I can count on one hand the number of people who have contributed anywhere near as much as my dear friend Rachel has to this site over the last 11 years.
She came here a fresh faced innocent (yeah right!) back in June 2010, and having read her first few stories, I soon realised we had a special talent on our hands. Indeed, in the following year, her excellent "Paris in Flames" took out our "Summer Loving" story competition, and went on to become a legendary story. She's been placed in competitions off and on ever since.
Take a look at some of her impressive stats:
Author of 211 pieces.
15 Famous stories.
2 Legendary stories (over 100K views).
Over 1 million total story views.
More than 500 followers.
It isn't just her huge writing talent which I admire. It is her caring, humble and giving nature. She has helped literally hundreds and hundreds of writers improve their craft, and contributes hugely to intelligent and meaningful debate in the forums. Her "Project Semicolon" thread is one of the most popular on the site. Not to mention her being a riot in the private mod forums.
She also came up with the idea of giving shout-outs to people who have given so much back to the community here, as well as writing up forum posts in their honour. Now it's her turn to be on the receiving end (you know I won't do this as much justice as yours)!
On a personal level, I consider her a good friend. We've shared many a squiffy IM session (either one of us / both) over the years, and her support and consideration has been massively helpful.
Rachel, you're a gem. We love you. Thank you for everything you do around the site and for being you!

Congratulations on becoming the first recipient of our "Lifetime Achievement Award." And yes, you're also officially "Awesome" with a badge to prove it!
Everyone, please show your love and respect for the amazing Sprite!
Nicki xx