Lush is a creative outlet for me. My stories, while fiction, all have elements of real events and real people in them. I try to make my characters and plots more "three-dimensional" so most of my stories will be a bit longer in the narrative part than the sex part, and many are multi-part. I'm also a romantic at heart, so lots of my characters are either already in love, or else end up in love. That isn't to say that some don't have a dark or manipulative side. I welcome productive feedback of all types.
Interests Cooking, politics and current affairs, reading, crossword puzzles, redheads
Favorite Books Any of the books by my favorite authors
Favorite Authors Robert Heinlein, John LesCroart, John Connoly, John Sandford, Jonathon Kellerman, Richard North Patterson, Patricia Cornwall
Favorite Movies Trading Places, Coming to America, Contact, Scrooged, Wizard of Oz, Hunt for Red October, Stargate, Dave
Favorite TV Shows NCIS, The Big Bang Theory, Elementary, Person of Interest
Favorite Music Classic R&R (Stones, Zep, Who, etc.), 60's Motown, Jimmy Buffet, Reggae...but also love Beethoven