Well thanks lush for fucking my other account up and I'm not in the mood to fill my bio out again it can fucking wait not that there was much on it lol oh and I'm not a fucking friend collecter don't add if ur not going to fucking at least say hi got it fuckers lol
InterestsFooty sports in general love reading oh and did I mention serial killers lol not that I'm evil

and other stuff as well more to come
Favorite BooksAll king and Koontz books and Anything to do with serial killers yes I like my dark material
Favorite AuthorsStephen king dean Koontz James Patterson and and other horror writers I couldn't be bothered naming at the moment lol
Favorite MoviesTo many to name but action thrillers and even love stories lol but love horror ones the darker the better and Science Fiction
Favorite TV ShowsDexter supernatural penny dreadful Lucifer soa and The greatest show on TV The Walking Dead
Favorite MusicOld rock and roll Elvis Nwa rap CCR John Fogarty and heaps more will put them another time if ur lucky lol