King County, WA, the misconception is that we're all Seattle nice. Which we are (especially me, being Canadian), right up until we're not. Also, that we all wear Gore-Tex 24/7.
British Columbia, Canada, the most common thing I run into is that Canadians don't have anything like the military personnel the U.S. maintains. Um, no. The longest recorded sniper kill, over two miles away, was made by a Canadian. Besides JTF-2, we also have BAFTUS and a raft of other training facilities as well as military equipment.
The other thing is "how do I get Canadian citizenship"? The answer is, you don't. Especially not now. I married an American and have dual citizenship, but my husband was never granted Canadian citizenship. You have to be married to a Canadian, then stay in Canada without leaving for any reason, then two non-relatives with specific professions (physician, veterinarian, engineer, judge) have swear an affidavit that you're an upstanding person. And marrying a landed born Canadian is still the fastest way to citizenship.
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Fort Worth Texas.
No, we don't ride horses to work.
In Dallas they call it sushi, in Fort Worth they call it bait. I love sushi.
True things though:
We have one of the best zoos in the country.
We have excellent art museums
Ontario, Canada
Biggest misconceptions seem to be it is always cold and snowy, we're all socialists in Canada and the country is some kind of backwater with little talent.
The reality: we have 4 distinct seasons, summer temps are often in the 90's; a bad winter can be harsh but we're tough so we just go about our business; Canada is no more socialist than the US other than our social programs are typically more generous and we're the most highly educated country on the planet. I live in a small town but we have world class science facilities and our technology is used all over the world including by NASA.
Central New Jersey
Misconceptions: we are nothing like those people on Jersey Shore, they are not even from Jersey, we also don't all have "Jersey" accent, we are not all big cities we have plenty of farming and agriculture hence The Garden State, asking what exit are you from is honestly not funny.
A bit of truth:
George Washington crossed the Delaware River into Trenton on December 25 a turning point of the Revolutionary War and more battles were fought in NJ than anywhere else. The street names on a monopoly game are names found in Atlantic City, Thomas Edison had a lab here where he invented the lightbulb, phonograph, and motion picture projector. Jack Nicholson, Bruce Springsteen, Bon Jovi, Redman, Das EFX, Naughty by Nature, Sugar Hill Gang, Lords of the Underground, Jason Alexander, Queen Latifa, Shaq, Judy Blume, Arron Burr, Whitney Houston, Eddie Money, Frank Sinatra, Grover Cleveland, all New Jersey natives. The first baseball game was played here. We have the longest boardwalk in the world. The first Indian Reservation was here. M&M Mars is here as well as Campbell's Soup, Cadbury, Marcal paper products, and Johnson and Johnson. We also have our own iconic foods such as pork roll, hoagies, tomato pie and salt water taffy. We are the only state that does not pump our own gas.
That Licking County, Ohio was named after my sexual proclivities.
City- Johannesburg
Country- South Africa
State- Gauteng
Region- North
That there's Lions walking between us..
Why we're white if we're from >South< Africa... Let the pun.
That we we're supposed to grow up in huts..
That we live in Casinos or Hotels.
Kissing your lips while straddling your lap.
That Britain is a socialist country, because we have a national health service. And that despite being socialist, everything we do is constrained by a class structure.
That we're the snobbiest town in Ohio. (we're actually the 8th snobbiest town in Ohio).
That the taxes here are really high? Taxes are actually near the center of the pack.
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
That Spring Breakers are running rampant all over. My little town, on the west coast of Florida, attracts mostly families during this time of year, so while we do have an influx of people, it's not the mass chaos you see on the news. In fact, the week during July 4th is MUCH worse in my opinion. We try to go on vacation during that week to get away from the craziness.
Living in Albuquerque New Mexico some people don't know that New Mexico is part of the U.S.
The Windy City is not named after the strong winds but politics.
That northern CA if full of tech people who are all leftists. Tech is a business like any other, so tech people don't become raging commie revolutionaries. Also drive an hour inland from where I live right now, and you'll find red counties.
"The Punished Nonpartisan" <- Extreme BDSM and humiliation story. Heavy on plot. Served on a plate of political drama with a side of domestic terror. Currently Free download.
Jocelyn the Wicked <- futanari, fantasy fan fic, and some tentacles that escaped the laboratory