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First "porn"

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I was house sitting at a neighbors when I was there they had dvd they left in the player and what a surprise I got
she pulled out a Christy canyon vid and sucked my nipples and cock. I was hooked
If I remember correctly my first experience with porn was Penthouse magazine and the Penthouse forum. My best friend was able to get her brothers copies. We would look at the magazine and read the forums in the magazine and the smaller Penthouse Forum magazine that was just short stories of people's experences.

My first movie was at Teaches (my high school teacher that I dated for 4 years ) apartment. We used them for foreplay. He also took me to a few adult theaters.


I can't be sure how young I was when I got a hold of the novel "The Harrad Experiment". There was that book, and the "Joy of Sex", which was not so much porn as "educational".

After that, maybe I saw a couple of grainy black-and-white porn films a friend had. They were the first exposure to porn in visual form. I can't remember the titles. No one shaved their pubic hair back then.

I could not even remember the book titles at first either, but google saved me.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than open one's mouth and remove all doubt" - Mark Twain (or Lincoln, or Confucius, or...)
Found a Playboy under a chair in the living room. That month's centerfold was Liv Lindeland...I was hooked
My father used to read a magazine that had a lot of "manly" type articles but then also had some photos of women in different states of dress. I happened to find one in his closet and would sneak in there whenever they were gone to look at whatever new one he had.
after hours on cinemax. quite possibly something from the emanuelle series. from what i can remember it was quite tasteful.

Say. Her. Name.

After I hit puberty and such things were actually important, the first naked picture I had was an abandoned Playboy centerfold, Teri Welles, that I found in the strip of woods next to the creek on my way to school one morning. Hid it in my backpack and stashed it away carefully when I got home, and over the next month rubbed myself raw staring at it. I soon enough found Playboys with brunettes (I prefer dark hair in general), but that particular hair style of hers on a blonde still manages to turn my head.

The first written erotica I owned was in my first copy of Penthouse, the one with excerpts from the book "My First 500." I remember being confused at first in one of the stories when the man was already inside her and said he was going to come--wasn't he already there? Then I read the detailed description from the woman's point of view of him coming and thought, "Ah, so that's what you call it!" By sheer coincidence, about ten minutes after I figured that out and was close to my own first peak of the afternoon, Dolly Parton started singing "Here You Come Again" on the radio. I did in fact come during the song, and after I came I thought, "Well, that was funny," but also really sexy, so I brought myself off twice more before the hour was up. That was a weird day, yeah, and that song still gives me a little tingle when I hear it.

The first porn movie I saw was my junior year in high school, I think. A friend and I were at an out of town competition, so we got up the nerve to go to an adult theater; fortunately we looked old enough. We watched two movies, then had to leave because of curfew, but he had to go to the bathroom first. I went in soon after and soon we realized we were both in the stalls jacking off. It was embarrassing at first when we left the theater, but after a couple of minutes we just laughed at it.

Was just thinking back to the 90s (before the internet was everywhere), I used to stay up late after everyone else had gone to bed and secretly watch the porn on the scrambled pay-per-view cable stations. It was only the picture that was distorted, but the sound (which I always kept super-low in case someone overheard) was clear, and the image would often come together enough that I could make out what was going on.

Don't believe everything that you read.

So flipping back through this thread, these appear to be my past responses:

Hmm. Either watching the porn version of "Alice in Wonderland" (1976, I would have seen it in the early eighties) or raiding the massive Playboy stash of the couple I babysat for. Forget which came first.


The lingerie sections of Sears and Eaton's (now defunct Canadian department store) catalogues fired a few jerk off sessions before I got into real porn.


Baby Blue Movies for the win. They even brought them back, at least on City Toronto, (Baby Blue 2) briefly before Moses sold out to CTV and Rogers. Also, CFMT, the Toronto multilingual station, used to sometimes show racy Italian fare late at night in the early eighties. Or so I heard from someone.

(Okay, I watched them and, um, yeah)

Something a bit soft and melancholy for our poetry competition.

My dad's VHS stash. Shit was probably from the 80s or late 70s. The cheesy music and big hair was awesome now looking back.

My last published story: Ho For The Holidays

A nudist colony magazine sold under the counter at a 7-11. It was insanely expensive, $3! My right arm is still larger than my left.

I was at college when I first watched porn, 20 years ago. If my older brother or my parents kept a stash, I never found it!

My dad's mags and books.

A Playboy a friend of mine's Dad had, which featured an actual hometown girl. I still remember the title, Lund of Plenty!

I jerked off a lot to Cosmo mags

Tintinnabulation - first place (Free Spirit)
Comet Q - second place (Quick and Risqué Sex)
Amnesia - third place (Le Noir Erotique)

My dad's old Jaybird magazines.

Well, the Sears catalog and National Geo were certainly fodder for my young fantasies, but my first experience with real porn was parents' and friends' parents' Playboys. And then Penthouses. So many sessions inspired by the latter, and by the Forum stories as much as the pictorials. My love for dirty stories is why I'm here.

There was also an erotic novel at a neighbor's house once. Maybe the first time I read about girl-girl action, and that blew my mind.

My first porn I wanked over was the lingerie pages in my mother's catalogues showing women in bra's panties and stockings (see samples in my media). The first real porn I saw was an adult magazine. I still remember a picture in it of a girl topless showing her tits and wearing jeans which were open to show her hairy pussy. The first porn I ever bought, in pre-internet days was a British adult magazine calked "Fiesta". It was full of nudes in erotic poses, had a raunchy "readers wives" section and included sex stories from readers which I soon started contributing to.

First magazine was an old playboy found in the woods. First erotic literate was a penthouse forum I found under my parents ts bed. First porn movie was Bad Girls. We were staying in a hotel room and parents left me with my sister for the afternoon. She turned on the TV and put it on. I have zero interest in my sister, but I still watch that movie on occasion.