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Pope Resigns

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Pope Benedict XVI announced today that he would be stepping down due to old age and health problems.

Most British newspapers are covering it much like a sporting event or celebrity scandal, with "live reaction" online columns sprouting up and odds on who will replace him already released.

What is Lush's "live reaction" to the news?
It does not register on my radar... sorry.
It is a celebrity scandal and it got nothing to do with his health. It's about power administration.
Choose n Practice Happiness

Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
I'm not normaly one to follow such things, but I do hope that whoever takes his place is fairly forward minded, there's a lot of world issues that could be worked on with the help of someone as powerful as the pope.
i am not catholic

and until the truth comes out please dont spread gossip

i think he is sick

he said strength of mind and me he doesnt want anyone but a fully functioning pope to lead this huge community

not all catholics are pedophiles

in fact it happens IN all neighborhoods and under all religions

if he is resigning for health or the fact he cannot continue his duties

that is the most unselfish act a pope has done in 600 years

so when it does out the real reason..please make your comments then

as i will if there is a scandal i will be the first to say so

until then it is gossip..not fact

as for political he is pope no ONE fires him...or calls a vote to get him is NOT the olden days they would just kill them to get rid of them for political reasons

it is for life...this is a religious..changing event for all catholics

especially during lent..

i feel really bad for all of them...
Just heard the news myself. Maybe he isn't up to the job, I don't know know and don't care. What concerns me is that the Pope (Titularly) heads a corrupt organisation that has wielded abusive power for centuries. Without intending to offend any Catholic viewers one just has to stand back and look objectively at the sexual scandals uncovered. Not to mention either that the Vatican sits on vast amounts of wealth while the majority of countries that they wield power in are among the poorest on the planet. Then of course there is their stance on birth control bringing untold misery on families and nations struggling to provide food and welfare for their peoples. As for their heretical theology...................well I will leave that for others to debate upon.

The sad thing about his resignation is that someone else will take over the reigns and perpetuate the lie.
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”
Meh. It's an outdated figurehead of Catholicism. I'd wish him well in his health (or whatever else is going on in his life), but to me - Popes are pretty interchangeable.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Meh. It's an outdated figurehead of Catholicism. I'd wish him well in his health, but to me - Popes are pretty interchangeable.

Yeah and talk is the next Pope could actually be Canadian......YIKES watch out world!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

He's an old man, with no intentional malice, who has lived his life true to his beliefs. If there is a heaven, he would be deserving of it. Good luck to him, and for that matter whoever steps into his shoes as the next Pope.
I'm glad that he's willing to resign. It's been 600 years since that happened. I wish more decrepit old men would resign rather than die clutching to power. He's also a fan of Latin, so I like him for that. The rest? Eh. I wish Cesare had just wiped out the papacy once Julius came to power, or something like that. I don't think having a pope has ever helped Catholicism. Good cardinals and bishops will be good without a good pope, but only a bad pope can make them commit evil deeds in the name of the faith.
Quote by swollen
He's an old man, with no intentional malice, who has lived his life true to his beliefs. If there is a heaven, he would be deserving of it. Good luck to him, and for that matter whoever steps into his shoes as the next Pope.

I agree, Swollen ... at the age of 85 years old, how many other people are working? Apparently the workload of the Pope is tremendous.

I think it's a brave person who says "I'm not effective any longer". And there is no doubt, someone else that will want to take the challenges that are a part of the duties of being a Pope to a billion people.

I can actually think of a few other people in positions of importance that should step down (Gary Bettman comes to mind).
he probably got tired of covering up all the molestation and abuse cases, poor guy. silly

btw, any one having a problem with that statement should probably read articles like this one...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The leader of my religious organisation just turned 85 and shows no signs of letting up. In fact, he just recently determined to increase his efforts and do even more to support us than ever before.

I'm not saying everyone can or should be like him, just that there are old geezers out there who remain effective in their roles. Good on old Benny for acknowledging that he's not one of them and doing the decent thing.

What does a retired Pope do with what's left of his life though?
Quote by clum
The leader of my religious organisation just turned 85 and shows no signs of letting up. In fact, he just recently determined to increase his efforts and do even more to support us than ever before.

I'm not saying everyone can or should be like him, just that there are old geezers out there who remain effective in their roles. Good on old Benny for acknowledging that he's not one of them and doing the decent thing.

What does a retired Pope do with what's left of his life though?

Golf silly!
Quote by crazydiamond
Golf silly!

Of course!
Quote by blazestcyr
i am not catholic

and until the truth comes out please dont spread gossip

i think he is sick

He was also the guy who had to run the curia for almost ten years during John Paul II's declining years which might be why he would like to avoid bequeathing the same situation to his successor.

Quote by blazestcyr

not all catholics are pedophiles

No, but Ratzinger was the chief ringleader of the coverup.
Quote by ByronLord

No, but Ratzinger was the chief ringleader of the coverup.

