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Your opinion of an overused saying or statement.

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For me, when people say "just sayin' " after a comment, it seems rude. As if they don't care about your opinion of what they just said so they are putting you on notice that all conversation about their comment is over.

For example: "I think the government should spend more money on nuclear research...just sayin'!" It's almost like they should say, "There's my opinion, I'm entitled to it and I don't care what you have to say."

That's my selection of an overused saying or statement! What's yours?
"to be perfectly honest"

I would hope so!!
My husband has come to hate the word awesome.

For me...i would say the phrases that's so gay or that's so retarded.....fucking hate them!
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X

"I'm just keeping it real" or something along those lines. Like that excuses whatever shit comes out of their mouth. Something like, "Your ass is as wide as a barn. Don't get mad at me. I'm just keeping it real."

I also hate when people say, "I could care less." It's, "I couldN'T care less."

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
'At the end of the day'
I use "just saying" when I'm being ornery. Never in a serious conversation.

When in a conversation or someone writing in a conversation "that being said". It's usually after they've gone on and on agreeing with the topic at hand. Now they want to give their "real" opinion.
Quote by Dudealicious
One of mine is the statement "you know" it drives me insane! Another is "like".

I have heard people use both of them 10 times in a single freaking sentence. Grow up people and learn some effing vocabulary!

Oh, I am with you on both of those, I am almost screaming at the television when I hear celebrities/sports stars saying 'you know' every other word. If I knew then they wouldn't be telling me!
Quote by Dudealicious
One of mine is the statement "you know" it drives me insane! Another is "like".

Well I use like quite alot, but thats because im from North East England, we use it alot up there. "Fancy going for a pint like?". Just seems to sound right to us.

"Chillax" really annoys me, and before i came to Oz i actually hated the word "Dude", but now im here everybody says it so ive started saying it too lol. Another pet hate is when people apologise before they say something for hardly any good reason, its completely stupid and pointless. "Im sorry but....I think we should do this", "Im sorry but....I think we should go there". Why are you saying sorry!!!? lol

I also dont like people saying "Im offended". It has nothing to do with the words, but basically thats what people say because they want to whine and whinge about something. Thats what makes me laugh when people say "that offends me", they now think that because they are offended they have more rights than everybody else. Being offended doesnt make fuck all difference, so fuckin what, deal with it, or learn to take a joke. (obviously some serious things DO offend, like racism ect...)

Other annoying sayings:

"Ten Dollars says.....I can beat you at pool" (money cant fuckin talk)

"Easy Listening" (What? Listening is easy, you stay awake and it happens in fuckin spite of you!)

"Theres a bug going round" (What...just one? o.0)

"Science doesnt know everything" (Well fuckin obviously, otherwise it would stop)

"You're being racist" (When dissing another country, with the same main ethnic background. This really gets on my tits, for example if an Dutch person says to an English man "I dont like the English!" people think its racism. Its not, you cant be racist against countries, you can only be racist against RACE, hence the name racism, and the same goes for religions too. People think Jews are a race, they are not the're a religion, you cant be Racist against them because thats not what racism means. Races are Caucasian, Black, Arabic, Asian ect ect...)

"The awkward moment when..." intially started on facebook with a couple of funny groups, but its expanded into loads of pointless and stupid groups most of which, wouldnt even be a fuckin awkward moment. "The awkward moment when you realise you left your mobile phone at home". Yes because thats really is a embarressing situation isnt it.... you couldnt just think "I'll get it later.." Jeez

Anyways ive rambled on enough, you can tell im bored lol
"whatever" it's the most passive-aggressive phrase known to man. Just sayin'. *giggles*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

"Epic" i hear this all over the media now.... it's really bugs me.
Quote by sprite
"whatever" it's the most passive-aggressive phrase known to man. Just sayin'. *giggles*

Let me rephrase this please for MS. SPRITE: You know, its like I find "whatever" to be, you know, the most, like, passive-aggressive phrase known to man......I'm, like, just sayn'.

Personal side note here to SPRITE: You're cute and put a smile on my face with your varied profile pics.
For several years, like back in the ninties, like, there was this like, PHRASE, that was like so overused, Man. "A new paradgim" I am like so glad we found a new paradgim, and don't like have to say "a new paradgim" like all the freaking time any more. Just sayin.....
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
DLizze....Comment well stated!!
Quote by bjgiver

[throws up in mouth]
"It is what it is"...something about it just bugs me...what is is it exactly?
A new one seems to have raised it's ugly moosh: saying "hashtag" before the irritating phrase, for example, "hashtag, just saying". Annoys the crap out of me.
Oh .... the " it is what it is " one really sets me off .... what originated as a phrase that was intended to encourage contemplation and deeper study has now become a standard for slackers to use to try and explain anything that they are trying to avoid because they don't want bothered ...... They think they sound profound & wise ....... My reply is " Well Poindexter DO THE MATH ! THERE'S SOMETHING TO BE LEARNED HERE " I'm sorry but to hear it a handful of times in an evening in different situations & within different crowds is just toooooooooooooo much !!! #*:##%*...............
Quote by chefkathleen
I use "just saying" when I'm being ornery. Never in a serious conversation.

This is me exactly. I use this phrase all the time and, when I do, you can be pretty sure I'm being ornery and/or snarky!

BTW, "ornery" is one of my favorite words ever!!
"Been there, done that"

but really, Americans say it like this .... bin there, done tha

The word "amazing." Pizza, or a pair of shoes or Gaga's looks do not amaze, as in so strange or whatever that they can hardly be believed.
Quote by DLizze
and don't like have to say "a new paradgim" like all the freaking time any more. Just sayin.....

You must have worked at the same place I did...and btw, I didn't know we had an old paradigm...just saying...

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Lush Erotica, an Anthology of Award Winning Sex Stories
The exclamation "Oh my God!" drives me potty and people saying "a myriad of..." instead of "myriad". Also "hence why" instead of "hence". It makes me grit my teeth so I don't end up ranting at them.
Quote by Curlygirly

This is me exactly. I use this phrase all the time and, when I do, you can be pretty sure I'm being ornery and/or snarky!

BTW, "ornery" is one of my favorite words ever!!

This is me too. And evidently "ornery" is what I am. My mom said so.
Quote by snowinginmyhead

[throws up in mouth]

This one gets me too. If I did do that, I'd be running for the bathroom. It leaves all kinds of gross images in my mind.

My husband refers to this act as a "verp". That's gross too.
I don't care for any of the hundreds of overused sayings.

But I love to use one and twist it.

Empty-Handed ; I just used "Empty Hearted" as a expression in a story.

Oh, My God ; I might use "Oh, my gawd" instead.

YES ; I use a foreign expression to suit the story "Ja" ; danish for yes.
Quote by Archadia
"You're being racist" (When dissing another country, with the same main ethnic background. This really gets on my tits, for example if an Dutch person says to an English man "I dont like the English!"

The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.