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men on lush

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How you girls want to, men to make conversation with emotional talk, general talk, sexual talk or aggressive talk...
Just like in real life, I prefer a general chat - if there is some sort of connection it should naturally develop from there. I definitely find it a turnoff when the guy leads in with 'are you horny?' and has nothing else to say. Intelligent conversation is sexy!
Quote by MollysDream
Just like in real life, I prefer a general chat - if there is some sort of connection it should naturally develop from there. I definitely find it a turnoff when the guy leads in with 'are you horny?' and has nothing else to say. Intelligent conversation is sexy!

Head Nurse
People who lead off with the "are you horny" "hey babe lets chat" or some other cheesy line get ignored by me.
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with all of the above. If he is really interest read my profile. It tells a man what I want and will NOT put up with. I don't want too be bossed around. And men my own age don't get it. That's y I would rather date a guy in his 30 and 40's And believe me. the guys who read it get me. And the older ones r a fended by my remarks .
Agree with above. Be genuine. Have a normal conversation and see where it goes. My best talk has been with someone I connected with almost instantly and went from normal chat to deep topics to bring funny and joking leading in to an amazing sex scene.
Active Ink Slinger
I had one dude request to be my friend by telling me he has a 9 inch cock. I'm not a walking pussy. I have a mind. Stimulate it.
Drink. Smoke. Fuck. Live!
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by MollysDream
Just like in real life, I prefer a general chat - if there is some sort of connection it should naturally develop from there. I definitely find it a turnoff when the guy leads in with 'are you horny?' and has nothing else to say. Intelligent conversation is sexy!

exactly. it wouldnt happen like that in a pub (or would it??) so why on here. There are sites where it is appropriate to do so, but on here please guys, keep it real!!!!
Active Ink Slinger
I think you should check out the profile. They come in wide variety, but always give an idea about the person and a way to talk to them.
Got to be yourself firstly, its so easy to see through a front which makes you question straight up. For me a little effort called reading my profile and general chat, it will work itself out after that.
Active Ink Slinger
I guess it depends on how well I know u!

Art can never exist without naked beauty displayed.
I felt a need to have a male input here, whilst I appreciate the forum poster asking the question I do find it a little like asking yourself how to breath. Let's be honest, you wouldn't walk up to a lady in the street and show her a picture of your cock, so why does it seem that just because they are here on Lush, that blokes think this is acceptable. treat the ladies how you would in real life, and if you treat your lady like a sex object in real life then you need to take a good hard look at yourself mate. It annoys me, especially in the chat rooms where guys think they can address gifs to ladies as if in doing so they will open up to you and let you treat them like shit.
Treat people on here with the respect they deserve. And yes that does work negatively as well.
Active Ink Slinger
Some of each, but when guys start off you wanna fuck. Or has an attitude that send the same message. Well it is a very short subject.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by phoenix072
How you girls want to, men to make conversation with emotional talk, general talk, sexual talk or aggressive talk...

sweet and kind and sexy and sexual and seductive conversation....engage the lust centers of my brain conversationally, and the lust centers of my pussy will open up to you eagerly
Here on Lush:

I prefer men don't talk to me, I don't like to be approached... If I wanted to talk to someone I would approach them! Once and only once did I except a chat from a cocky pervert, and I married him... If I am going to talk to anyone, it is general talk. Sports, cooking, books, movies, etc...

In real life:

I don't mind being approached for general talk, emotional talk, just shooting the breeze is fine... again I don't want to be approached by a pervert with cheesy pick up lines. I have zero interest in knowing anyone in a sexual manner.
Quote by up4it67
I felt a need to have a male input here, whilst I appreciate the forum poster asking the question I do find it a little like asking yourself how to breath. Let's be honest, you wouldn't walk up to a lady in the street and show her a picture of your cock, so why does it seem that just because they are here on Lush, that blokes think this is acceptable. treat the ladies how you would in real life, and if you treat your lady like a sex object in real life then you need to take a good hard look at yourself mate. It annoys me, especially in the chat rooms where guys think they can address gifs to ladies as if in doing so they will open up to you and let you treat them like shit.
Treat people on here with the respect they deserve. And yes that does work negatively as well.

Perfectly said! Thank you brother.
Quote by up4it67
I felt a need to have a male input here, whilst I appreciate the forum poster asking the question I do find it a little like asking yourself how to breath. Let's be honest, you wouldn't walk up to a lady in the street and show her a picture of your cock, so why does it seem that just because they are here on Lush, that blokes think this is acceptable. treat the ladies how you would in real life, and if you treat your lady like a sex object in real life then you need to take a good hard look at yourself mate. It annoys me, especially in the chat rooms where guys think they can address gifs to ladies as if in doing so they will open up to you and let you treat them like shit.
Treat people on here with the respect they deserve. And yes that does work negatively as well.

From yet another guy... well said! Always... ALWAYS treat the ladies with respect. If they're interested in more, you'll know it. One thing about the gals around here, they aren't shy!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by up4it67
I felt a need to have a male input here, whilst I appreciate the forum poster asking the question I do find it a little like asking yourself how to breath. Let's be honest, you wouldn't walk up to a lady in the street and show her a picture of your cock, so why does it seem that just because they are here on Lush, that blokes think this is acceptable. treat the ladies how you would in real life, and if you treat your lady like a sex object in real life then you need to take a good hard look at yourself mate. It annoys me, especially in the chat rooms where guys think they can address gifs to ladies as if in doing so they will open up to you and let you treat them like shit.
Treat people on here with the respect they deserve. And yes that does work negatively as well.

