Wouldn't you rather have a nice cup of tea?
Maybe it was finding your dad's playboys, maybe your brother had a deck of erotic playing cards, maybe it was discovering an erotic novel on a bookshelf full of paperbacks, maybe it was a sex-scene in an R-rated movie. Maybe you never looked at anything erotic until you stumbled across this site.
For me, (and I'm willing to bet, a lot of guys) it was the Sears catalogue lingerie section - about 10-12 pages of beautiful women in their underwear and if you looked hard enough, maybe you could catch a glimpse of a nipple (there never were any nipples, they were all airbrushed out of the pictures).
So what was your first erotic material?
Don't believe everything that you read.
Starting out I would say that my firsts were sexy ads in magazines. Some underwear/linergie (e.g. Victoria's Secret, etc) but even just promos or movie posters of attractive actresses were a big focus of mine back then. Eventually I came across the 'real stuff' in the form of topless photos and things just took off from there.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
My brother's porn collection and my parents xxx videos of 90s porn
1970s/80s Hustler magazine
and an old Adam and Eve erotic story book...which I got yelled at for looking at and my only reply was " Why are these mommy's kissing?"
Sleeping in the living room at a relative's house and they turned on an r rated movie i think two moon junction. I would sneak a peek to see what was going on.
Hmm. Either watching the porn version of "Alice in Wonderland" (1976, I would have seen it in the early eighties) or raiding the massive Playboy stash of the couple I babysat for. Forget which came first.
While I'd go with the Sears catalogue as being the first images I found piquing my curiosity the first true porn I saw was from the stereotypical stack of mags in my dad's bedroom closet. Top shelf stuff! The one pictorial which burned deepest in my brain was from what I'd call a second-tier mag (ie, raunchier than Playboy or Penthouse) which did its glossy best at time-travel back to the late 1800's southern US. It portrayed a buxom yet fit (pre-boob jobs) upper-crust white southern belle taking a walk on the dark side with the hired help, a lean black guy who definitely fit model of a BBC. Turning the pages unfolded a scene which began with her feigning disinterest in his advances despite her gaze being fixated on the bulge extending down his trouser leg. Twelve pages later she was a disheveled but smiling mess, her ass cheeks brandishing red hand prints from an OTK spanking and her pussy dripping his cum on her tattered silk finery. Bad girls, 'ya gotta love 'em.
I had a HS boyfriend, the boy that took my virginity, who's parents had a half dozen VHS porn tapes hidden not well enough. We watched them all but the first one we watched and the one that made the biggest impression was Deep Throat starring Linda Lovelace. We watched it over and over during our first summer together when we had a lot of time alone. It was like an instructional film, we both thought it was normal for me to learn to take it throat deep.
Funny enough nudity, sex and all that was never a big issue for us here. I mean I knew other families and kids would see that and you know what, the parents didn't care. Maybe it's the difference between Canada and the US that we're so worked out over sex and nudity, a nipple? Big whoop. So yeah I mean we knew they were naughty movies but you only saw things that you had yourself and the things they did were adult stuff. It was all natural.
So what was the first one I saw? I honestly couldn't tell you. As a kid saw boobs and sex and all that stuff on TV and movies. It was just the way things were. Never saw why people got worked up over such things. And still don't get it. I rather wish I could remember, be a hoot to recall what the very first one was.
They used to publish little cartoon booklets, with cartoon people doing fucking and other sexual acts, can't remember what they called them, I remember wimpy, popeye, dick tracey, for a few, so you can see that was a long time before playboy., maybe 75 years ago.
It was so much harder to come by in those days. I also looked at the underwear section of catalogues and I did find a couple of porn mags in my dad's room which my sister and I looked at together! Think it was her who first found one.
In my teens Channel 4 in the UK introduced a red triangle on films that had either sex scenes or excessive swearing, which of course had the impact of driving up viewing figures!!when I had a tv in my room they were a great source of wanking! But most sex scenes in films were suffered in awkward silence in our living room.
My parents were part time nudists. My dad had some "nudist" magazines....real women with saggy boobs.
My really first was National Geographic Magazine, We used to look at the pictures of naked black women in Africa. A long with the little comic booklets, also my brother found a pamphlet of a baby in a woman's womb.
I found some videos where I was sitting
there was an empty lot across the street where we made trails for our bicycles. one day we found an upside down bucket and flipped it over. it was someone's private Playboy magazine cache. After that it was finding Dad's Playboys. After that it was when cable TV first came out. They would show R-rated movies at anytime of the day. I recall a sex scene in "the other side of midnight"
There was a Playboy playmate FROM OUR TOWN! Quite the big deal, as it was a pretty small midwestern town, so that Playboy made the rounds. Her last name, if I remember correctly, was Lund, and the photoshoot was titled Lund of Plenty!
Not actually sure. Most likely the internet. My parents made it seem like the internet was basically for porn after about 1998, and that I should be ashamed of thinking about other humans - not really sure how they masqueraded as sex positive for so long, now that I consider it, but whatever. Anyway, I started looking for that long before a hard copy of porn every turned up in my life.
What, nobody has said National Geographic yet? They weren't porn images, of course, just the way people lived in different parts of the world, but bare boobs were still pretty cool to see, especially as it was the one source that my parents found fully acceptable for its educational value. My father's stash of Playboys otherwise, which he found acceptable for him but not for us, although I wouldn't be at all surprised if he knew we were sneaking peeks. Those were pretty "educational" too!
The photos were the attraction when we'd sneak one out to share with our friends, but in private, even back then, I enjoyed reading the occasional erotic stories at least as much. It was all very tame compared to what's available today of course (they didn't even show pubic hair, which all the girls had, until some years later) but it was exciting and illicit. We were always very careful to return them without the pages all stuck together...