how gravity makes the Earth a sphere, yet an asteroid is a lump of rock. I get that's something to do with mass and that the Earth is big. So what's the smallest thing in the universe that's a sphere?

There is a limit to how big you can build in brick before the force of gravity causes collapse, its about 12 stories which is why New York city skyscrapers have steel framed. Solid rock allows you to build higher but there is a limit there as well. A few miles depending on how steep the sides slope. Hence Mt Everest is the highest spot.

There are other factors involved. The majority of the earth is actually molten due to the decay of uranium isotopes in the core and mantle. So most of the earth is actually liquid.

Pluto is only just big enough for gravity to squash it into a rough sphere.

The earth is also a squashy sphere because the rotation on its axis causes a bulge at the equator.

The cores of Jupiter and Saturn are smoother spheres because the force of gravity is much stronger.

Asteroids are by definition not large enough to squash themselves into a sphere. What the astronomers are now calling dwarf planets are things that are midway between the two.

Pluto is still a planet though.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by nicola
How can you not love a guy who totally nails how biased and awful Fox News is?

Erm if you work for Fox News???

What I find rather sad is that he is easily the best journalist on US TV. In the elections he is the only one that actually does an interview and asks hard questions. Part of that is because the politicians can shop round for interviewers and only choose the ones that ask softball questions. Part of that is because the interviewers who pretend to ask hard questions are actually playing gotcha with stupid questions

Jon Stewart is the most trusted name in US news. And he deserves it.
Active Ink Slinger
When I hand over the money and she pulls out her cop badge?

When I am just about to cum and she answers a call on her mobile?
Active Ink Slinger
It is the key to a cipher that was used to bypass censorship.

Each of the positions has an associated non sexual signal. The plough for example sets the girl's ankle bells jingling. So when the educated man is reading another book and there is mention of ankle bells a jangle, he knows the girl's furrow is being ploughed.
Active Ink Slinger
In case you are wondering, here is what the sorroririority in question looks like:

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by BettyBoop4U
Such a fantastic question!!! Super interested in this answer men

I think in this particular case the guy was two timing with two different women and did not want to choose between them. When one of them forced the issue he went for the other one.

I don't think working out the motives of this particular guy is very difficult: Some men are a-moral bastards and always will be.

What I find rather more mysterious is why women who otherwise seem to be quite sensible seem to fling themselves at such men against all the advice of their friends (both male and female) and stay with them long after their true nature is acknowledged.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by overmykneenow
So that "in a relationship with" option has caused problems - wow, who'd have thought?

I've heard of similar problems about people asking stuff like "Why am i not on the top of your friend's list? lol" It's right up there on passive/aggressive lushisms with "wow. you have a lot of friends"

It happens in real life as well.

I watched the marriage of my wife's best friend fall apart after she told her husband she was going to start sleeping with other men. Then after the marriage broke up the man she was sleeping with walked off.

There are many of reasons that it happens and they are not always the same. Men are just as prone to engage in fantasy as women. Telling a woman you love them is easy. Knowing what love is, rather harder. Knowing what you mean by love is what the other person does, harder still.

If you don't believe defining love is hard, try this, describe what the colour red looks like to someone else. By which I don't mean tell me what something that is red looks like, I mean what is the sensation of redness like for you. It is completely impossible as there are no intersubjective frames of reference.

That is why telling someone that you are thinking about them, or that you hope something happens for them, or that you want to spend time with them means rather more than 'love'.

Another reason is that sometimes you thought you were in love with someone right up to the moment you tell them you love them. And that is the exact moment you suddenly realize that you don't. Hey, I was 16 at the time and we were Saddlebacking. Sue me.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by NudistRob
Finding all the negative responses to having an erection at a nude beach a little troubling. But it appears most are from people who have never gone. When answering please let us know if you have ever experienced public nudity or have seen a guy get hard in that type of setting. Thanks

??? I have to wonder about your candidness here since what you asked is discussed in EVERY nudist guide I have ever seen and the answer is ALWAYS the one you got here. So to fein surprise or dismiss the opinions in the way you do really does not give you much credibility.

The reaction you are likely to get on any of the beaches I have been to ranges from indifference to being kicked off the beach entirely. There are some beaches that I know of where something else might happen but they are strictly 18+ beaches and people go there to have public sex so your erection is not exactly out of place. But those are not what I would call a nude beach, they are beaches which permit public orgies.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sprite
i guess i just need too much personal attention to thrive in a situation like that. and being a Dom/me is hard work, doing that for more than one sub just seems like too much.