I could not possibly agree more. I know that even in answering some of the threads here, like "Fuck or Pass?" I feel uncomfortable a lot of the time.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LustyBustyLisa
I had one dude request to be my friend by telling me he has a 9 inch cock. I'm not a walking pussy. I have a mind. Stimulate it.

Am I missing something here?
Your user name doesn't exactly cry out that you want stimulating intelligent conversation!
This is an erotic site so what do you expect? I'd suggest that you think about changing it to something that doesn't give a guy the wrong idea!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LustyBustyLisa
I had one dude request to be my friend by telling me he has a 9 inch cock. I'm not a walking pussy. I have a mind. Stimulate it.

Would it really matter how big his cock is over the internet lol, I have to say as a guy sometimes I come here just to have a chat.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by dpw

Am I missing something here?
Your user name doesn't exactly cry out that you want stimulating intelligent conversation!
This is an erotic site so what do you expect? I'd suggest that you think about changing it to something that doesn't give a guy the wrong idea!

If you come here expecting only open pussy or hard cock, then yes, you are missing something.

This is an erotic stories website. Stories require reading. Reading requires stimulating the mind. The mind is full of infinite possibility, only a fraction of which is sex. It's nice, sure, but intelligent conversation surpasses the nether regions much of the time, and can also lead to more meaningful connection and enjoyment.

So, if you're looking for meaningful connections, try being more intellectual. If you just a fuck, go troll a different site.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Raven_Star

If you come here expecting only open pussy or hard cock, then yes, you are missing something.

This is an erotic stories website. Stories require reading. Reading requires stimulating the mind. The mind is full of infinite possibility, only a fraction of which is sex. It's nice, sure, but intelligent conversation surpasses the nether regions much of the time, and can also lead to more meaningful connection and enjoyment.

So, if you're looking for meaningful connections, try being more intellectual. If you just a fuck, go troll a different site.

My point is the username! So you think because it's a female, you have to chip in to defend her? Well really that shows a remarkable lack of intelligence in my opinion. You might be better served trying to take a more objective view before commenting. Just a thought!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by dpw

My point is the username! So you think because it's a female, you have to chip in to defend her? Well really that shows a remarkable lack of intelligence in my opinion. You might be better served trying to take a more objective view before commenting. Just a thought!

No... But I'll chip in and defend her because of your wording. Just because she chose that username she deserves it? That's like saying just because she's wearing a low cut top and a short skirt she's asking for it.

Please don't be that kind of guy.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by dpw

Am I missing something here?
Your user name doesn't exactly cry out that you want stimulating intelligent conversation!
This is an erotic site so what do you expect? I'd suggest that you think about changing it to something that doesn't give a guy the wrong idea!

I highly doubt her name has that much to do with a guy approaching her as just a cock. She could have had the most obscure of names as her username, and a guy would see that she's a female and still approach her that way.

So no, she shouldn't have to change her name because some guys choose not to control themselves. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and it kinda comes off as 'She was asking for it', which leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Irregardless of a username, some people just can't conduct themselves as adults on an adult site...go figure.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Blackbird Supernova
Quote by dpw

My point is the username! So you think because it's a female, you have to chip in to defend her? Well really that shows a remarkable lack of intelligence in my opinion. You might be better served trying to take a more objective view before commenting. Just a thought!

My point is just as applicable to men as women. If anyone was taking a subjective point of view, I suggest it was you, insinuating that her user name indicates willingness or eagerness to fuck. If I did that with your user name, I'd be inclined to think that you're a double penis whore. Hmm? Perhaps I'm wrong.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness

No... But I'll chip in and defend her because of your wording. Just because she chose that username she deserves it? That's like saying just because she's wearing a low cut top and a short skirt she's asking for it.

Please don't be that kind of guy.

I'm certainly not that kind of guy I'm the gay kind of guy!
This a fantasy site not real life! A username such as that gives the impression that the member is open to a sexual conversation. Have you checked the profile bio? Not exactly shy and retiring?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dani

I highly doubt her name has that much to do with a guy approaching her as just a cock. She could have had the most obscure of names as her username, and a guy would see that she's a female and still approach her that way.

So no, she shouldn't have to change her name because some guys choose not to control themselves. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and it kinda comes off as 'She was asking for it', which leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Irregardless of a username, some people just can't conduct themselves as adults on an adult site...go figure.

I suggest you read the first line of the bio!
I don't suggest that anyone change their name but if it sets out to invite suggestive comments then don't complain when you get them.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Raven_Star

My point is just as applicable to men as women. If anyone was taking a subjective point of view, I suggest it was you, insinuating that her user name indicates willingness or eagerness to fuck. If I did that with your user name, I'd be inclined to think that you're a double penis whore. Hmm? Perhaps I'm wrong.

Very drole!
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by dpw

Very drole!

I think you meant droll. Or, perhaps it was