Lori & Morgan~~ Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I'm always up for a challenge, I don't mind having to fit my writings to someone else right now. The advice is very helpful.
Morgan~~ You mentioned finding out from the publisher what they want in a book, and then write to meet that desire. How does one go about doing that? I have a passion for writing and would love to know how to go about doing it in a methoidical fashion rather than just rushing in and then figuring out what to do. Your advice is a welcome treat.
I know I have a lot of growing to do as an author, so I'm open to all advice and constructive critisim that I can get. I hate when someone says "That's great!" or "That sucks!" That tells me nothing other than you liked it or hated it, but what about it did you like or hate. My own personal pet peeve I guess.
I beleive in destiny, and that everything happens for a reason. I beleive you meet the people you do, when you do for a reason. Sometimes its good and sometimes its bad. However, I also beleive that you can help to form your own destiny. Think of how everything has formed who you are. If you took one experience away, would you be the same person you are today?
I work in the health care feild primarily with kids and we notice (at least at the clinics I have worked at)the kids with the parents who are "germ-a-phobes" are the ones who have increased risk of asthma (a very life threatening disease) as well as the more simplier things such as the common cold. The kids who go out and play in the dirt and mud and aren't constantly told to stay clean (and I don't mean for your cousins wedding) have almost no asthma history and are healthier people all around.
On that note you do need to wash your hands after such things as the bathroom and handeling meat but there is no reason to wash your hands 20x while fixing dinner. Do you think restaraunt chefs do? Besides everytime you wash your hands you dry the skin out, water is one of the most drying agents to your skin (externally) when done in large quanties, it evaporates off your skin taking your natural moisture with it, when this happens enough you get microcuts in the skin its-self and you can end up getting skin infections that way (no fun). In surgery becuase they have to scrub thier hands with a very unforgiving soap and brush (it tore my hands apart so i wore 3 paris of gloves to protect my patients and my doctor finally had me use this trick instead) they wash thier hands (after surgery) with a lotion that is anti-bacterial...but I have found that washing your hands with normal everyday lotion leaves your hands softer and your nails dont get brittle and break as much.
As for sneezing into your hands (I think DamonX mentioned that) it is a horrible habit, and no you shouldn't sneeze into the person next to you, turn your head side ways and sneeze into your elbow crease. This way any germ you have are in an area that is almost never touched and you dont use it to touch anything with such as door knobs the backs of chairs (the dirtiest thing in an office building by the way) keyboards etc.
Well thats my 2 cents
Blue eyes, light, medium or dark they are all sexy...especially with dark hair...nothing is sexier.
They can be as calm as the morning tide or as angry as the winter waves crashing on the shores, but thier color and vibrant life always shows through.
Eyes, a man's eyes will always grab my attention.
savanna your video clip has amazingly beautiful eyes there is no doubt there, but what about men?
I wear hose everyday, no matter the temperature, or if I am wearing pants or a skirt, ususally its thigh highs though. Even though no one sees them it makes me feel sexy and femenine to have them on, its also a boost to my confidence, and somedays I really need that.
It is illeagle to walk downtown with your lunch pail and it is also illeagle for women to show anything more than thier hands and face in public ... Welcome to Riverside, California
Please forgive my naivety, but why would this topic even come up on this website. I mean I know that this is an erotic literature website but, what does have to do with that? Nicola has been gracious enough to allow us to come here to talk and express ourselves in our own way, with very few limitations. I think if anyone has any problems with any of the rules there should be no argument, or "clairification" the rules are simple and easy to understand, if you dont like them then just leave. I think it’s sad that Nicola even has to post something like this to a group of adults.
WOW I now have proof I need to get out more... $15.00 fine thats it...
Men who lie and are unable to keep thier word to anyone.
Men who say one thing one minute then change thier mind the next.