... you think there might be subs that are so demanding their Dom's need a rest from time to time? Should that surprise me?

One of the bad habits of the net is the way that everything seems to turn into what we call in the UK a dick size measuring contest. People assert that there is only one proper way to do something and if it isn't theirs then it does not count or is wrong or inadequate. The only real Lesbians are gold stars! Role play is not proper BDSM, got to live it 24/7! A/V double penetration is passe, got to be double anal or it s nothing!

Most people get on with two parents, so I can't see why having two Masters would be inconceivable. The main issue would be whether the Masters could agree on a consistent approach. Otherwise it is a recipe for, umm a sub plot for one of my novels.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Buddybear
This was just brought to my attention by Peter_Pan.
I have 17 (seventeen) stories here that are "Famous"; that is, with more than 30,000 views each.
Is this very high? Do any other folks have more "Famous" stories than this?

Let me guess, how many of those are in the 'Incest' category?

Like peasants in Blackadder, those only count in the case of a tie.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by naughtyannie
My only experience of nude beaches is the one at Brighton (UK South Coast). It's not really a family beach, but otherwise there are a real mixture of ages. I wish I could say most people go there for non sexual reasons, but a lot of gay men use it, and some of them don't seem to hide their erections as well as they should. Perhaps I'm just jealous because I'm not the cause lol. Mind you, that does give me the freedom to look without fear of being chatted up...

Which is I think one of the reasons I am skeptical about Trinket's position.

Yes there are some people who go to nude beaches without any sexual thoughts whatsoever. But there are rather obviously some who go with very sexual thoughts in mind and everyone is aware of that or why else would an erection be an issue at all?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Ravyn
I have to disagree. There are many levels to ones submission. Not all D/s relationships are roleplay, those who enjoy the roleplay, its just that. Those who choose to live the lifestyle its a much deeper commitment and meaning than those who simply want to play the role while in the bedroom.

I thought that is what I was saying there. It is a deeper commitment but what I don't think gets sufficiently acknowledged is that it is a huge commitment for the D and not just for the s.

However it is not quite clear what the boundaries are here and maybe that is what they should be considering. It is not a choice between roleplay in the bedroom and 24/7 D/s. Maybe they might want to move to D/s in the bedroom rather than roleplaying it. Or D/s in the whole house during the weekends or even the whole week. See how they both feel about it and whether they want to extend those boundaries.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trinket
I wouldn't take children to one either. Unfortunately some people do.

i think it depends on the beach actually. I would not take my children to Baker Beach in San Francisco but I might take them to a family centered resort.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by trinket
trinket wrote:
Nudist beaches are all about the freedom of not wearing clothing, NOT about anything sexual at all.

If you are going to a nude beach to perve at naked people, then you shouldn't be there. That makes you a pervert. I'm not saying some people don't go there to perve, I'm saying that is not the purpose of nude beaches.

Do you have a different view of what nudist beaches are for Byron?

I am simply rather skeptical of the vehemence of the denials. Everything that happens in our culture is connected to sex. And that is even more so in countries like Saudi Arabia where people think about sex far more, not less.

So the idea that people are cavorting around nude and it has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH SEX... well I think folk are being a little over-defensive and not exactly accurate.

There is however a big difference between going to a nude beach to enjoy the sight of beautiful naked bodies and going there to letch at them. But it is a rather more subtle difference than I think you allow. Its the difference between buying a girl a drink in the bar while you are chatting her up and slipping rophinal in it. There is a line there but I don't think it is drawn quite where you claim.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by MssTreeNymph
My boyfriend and I have always had a very creative and satisfying sex life, and I've always been open to trying new things, but I was a little apprehensive when he told me he wanted me to become his submissive. He's always been assertive and dominate over me, and I like that about him, but I guess the thought of giving myself to someone utterly and completely kind of scares me.

My question is what is to be expected when becoming a sub? What's it like to surrender your body and soul to someone? How do you keep from losing yourself in the process? And doms, how does it feel having that much control over someone? And how can you tell when you've taken too much from them?

I would wonder about it from the other side as well. Does he really understand what he is getting into? The fact that he would ask you rather than wait for you to ask him maybe suggests a misunderstanding.

I have no use for a sub because I have more than enough to do looking after a wife and two kids. A sub is basically asking you to micro-manage their lives for them. That is a non-trivial investment in time and energy. Roleplay is a time limited commitment.