Yeah it has to be said, I was brought up catholic but there is no faith in me, all I remember of the catholic church and where i'm from is this,

I'm not bothered either way, he retired/quit or whatever, I'm not bothered with a pope or religion to much extent. It's just another way to control someones thinking and manipulate. When you are brought up to believe all that, and such a shit show takes place, how can you take any ounce of it seriousness from them ever again? I have friends who were in that orphanage, I'm pretty certain they are well over christianity and the evils it's taught them.

It's not much different to the abusive nuns in catholic Ireland who trully abused girls in trouble. :s It's all abominable in my opinion, how dare they preach religion or a higher calling? They were nothing but evil.

EDIT: What's amusing is, I remember as a child the Pope coming to my province, in his glass bubble, rolling past the shopping mall, we all waved pope flags, it seemed exciting... Wow, I'm glad I grew up.
I AM CATHOLIC!! I AM ALSO PROUD TO BE ONE, AND LUCKY FOR THAT MATTER!! we are the oldest religous instatution in the world!! we cloth and feed the hungry, we fund many instatutions...the best of them is catholic charitys...they suport many resoures for people in need!! I am sorry to hear the holy father is ill...i wish he wouldnt step down he is a very good for the sick people that hurt boys and girls i hate to let you hate mongerers in on a little secret...pedafilya is found everywere: in schools, couches at penn state, rabbi's, police officers, firemen, and in IL there was a famous one: John Wayne Gacy when he was done with them he buryed them in his craw space!! i hope everyone can put there diferances aside for once and PLEASE PRAY FOR THE HOLY FATHER.( sorry for bad spelling)
If I was his age and ill I would retire too makes a change to see a pope retire for once.
Quote by Maggiecat
I AM CATHOLIC!! I AM ALSO PROUD TO BE ONE, AND LUCKY FOR THAT MATTER!! we are the oldest religous instatution in the world!! we cloth and feed the hungry, we fund many instatutions...the best of them is catholic charitys...they suport many resoures for people in need!! I am sorry to hear the holy father is ill...i wish he wouldnt step down he is a very good for the sick people that hurt boys and girls i hate to let you hate mongerers in on a little secret...pedafilya is found everywere: in schools, couches at penn state, rabbi's, police officers, firemen, and in IL there was a famous one: John Wayne Gacy when he was done with them he buryed them in his craw space!! i hope everyone can put there diferances aside for once and PLEASE PRAY FOR THE HOLY FATHER.( sorry for bad spelling)

Im also Catholic and we are NOT the oldest religious in the world! Jesus was jew... and the Pope is NOT the holly father (the holly father is God).

About if he is good or bad or covering pedophiles, nobody can really be sure about it. I'll say what i always say, theres good people and bad people in every religion and theres also good and bad people in atheist. A religion or the lack of one, wont make you a killer or a .

What i can say is that been brought up as a Catholic made ME a better person, a kinder, thoughtful, an good manners. Would i be these way if i werent a catholic? who knows, but i like to think that it brought me good values for life. Do i agree with everything the Catholics do or say, NO, but that doesnt makes me think its a bad religion, it just makes me think it needs to change a little.

just my
Quote by latinfoxy

Im also Catholic and we are NOT the oldest religious in the world! Jesus was jew... and the Pope is NOT the holly father (the holly father is God).

About if he is good or bad or covering pedophiles, nobody can really be sure about it. I'll say what i always say, theres good people and bad people in every religion and theres also good and bad people in atheist. A religion or the lack of one, wont make you a killer or a .

What i can say is that been brought up as a Catholic made ME a better person, a kinder, thoughtful, an good manners. Would i be these way if i werent a catholic? who knows, but i like to think that it brought me good values for life. Do i agree with everything the Catholics do or say, NO, but that doesnt makes me think its a bad religion, it just makes me think it needs to change a little.

just my

very well said, Ms Foxy, and true. i have known amazing selfless people in many religions as well as amazing selfless people with no religion. do i think all catholics are bad? no. i was raised catholic. do i think that there is a lot of corruption in the Catholic church? just read your history books. do i think that this particular pope could have done more to change the world in a positive way and didn't? yes. its' all about power and with great power comes great abuse. i am not saying he is an evil man, simply that he could have done a lot more to help a lot of people and instead, seems to be more interested in covering up the evil of, hopefully, a small minority of priests under his time as pope. it's NOT a bad religion. no religion is inherently bad. there are simple some bad people in it, in all religions, sadly, and they seem to have a penchant for rising to power.

(btw, i think you would have been a wonderful woman with or without being brought up catholic). smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Place your bets!

I was listening to the radio this morning, they weren't going easy on him in the slightest, it went something along the lines of, "I'm sure gay people, women, blacks and muslims will be heartbroken by the news."

He was in the Hitler Youth too:

Interesting past.
Quote by nicola

I was listening to the radio this morning, they weren't going easy on him in the slightest, it went something along the lines of, "I'm sure gay people, women, blacks and muslims will be heartbroken by the news."

yep, all broken up about it. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

very well said, Ms Foxy, and true. i have known amazing selfless people in many religions as well as amazing selfless people with no religion. do i think all catholics are bad? no. i was raised catholic. do i think that there is a lot of corruption in the Catholic church? just read your history books. do i think that this particular pope could have done more to change the world in a positive way and didn't? yes. its' all about power and with great power comes great abuse. i am not saying he is an evil man, simply that he could have done a lot more to help a lot of people and instead, seems to be more interested in covering up the evil of, hopefully, a small minority of priests under his time as pope. it's NOT a bad religion. no religion is inherently bad. there are simple some bad people in it, in all religions, sadly, and they seem to have a penchant for rising to power.

