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Yep! It's still a bit pricey, but if I had the money I'd go. 

Quote by Buz
Yesterday was warm and moderately sunny.

Today was cold and drizzly.

This'll replace the Keystone XL. At least for a couple of days.
Quote by Chryses
While we have all read proposals of how this or that policy is expected to reduce the GHGs, I have not yet read proposals of what to do with the people whose lives will be changed (some dramatically) by the changes in the climate.

You're expecting these folk to have any sense of what's coming down the line? LOL!
Quote by Buz
By 2030 there may not be any glaciers left in Glacier National Park.

If That's the biggest problem we face from global warming, we've got nothing to worry about. But most folks recognize that's half of nothing.
Quote by sprite

lol i wouldn't pay too much attention to what Osman says. it's just a lot of angry white noise. kind of like a dog standing at the door and barking all hours of the day and night, non-stop.

Quote by Chryses

This is where I part company with the many who are concerned. My understanding is that the levels of carbon dioxide will continue to increase for years. This suggests to me that the serious money should be spent not on trying to avoid the inevitable, but rather to respond to it. How best to mitigate the unavoidable impact.

OK. That'll be politicaly important, but the root cause shouldn't be ignored.
Quote by Chryses

Well, perhaps I could approach it from the angle of how the impact of AGW will manifest in different parts of the world. It will not have the same impact everywhere.

And the impact on Northern Europe will be ... the loss of ice skating?
Quote by sprite

so, you're defending his post but you're not defending his post? lol your balls gonna get awfully sore straddling that fence. smile

I'm sure Osman will say I don't have any to speak of.
Quote by Chryses

Okay. If the thread needs a contentious issue, perhaps I could argue this is an example of the limited impact of Global Warming.

You're kidding, right?
Quote by sprite

so, are we supposed to debate this or something then? illuminate me.

OK, let's make the thread the discussion. Since you've questioned its presence, why this one and not "Does this kid have potential?" or "Leave.EU switched registration to Ireland to avoid losing EU domain name"?

They're all innocuous IMO, so why is only this one called out?
Quote by sprite
why is this even here? is there a point to it?

Respectfully, the same question could be asked of other threads that haven't been challenged.

I think it's cool (no pun intended). Never been ice skating myself.
Quote by Magical_felix

Noll, leave Danielle alone for starters. Probably the least offensive person on the entire site...

Second of all, this entire thread shouldn't be in the Think Tank. Bread8 inadvertently, through pure stupidity, made a forum word game thread.

It was definitely not his intention... You should know this since you contributed to turning it into a joke... and now you're giving Danielle shit? smh

This whole thread is a joke. It's gone on so long that it's not even clowning on bread8 anymore. People actually think it's a forum word game... in the think tank.

It would be great if everything didn't need to be explained to you.

Wrongo Mr. Whiskers!

I started this thread with a link to a watershed event in the American gay experience. Now you might not give a damn or even THINK about what the Stonewall Riots meant, it turned a page, and folks who THINK about American society THINK it's important.

Tantaleyes seems to be doing a Black/Women Civil Rights theme. DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT THEM?

I've already sent a brief TY to noll for reminding everyone that this thread gives anyone who wants to contribute something they THINK deserves THOUGHT can do it here.

And yes, It's supposed to before your time, and it's supposed to be on this day then.

If you've got nothing THOUGHTFUL to contribute, STFU and stick to ridiculing the TT Class Clown. He's an easy target.
206 years ago, the British burned the President's mansion in Washington, DC.
72 years ago, the Berlin Airlift set a record for delivering supplies.
Quote by hidden_agenda73

Then why isn’t the BET considered racist........why isn’t Grambling University considered racist?

Double standard.
Quote by hidden_agenda73
I meant, can you image the uproar if there were a White Entertainment Television network, with the slogan “Yes to White”? Racial equality has to go both ways, if this is ever going to work.

A WET network like you've described would have been labeled as racist.
168 years ago, Frederick Douglas delivered a speech that is now named "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?"
194 years ago, 2 former presidents, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on July 4, 1826.
In 1928, 92 years ago, the first television broadcasting station in the US, W3XK, went on the air.