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Congratulations to Kat / techgoddess on becoming the #1 All-Time Author on Lush!

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My friend Kat – techgoddess – has just become the #1 All-Time author on Lush:

Congratulations, Kat! You have entertained us all, and done it with grace, poise, and constant support for other writers, especially but not exclusively your friends!

An incredibly talented, but modest Polar Bear, often mischievous, but never malicious!

Simple Scribbler

Yay, Kat! ❤️ Congratulations! worship

Her Royal Spriteness

AWESOME! Seriously, hard earned and well deserved. thanks bunches for being such a wonderful contributor to the site.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Writius Eroticus

That's some achievement. Rock on!

Please browse my digital bookshelf. In this collection, you can find 111 full stories, 10 micro-stories, and 2 poems with the following features:

* 29 Editor's Picks, 74 Recommended Reads.
* 15 competition podium places, 10 other times in the top ten.
* 21 collaborations.
* A whole heap of often filthy, tense, hot sex.

Voyeur @ f/64

Congratulations Kat. That's a proper improper pen you wield.

Wow, that is so cool! Congratulations, techgoddess and thank you for the work you do modding our stories!

Whistling on my journey

Congrats Kat

I know from your erotic mind an pen you have continued to give us all here Great stories, micros to the novels


My latest love poem has landed

Lover Moon

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Thank you all for the lovely pat on the back! I'm certainly not the best, nor most prolific writer, on Lush. But I am grateful that people seem to enjoy my stories. I appreciate all the support from my friends here, especially my fellow Rumpies. 😘

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Trust people to be themselves...

Well deserved. Especially when you consider Kat took a few years off and returned. Congratulations!!!

My last published story: Good For Nothing

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by CarltonStJames

Well deserved. Especially when you consider Kat took a few years off and returned. Congratulations!!!

Thank you! You’re so kind. I took 6 years off, more or less, while I was overwhelmed with life and dealing with my personal shit. Coming back was a little intimidating, having to make (mostly) new friends and developing a following from scratch. But I’m really glad I did. 🥰

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Active Ink Slinger

Congratulations! Well deserved, you are an incredible talent and gifted story teller in my opinion. Being a sassy beach kat only adds to the mystique of the Tech Goddess. 🍷😎

Easily amused

That's really wonderful Kat. You are richly deserving of this. Congrats! Gamera approves.

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by Ensorceled

That's really wonderful Kat. You are richly deserving of this. Congrats! Gamera approves.

I totally Love Gamera! Thanks!

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

Active Ink Slinger


puts the ‘ass’ in ‘class’.

Well done, Kat! Richly deserved. 😘X

‘The pious fable and the dirty story
Share in the total literary glory.’

W.H. Auden

Active Ink Slinger

Congratulations! I'm just back after a while on Lush and find these great news... Time to celebrate!!! Maybe with a new story? Or in a kinkier way? ;)


Amateur Muse, Professional Lover

The warmest of congratulations, Kat. Truly, it is a very special talent you have, and this is very richly deserved. 😘

This is my collection of muses and stories. Stories of note include:

Little Bird - A true story of submission and dominance set in Paris between an older couple and their younger lover.

Le Weekend - Six lives intertwined during one weekend create events that change their lives forever.

Having fun!

I have just seen this, and congratulations, Kat. It is richly deserved, as you know I have always enjoyed your stories. What is not so well known is you have helped me many times to get a story over the line (read up to Lush standard or maybe, even turning gibberish into English).

Well done, Kat! 😊😘

A standalone gay male story: The Queens Head

A standalone historical story: A Good Life

A standalone monster sex story: "Shadows"


Congrats techgoddess! Amazing accomplishment.

The list was fun to review, lots of OUTSTANDING writers!

Sassy Red-haired Beach Kat/Dune Goddess

Quote by LYFBUZ

Congrats techgoddess! Amazing accomplishment.

The list was fun to review, lots of OUTSTANDING writers!

Thanks! I definitely need to keep writing to hold that top spot with so many outstanding writers in the top ten of all time.

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife