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Over 90 days ago
Female, 35
United Kingdom


Advanced Wordsmith
Lol, oh dear painter. People forgot how to have a little fun. sad
I did this thread as a suggestion from thepainter, and the woman is AWARE of this thread, and thepainter asked before hand if she'd have a problem with it, but she DOESN'T.
Okay? No more drama now.
Advanced Wordsmith
Our dear fellow Lushie, thepainter, is planning on meeting a certain Lush lady in person in several weeks time.
Her identity is being kept very secret, but at the request of thepainter, he wants a forum topic for the girls of lush to try and guess who she is.
So here you go, painter, your moment of being the attention whore.

So girls, who do we think it is?
The only clue I have is that she's from somewhere in Asia.
Advanced Wordsmith
I totally agree with Necho on this one.
I like lesbian, but hate hate hate lesbo. Ugh.
Advanced Wordsmith
It doesn't really do much for me to be honest. Never has. No idea why.
I'd much rather watch a girl masturbate.
Advanced Wordsmith
Okay guys, if your woman sleeps with another man, behind your back, I'm guessing you'd find it totally unacceptable and get quite upset over it.
However, if your SO went behind your back and slept with another woman, would you still class it as cheating, and would you still get upset over it?

I ask because my boyfriend is perfectly happy to let me go and sleep with another woman when I feel ready to/if I want to, but NEVER another man.
So fellas, why are there two sets of rules here?
Are women less intimidating, imposing etc? Or is it purely because of the fact that its a turn on?
Advanced Wordsmith
Alright, thanks for the help guys!
I'll paste it into Notepad and resubmit it, see if that makes a difference.
Advanced Wordsmith
I submitted a new story today, and a dear fellow Lushie (who I'll keep anonymous) informed me that they couldn't read it because it wasn't paragraphed. The story looks absolutely fine to me, there is plenty of paragraphs and I submitted it with proper formatting. So I was just wondering if anyone else experienced the same problem when viewing it. The story can be found here: The Painter
Could this be a possible browser problem? Or just something I did wrong? I copied & pasted it from Word 2007, could that effect anything?
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by RumpleForeskin
Dearly beloved,

While an otherwise first-rate site filled with skilled writers, thoughtful readers, shrewd commentators and other forms of literary flotsam and jetsam, sad to say there does seem to be a dearth of Holiday AV's, here in Lushland.

Therefore and forthwith, in my exhausted capacity as self-proclaimed spiritual ne'er-do-well, I encorage all good Lushers and Lushettes to hereby follow my saintly example and adopt a holiday themed AV.

Can I have an, "Amen," or possibly even a, "Hallelujah?"

The Right Rev Rumple Foreskin

I'm already on this bandwagon!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by shameless009

Wow, that puts a whole new perspective on the term "Lady Garden".
Lovely uh... artwork, though!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Jezziebelle
Quote by Primal
Quote by 0PrincessX0
For me, it's been about 5 days.
My period is to blame; I refuse to ever have sex during it.
But now its pretty much over its time to vent my frustration out on my boyfriend.

I've had a few partners who got super horny on their period and it was hard to keep them off me (if I had wanted to refuse them, for some unconscionable reason). One even got off on seeing my fingers and manhood stained in a pale red hue.

groooooosssssssssssss. (clearly, I am more like princess)

'Tis true what you say, Primal.
Personally, I get super horny whilst on my period too. But like Jezz said, seeing my boyfriend covered in blood is something pretty gross and would never turn me on.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Necho
Thanks for posting guys!

And Princess, that is one fine bum... I mean heels, sorry damn where has my focus gone too

Exactly what I thought!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Lady_Lydia
Quote by Necho
Heh, Can I say that I LOVE it, and that I want one of those T-Shirts for christmas?

Hell yeah!! Me too!!!

Me three!!
Advanced Wordsmith
How about some of your favourite sexy festive images to get us in the mood, so to speak!

Advanced Wordsmith
For me, it's been about 5 days.
My period is to blame; I refuse to ever have sex during it.
But now its pretty much over its time to vent my frustration out on my boyfriend.