(btw, i think you would have been a wonderful woman with or without being brought up catholic). smile

Thank you Ms Sprite

Thats true, i dont like him that much either, but i think after Juan Pablo II (which i loved with all my heart, and thought he was an amazing human being) it was a big shoes to fill and i think the church wanted to make a stand for their believes and he did that. He is very radical and very old school. I think he has been asked to resign, and i think interesting changes are on our way, regarding the Catholic church. But thats just me talking and i could be completely wrong.
Quote by latinfoxy

Thank you Ms Sprite

Thats true, i dont like him that much either, but i think after Juan Pablo II (which i loved with all my heart, and thought he was an amazing human being) it was a big shoes to fill and i think the church wanted to make a stand for their believes and he did that. He is very radical and very old school. I think he has been asked to resign, and i think interesting changes are on our way, regarding the Catholic church. But thats just me talking and i could be completely wrong.

unfortunately, 'old school' to the church means a lot of very archaic thinking - gays are bad, muslims are bad, birth control is bad, women are bad, etc, etc... i sincerely hope that he WAS asked to resign and the reason being that the church wants to venture into the 21st century way of thinking - will that change over night? probably not, but i'd love to see a shift towards that end. right now, the church is so very out of touch with the real world - if they wish to survive, they need to do some catching up, especially after all the recent bad press they've earned.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by latinfoxy

Im also Catholic and we are NOT the oldest religious in the world! Jesus was jew... and the Pope is NOT the holly father (the holly father is God).

Heh, she did say institution, not religion...

But Buddha founded institutions in the 5th Century BCE that are rather older and the Roman church was in any case the junior branch of what was a Greek church until the 5th century CE. The bishop of Rome didn't even rank an invite to the council of Nicea and certainly did not inherit the title of pontif until after Constantine.
Quote by Maggiecat
as for the sick people that hurt boys and girls i hate to let you hate mongerers in on a little secret...pedafilya is found everywere: in schools, couches at penn state, rabbi's, police officers, firemen, and in IL there was a famous one: John Wayne Gacy when he was done with them he buryed them in his craw space!!

no one is disputing that their are pedophiles in all walks of life, Maggie. that said, when an institution like the Catholic church spends so much time and effort into shielding such offenders, don't you think that's a little wrong? personally, i would love to hunt down and root out every single creature who as done such a thing, regardless of their religion or position. that means coaches, rabbis, cops, fire fighters, teachers and yes, priests, bishops, and cardinals.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite

unfortunately, 'old school' to the church means a lot of very archaic thinking - gays are bad, muslims are bad, birth control is bad, women are bad, etc, etc... i sincerely hope that he WAS asked to resign and the reason being that the church wants to venture into the 21st century way of thinking - will that change over night? probably not, but i'd love to see a shift towards that end. right now, the church is so very out of touch with the real world - if they wish to survive, they need to do some catching up, especially after all the recent bad press they've earned.

True, but you cant expect that because we live in the 21st century, they will change all their believes.

I do think somethings should change, but not all of them. The gay part, yes it should completely change, God made us all and he doesnt makes mistakes. But if you ask me should the birth control part change, hmm not sure, yes i take birth control and yes i don't want to have all the kids "god wants me to have" or whatever exactly the church says. But i do think its a good value to teach not to screw around with everyone. About the muslims are bad i dont know about that, really i went to catholic school and for a lot of years went to church every sunday and i have never heard of muslims are bad part.

Anyway my point was, dont expect for them to change all their believes just because times are changing. I dont expect for Jewish to start eating pork, or for atheist to start believing in god. Everyone is free to believe in whatever they want to believe.
And in other news today, it was announced that a large, random assortment of grumpy old politicians plan on locking themselves up in a giant auditorium and holding a huge popularity contest to determine who is rightfully Gods voice on earth...
Quote by Maggiecat
I AM CATHOLIC!! I AM ALSO PROUD TO BE ONE, AND LUCKY FOR THAT MATTER!! we are the oldest religous instatution in the world!! we cloth and feed the hungry, we fund many instatutions...the best of them is catholic charitys...they suport many resoures for people in need!! I am sorry to hear the holy father is ill...i wish he wouldnt step down he is a very good for the sick people that hurt boys and girls i hate to let you hate mongerers in on a little secret...pedafilya is found everywere: in schools, couches at penn state, rabbi's, police officers, firemen, and in IL there was a famous one: John Wayne Gacy when he was done with them he buryed them in his craw space!! i hope everyone can put there diferances aside for once and PLEASE PRAY FOR THE HOLY FATHER.( sorry for bad spelling)

I wish the pope could put aside differences and stop calling homosexuality a sin, but hey, what are you gonna do? You seem to have a terrible grasp of history and spelling, though.