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1 day ago
Bisexual Male, 154
0 miles · Casa Grande


Active Ink Slinger

Quote by Guest
Guys, for the most part, think it really a fag suck cock. But, it ain't. There is a mile of difference between wanting to have sex with men for the emotion and submission or just for the sex. It's pretty hot once you let go of the social . Yes, I like sucking cock as a matter of sex.

Me too, while i enjoy a blow job by either sex, I would actually enjoy sucking more. Sex as pure as it gets for me at least.

Active Ink Slinger

Whenever Penthouse Letters and Forum started writing about bisexual men. I quickly scanned each issue looking for any menyion of guys sucking cock with or without a woman present.

Active Ink Slinger

Yes and like the song goes, I gave her three chances to let me down and she never missed a one.

So yes I did, she did and finally I sobered up and ended it never to see her again.

Active Ink Slinger

Any time it was planned or asked for yes to lube but i had one female lover who would wait until I was on the back stroke and rock her hips and with no hands capture my cock with her hole and as she didn't appear to be new it it and ready it went just fine.

Active Ink Slinger

It was memorable, I was in my 60's and on a mission.

I had fantasies about it for 30 years and when I finally got up the nerve I was determined to go through with it.

I pretty much decided early on when in his bedroom I had some fantasies to explore.

I quickly said"Lets get naked and look at your favorite porn." Soon followed by why don't we get on the bed and I will suck your cock.

Just saying out loud that I wanted to suck his cock was so hot and liberating and as soon as that beautiful appendage slid through my lips I immediately though it was for me and would not be the last time.

It was not.

Active Ink Slinger

First off before you take any action, be safe. Next be serious and honest in your search.

Explain you are new and curious. We all started like that and should understand.

Don't be pushed into something you don't want to do or aren't sure of.

The serious part, if you start a conversation with some one you might get cold feet the first time or times and want to back out. Be up front about it.

Just tell them you got ahead of yourself and are not ready.

A good prospective partner will understand and may even continue the conversation to help you feel more at ease with your next decisions.

Because if you get into it and continue your search, having someone lead you on and then ghost you after they have got some form of pleasure without you leaving you hot to trot and no partner.

good luck, it is normal natural and not a sin!

Active Ink Slinger

It is most likely their last .

Most every partner sucks cock so what is left? Threesome, not an easily obtained.

So that might leave anal for some.

Active Ink Slinger

Only tried Sildenafil and the headaches sucked and not in a good way.

I got a weird, almost high feeling that was not fun also.

I could lessen the effects by taking food with it and some thc gummies too.

Food slows down the time it takes and thc isn't for everyone.

If you have doubts take a smaller dose and see how it works.

Active Ink Slinger

I get myself off frequently, usually daily and often multiple times.

I think of it like maintaining my mental/sexual and even spiritual health.

Like eating but so much more pleasurable. Usually I like a snack and just get naked find some inspiration and give myself pleasure.

Some times I want the full meal and get out the lube, sometimes with toys and even butt play.

Like some things in life there will be a mess and clean up and I am not always into it.

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, but in private with a willing adult partner, male or female.

Active Ink Slinger

Many times with usually positive results. The best was when they licked mine.

An anal 69 is another dimension all together.

Active Ink Slinger

Gladly location and time permitting as long as I get to suck his.

Active Ink Slinger

Don't really care. By the time it gets into their mouth I pretty much done with it.

Active Ink Slinger

I have and will happily do so again. I am bi.

But I didn't "do oral on a guy.

I sucked his cock and he sucked mine.

Active Ink Slinger

Absolutely planned, by me.

He had contacted me on another forum about some of my stories, one thing led to another and I soon was sucking my first cock and loving it!

It was the first but not the last.

Active Ink Slinger
Not a deal breaker if all the other sex was hot.
I have had anal with more than one woman and it was usually fine unless she was turned off by it.
What is really hot is when they ask for it or the best is when you are fucking and you slip out and she rocks her hips and guides your cock into her ass. Now that is hot.
Linda dear, where are you?
Active Ink Slinger
She would have a tough time stopping me. Why else be with more than one partner if you weren't having sex with both of them.
Active Ink Slinger
Absolutely. Planned it for over 30 years.
Finally in my 60's hooked up with someone I met through some stories I posted.
Life changing.
I should have done it way sooner, no regrets.
Active Ink Slinger
It started in my 30's and I spent a lot of time getting off to Penthouse Forum and letters. MMF and some rare bi stories were my favorite.
Still always looking for a woman to share pleasures with but way back in my mind I was haunted by the thought of sex with another man.
Years later, many actually I ended up hooking up with someone I met through one of my stories.
By this time I had stopped feeling any shame and fear, i wanted to know if I was missing anything.
Turns out I was missing a LOT.
Now a few years I am a solid biusexual and comfortable with it.
The shame is long forgotten.
Active Ink Slinger
On my face? Sure. I have tried panty hose and the feeling was incredible.
Panties? sure.
Active Ink Slinger
It was planned. He had written to me liking one of my stories and saying something about me finally satisfying my bisexual curiosity. I told him it was just a story but was finally ready to explore man sex.
Email continued until we finally met and I remember asking myself when I first saw him "would you suck this man's cock?"
Well the answer was a sound yes and we went into his apartment. We chatted a bit until I finally said: "Lets get naked and you can show me your porn."
Sitting next to each other we were trying to caress each others cock but the position was awkward so I told him: "why don't we get on your bed and I will suck your cock?"
So 15 minutes after meeting this guy in person I had his fine cock in my mouth and right from the start I just loved it. His silky smooth cock felt so at home in my mouth. It was the perfect size and I was thinking that this would not be the last time I did this.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by coops89
Are you male or female?Male
How old are you? 67
How many times a week do you masturbate? 8/12
How many times do you orgasm each time you play? at least once

Where do you masturbate:
In bed? 99%
In the shower?
In the bath?
At work?
Every room in the house? I have
In a car while traveling... ?

What do you fantasize about when you play:
A significant other? yes
A friend? yes
A friend's spouse?
A stranger? yes
A student?
A member of the same sex? Almost always
A past lover? Sometimes

What position do you play in:
On your back?
Sitting? 99%
Lying on tummy?

How do you play:
With left hand?
With right hand? yes
With a toy? sometimes
With water from bath? no
Written erotica? always
Pictures? bouncing between written and pictures/clips
Movie clips online? yes
Videos? yes
Something on TV?

What is your favorite porn: MMF
Straight sex between man and woman? Ok
Gay or lesbian sex? Gay & Bi
Group sex or orgies? yes
Blow jobs/oral sex? yes
Cumshots? yes
Anal? Oh yes
Interracial? eh
Age play? nah
S&M? no
Role playing? no
Kinky? sometimes

Have you ever masturbated to:
Email messages? yes!
A chat room dialogue?
Exchanged stories or pictures? yes yes

Have you ever:
Been caught masturbating? yes
Masturbated for a man/woman? both
Masturbated for the same sex? yes
Masturbated in a group?
Masturbated for a photo?
Masturbated for a webcam?
Masturbated for a video?

Do you ever:
Play with nipples/breasts when masturbating? no
Insert something or play with your ass? often
Insert something in mouth when masturbating? rarely
Use pain as a method of playing? never

For men and women:
Do you taste your cum? sometimes
When was the last time you masturbated? every day, i'll masturbate after this
Are you wet or hard now? yes
Are you going to masturbate now? yes
Are you a masturbation addict? yes
What is the most you have played in one day?
6 or 7