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So boys...

Have you ever used it? Or are you currently using it in your sexual relationship?
Would you ever consider using that little blue pill?

If so, would you tell the woman your with that your using it?

If you would never even dare to try it, why not?

Active Ink Slinger
I'm not yet at the stage in life where that's necessary. If this thread's still active in 20 years, I'll tell you how it works, lol.

I supposed I'd try it if I needed it. I can't imagine going decades until I die without sex.
Active Ink Slinger
Tip for the guys Cialis works much better without the side effects of Viagra

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!
Active Ink Slinger
Am I the only 20-something that takes it as a party favor? Chics dig it when you walk around the house party for five hours with a raging erection.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
Shameless has had experience with both of these (pills) ,, with a 50% sucess rate,, down to no sucess rate.
And when frustration got unbearable again , I sought advice from older men in my circle of acquaintences.
Then I got the same answer more than once ,, ( It's Not You ,, It's your wife).
Well as we were already in trouble in our marriage ,, this seemed to tear the marriage apart.
So sometime after my 2nd divorce,, I tried the theory out ,, that it was my wife ,, and not me .
Finally I met a women ,, and she could just walk into yhe room,, and I would come to life in a big way ,, for along time.
I wont say this is a cure for the problem for every man ,, But Shameless came back to life ,,, and I will be 54 in January.
Active Ink Slinger
Gotta agree with Shameless on this one.

The Missus has kept my pecker interested for some 22 years now. Where my male friends have resorted to the "pill" it has only taken a quick look at their other half to confirm my suspicion that we shallow males are all about the 'visuals'.

Now ladies, don't confuse our 'love' for you with the ability to raise the old pecker - please!
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Active Ink Slinger
I know I am not a guy, but I have taken viagra a few times. Once a couple years ago combined with a few other substances so I don't really remember the effect.

A couple nights ago though, my friend suggested that I take some. I have a really hard time getting to the point where i orgasm and I could feel a bit of a difference when I took it. I guess because it helps bloodflow in the genetalia (Maybe? Just a guess!)
Did it help you out much, Rx? I've heard of women taking it.
Knew a guy who ends up with things like this, and he gave me some. I took it for fun with a girl a few months ago. Sex was great, but it kind of freaked me out a little. She loved it though, I'm not surprised if she went after her own stash at some point. She's also crazy.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by roccotool
Did it help you out much, Rx? I've heard of women taking it.

yeah it did.
Hubby tried it a few times but it made his heart race and his face flush. It made me nervous so he stopped. But I will confess that when he did use it he was as hard as a stone.

Active Ink Slinger
Had a guy whose blood pressure meds gave him some problems so his doctor gave him some Viagra. I kind of missed it when he stopped taking the bp stuff. Something about a guy that can go for an hour+ two or three times a day that just really appealed to me. Gawd, I am soooo shallow.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
Quote by castlequeen
Had a guy whose blood pressure meds gave him some problems so his doctor gave him some Viagra. I kind of missed it when he stopped taking the bp stuff. Something about a guy that can go for an hour+ two or three times a day that just really appealed to me. Gawd, I am soooo shallow.

Yeah, there's that too.
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't use viagra. I use cialis (last up to 36 hrs vise 4 with viagra). My wife knows I use it as she is a Phyician Assistant, works in a clinic and can get free samples. Never had the problem of an erection lasting over 4 hrs (that they warn about) but wife keeps hoping for it to happen. She says she will take care of the medical assistance necessary in that event. LOL
Active Ink Slinger
i'm still young to use that i can resist a long day in bed
i never use performance enhancing drugs not in any SPORT
I tried it once (a doctor friend had a sample) and it does work. Fucked like a porn star!
Advanced Wordsmith
I've tried it a few times. It gave me an enormous werection in less than 15 minuites. We fucked three times that evening. I think I could have gone more but my lover was exhausted. I had a couple more erections the next morning.

On the flip side, it is pretty expensive if you don't need it.
Active Ink Slinger
I tried using a generic version of one of them when things were bad and my marriage was in collapse. They worked fine. After I split I had a few flings. I found that in most cases I didn't need it. My newer partners were all a lot more fun. Visual excitment really helps.
We know if you're using sildenafil (Viagra), or tadalafinil (Cialis), which is generally much safer and much longer lasting. We just know. Okay, maybe some women without any medical experience or with willful blinders won't know, but it took me about 42.6 seconds after meeting a guy to know that he was taking something.

And here's the thing. A good woman won't give a half a damn (except if she's a nurse, in which case she'll run down your health history, how you obtained the drug, and suggest that maybe you should switch to tadalafinil). If it makes you feel confident, if it makes you feel better, then fantastic. That's all that matters.
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The Linebacker
I knew guys that would take viagra or cialis, along with ecstacy for parties or raves back in college. I thought it was a bad idea. I don't know but wondered if it could make a guy dependent on using it for erections at an earlier age than it would otherwise.

But the guys would brag about doing numerous rounds of sex with different chicks in quick succession. Even so, l never tried it. I'll just wait to use it until l am older and need to.
Primus Omnium
My previous GP had samples of both Cialis and Viagra. After I had my operation to remove a cancerous prostate gland he gave me many samples. It was typical for that type of surgery to affect the penis, especially getting an erection. He gave me quite a few of them to let me see if they might be effective for me.

I tested them trying to get erections without the drugs and also using them. It seemed with my unscientific testing I discovered that I obtained the same erections with or without the use of the drugs. So it did give me to understand that I was lucky enough not to actually need the drugs at all.
Interesting conversation. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to operate with a bit of chemical assistance. I imagine it would feel like I was 16 again and wondering how to get out of algebra class with a raging hard on without calling attention to myself.
I think my wife and I could have a fun night. I’d just have to make sure she wasn’t in a one-and-done frame of mind.
I have used Sildenafil / Revatio & it is fuckin AWESOME~( Revatio is good for the heart) I got somewhere to hang my laundry & ordered a flag to hang from my erections. On the Serious side it is the BEST of anything I have tried. Only noticeable effect is feeling a little flush but that's it. I get so friggin Hard & it Feels so dammm good.
Active Ink Slinger
One day i shall need it i suspose lol
That's for men with wives who have become obese.
I use it. I do have a physical issue, no problem getting hard, but staying hard is...hard. Viagra helps me retain an erection. It is certainly not my sexy wife's fault. She still blows my mind when we have sex, even though we are old folks.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't need it yet. I'll keep you posted.
Quote by bob1919
I use it. I do have a physical issue, no problem getting hard, but staying hard is...hard. Viagra helps me retain an erection. It is certainly not my sexy wife's fault. She still blows my mind when we have sex, even though we are old folks.

Same here bob1919.