As the babe above mentioned (lol) depends how and who uses it.
Though I use "babe" and not "baby"
I use it to describe an attractive person, especially a young woman.
And as term of endearment like "Darling".
In the past, I have hated being called babe, and wouldn't tolerate it. My boyfriend calls me babe, or baby and I don't mind anymore. My mother has always called me babe, and I have found it odd
I had a think about this as I never used to refer to any woman, even my ex partner, as babe, baby, honey or any of the others. However I was actually asked by a lady I was seeing 'What would you like to call me?' I thought carefully (as i didn't want to blow it all - the sex was too good!) and decided on 'beautiful'. This seemed to go down well. But I call my current partner 'gorgeous', which she loves. She asked me why one day. I simply said "Because you are."
hmmm around our house it's just a casual expression. Used all the time.
Does not bother me in the slightest. I actually dont like the word "babe".
I have used both "babe" and "baby". Usually those words are used as terms of endearment and should be taken as such. If that's how someone conveys their care or love for another person, then it should be ok. If my lady asked me to not call her babe/baby, I'd stop. However, I think if being called baby or babe is the worst thing that happens to a person in a day then life is pretty damn good.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates I continue to use "babe" and "baby" on a daily basis. Mix those in with "sweetie", "sweetheart", "sexy" and "my love" you now have the way I address my woman. In fact it has come to a point where the only time we use each other's names is A) when we need to get the other's attention. B) We are a little upset with each other.
We use it as terms of endearment as LM mentioned. She knows that she is the only person that I say that to it therefore resonates a little further.
I use the word baby quite a lot. I use it as a term of endearment and the way that I say it will differ from person to person....
I don't see why anyone would have a problem with it really?
If you don't like it, just use something else, or ask to be called something else - problem solved...
I think that having problems with specific words says more about you as a person than the person actually saying...
Personally, I don't like being called 'cunt', however there have been instances where it's been with good intention - some people just use it the same way they would 'pal' or whatever...
I like the words "baby", "babe", "honey", "hun", "sweetie" ............ and a host of others.
in my family, it's like a nickname - it's the sign of affection. If we don't like ya, you'll get your full name(s) said!
babe and baby makes me think of hookers and strippers and women who want nothing from you but your money.......i usually reserve hun and honey for my partner
i don't mind being called either... but will only use baby when it's someone i am in love with... babe on the other hand brings to mind a (excuse me for the stereotype) blonde bimbo chewing gum so i never use it except in irony or sarcasm :s
My wife and I call each other 'babe' or 'baby' a lot.
im kinda on the fence on this... me saying it is a no and someone saying baby to okay
Yep I call my GF both she also calls me both. I have other pet names for her but to me she is my baby and I have other close girl friends I call that as well
“I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.... I just go on from day to day, taking what comes.”~Frank Sinatra~
I have been called babe often, only once baby and it was buy a southern girl who had a very sweet strong soft southern accent and when she said hey baby it made me melt.
It doesnt bother me really as long it is used as a term of endearment and from someone I know.
I tend to call everyone Darling, I hope no one takes offense to it. If it does please tell me.
I would say it all depends on who is saying it. Used to have a customer who would refer to every woman at work as baby. Believe me it did not get him better service.
Honey seems to be a term that is overused by people you don't even know, and gets on my nerves.
i like being called baby instead of babe... but it matters from who and how. i guess its what your used too
I will use Babe or Babi..... but Never Baby!