to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.mNdOVpnCgMG5zz4z
to is a sin in the eyes of the church....and in the bible...oh how do i have a terrible grasp on history??? I did say i had bad spelling duh.IwYlwle5y9tFKsps
to sprite....and what was that called at Penn state?....sure looked like a cover up to me.yOsjAoUcp8Hc0IYk
I read about this on cnn, didnt spend much time on it as I'm against about everysingle form of organized religion. good for him, got out before it's too late just like Tom Cruise ditching the looney brigade. Now he can do stuff that matters, like enjoy his life.
(and a side note for maggiecat, that's factually wrong. catholicism isn't the oldest religious institution. You lose to Hindus, pagans, the Egyptian, roman and Greek pantheons, Judaism, christianity, pretty much every religion but Islam. In addition to "clothing the poor" you also gave us the inquisitions where people were tortured to confess things that weren't true or burned at the stake, witch hunts where people were typically drowned, if you lived you must be a witch, and corrupt officials who absolved sins for absurd amounts of money, and let's not forget the crusades where legions of men marched into the holy land to fight a pointless war against a superior enemy under the ruse of going straight to heaven.)
I'm Catholic, have been all my life and don't plan on leaving it. I don't agree with all of the rules and the differing views on right vs wrong, the old vs the new testament, but I do believe in some of the main principles behind it. For me it's a matter of faith, not in people, but in God.
There is some corruption, but considering how widespread the religion is and all the people involved at various levels, it would be impossible not to have any corruption at all.
As for the pope resigning, I just found out today and I think it's decent of him to step down if he doesn't feel like he can carry out his duties. Though, no matter what reason he gives for stepping down, there will always be people trying to spin conspiracy theories.
I am a Catholic and while I dont agree with many of the beliefs and actions of the church, I am proud to be Catholic. Just as I would be if I was Jewish, Hindu or any other religion. But I do take great offense to those who make statements that the Pope is resigning due to a scandal (state your proof or shut up!) and insinuate that all Catholic clergymen are pedophiles. When Pope Benedict XVI was elected, he stated that if his health declined to the point where he could no longer carry out his duties, he would resign. So I dont see why it is such a shock that he is, unless the shock is that an elected official did what he said he would. He may not have been the ideal choice for Pope but I wish him well.
From some of the posts here you would think that Catholicism is the only religion that has ever had scandals!!
chill out every one life is just to short....pray for the pope, dont pray for the up to you....but maybe pray for one of are own on here....RED_DRAGON!!!!
Rank: Her Royal Spriteness
Joined: 6/19/2010
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Maggiecat wrote:
to latinfoxy...yes we are the oldest Jesus said to Peter " you are the rock and apon this rock you will build my church." the first pope was St. Peter!!!! Many catholic's refear to the pope as "the holy father" and thats holy not holly.
btw, if you're going to pick on people for their spelling, you'd best not make any mistakes yourself. totally uncool.
it's Upon not Apon. It's Refer not Refear. It's That's not Thats.
i hope you feel small when i tell you this...i have a learning disability...thank you for making me feel dumb again!!...i was never chatting to you in my orginal post none of you in fact...i was just letting pepole out there know how i feel and sprite if you go back to the org. post i did state i have bad spelling!! please do not responed to this post i just wanted sprite to know how cruel the world can be sometimes! as for corecting latinafoxy she acted like she knew everything about my religon if that is so she would know the word is holy and not holly! i have a "kick me" sign on me....leave me alone you bullys!!
no i didnt in my org. post i didnt pick on anyone they are picking on me !
YOU attacked me first go back and check!!
I'm a fallen Catholic but as the saying goes, once a Catholic, always a Catholic. The news about the Pope's resignation, the first of it's kind, was obviously surprising however I have a tremendous amount of respect for him having the courage and foresight to step down if he feels he cannot perform his duties to the best of his abilities. Now, if only more religious leaders had that same clarity.