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men on lush

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Raven_Star

I think you meant droll. Or, perhaps it was

No drole is the French and useable in UK.
Blackbird Supernova
Quote by dpw

No drole is the French and useable in UK.

That may be. Even so, my point stands.
Quote by dpw

No drole is the French and useable in UK.

Drole and droll are both correct, pretty much...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Raven_Star

That may be. Even so, my point stands.

What point? Read the bio! That's the point!
As far as the double penis whore goes that was so infantile that it was beneath me to comment upon!
Artistic Tart

did somebody say 'double penis'?

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX

did somebody say 'double penis'?

Yes and they're all mine!
Prolific Writer
I definitely like to just have regular conversation.

I am getting very tired of men telling you all about their cocks, how many times they stroked their cocks, if they came today. I mean I really don't give a crap.

I just like to have fun, intelligent conversation. I like to talk about anything and everything. It can have a sexual tone but I don't need to know what you are doing on the other side of the computer.

Well this has certainly raised a few comments hasn't it. Regardless of names etc, if a person simply chats about sex or penis size or that sort of thing then they really are missing the point of this site and should simply go find a chat room to get their kicks. This site is definitely more about erotic stories and meeting like minded people but there is no need to approach a person as if they are simply a sex object. I like chatting, and yes I like sex, but the two do not always go together. If you do find someone on here who likes that sort of thing, to talk about nothing else but sex, then fine, but don't expect everyone is the same. The same applies in the Chat rooms. And DPW, nice to see you can still rile people
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by phoenix072
How you girls want to, men to make conversation with emotional talk, general talk, sexual talk or aggressive talk...

All of the above (minus the aggressive) can be fair game with me if you take the right approach. Also, I don't mind talking about sex in general, but that's as far as I go in terms of 'sexual talk'.

As others have said, 'Hey sexii, wanna pvt?' usually won't cut it. It works with some women, but not very many. And I've been in chat rooms where a guy will 'Hey There' down the list of every female in the room...or he'll say or whisper the same line down the list of females in the room until someone takes the bait, I guess. It's kind of a hit or miss kind of thing.

But as a common courtesy, a simple 'Hello, how are you?' or something of that sort is a great way to get things started. But don't try to force the conversation in a certain direction once you've gotten a foot in the door. Let it happen organically. People get so caught up in the sex aspect of the site that they forget they're dealing with real human beings who should be approached the same way you'd approach someone in a public setting.

Some people are so eager for a quick sex chat, they don't even take the time to figure out if you'll even mesh well together...and it results in a very sloppy cyber session that sometimes many people in chat are forced to witness.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dani

All of the above (minus the aggressive) can be fair game with me if you take the right approach. Also, I don't mind talking about sex in general, but that's as far as I go in terms of 'sexual talk'.

As others have said, 'Hey sexii, wanna pvt?' usually won't cut it. It works with some women, but not very many. And I've been in chat rooms where a guy will 'Hey There' down the list of every female in the room...or he'll say or whisper the same line down the list of females in the room until someone takes the bait, I guess. It's kind of a hit or miss kind of thing.

But as a common courtesy, a simple 'Hello, how are you?' or something of that sort is a great way to get things started. But don't try to force the conversation in a certain direction once you've gotten a foot in the door. Let it happen organically. People get so caught up in the sex aspect of the site that they forget they're dealing with real human beings who should be approached the same way you'd approach someone in a public setting.

Some people are so eager for a quick sex chat, they don't even take the time to figure out if you'll even mesh well together...and it results in a very sloppy cyber session that sometimes many people in chat are forced to witness.

That is exactly why I created the new thread in "Crowd" Sourcing, "Would you like to have an intelligent conversation with the poster above you?"
Active Ink Slinger
Just because we are on lush doesn't mean that we are always horny. Polite conversation is always welcome.
Hard to find girls to have good conversation with,especially with all the profiles with pictures that are clearly copied from google and obviously blokes pretending to be girls,really your a lesbian and strictly no guys? ha :P
Short Arse Brit
I can honestly say receiving a f/r saying "read your bio, I think short is sexy do u want to swallow my cum" didn't do much for me to be honest, now had he said "I think short is sexy I have chocolate brownies would u like to swallow them" he would have gotten a much nicer response from me.

Always talk about chocolate lol.

Seriously tho Aliie is right just because its a sex website doesn't mean we are always horny, nice polite friendly conversation will always work best imo, that or a great sense of humour. Failing that bring chocolate
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Most are lost on society
Gold hearted fun loving Aussie Angel
I totally agree just because this is a sex site doesnt mean people are always horny. so polite friendly respectful conversation always works best.. or of course as Kiera said talk chocolate lol
Quote by Dreamer90
I think you should check out the profile. They come in wide variety, but always give an idea about the person and a way to talk to them.

yes .. I sooooo agree ..... nothing to stop them saying "hi!" while they read the profile... biggrin
wow, thanks everyone...nice inputs you have given...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by TommoUK
Hard to find girls to have good conversation with,especially with all the profiles with pictures that are clearly copied from google and obviously blokes pretending to be girls,really your a lesbian and strictly no guys? ha :P

Ah Tom, that's part of the fun sorting the wheat from the chaff. The frisson of when you find a real person, lol.
I think I maybe about to become bitter and twisted, but as a mature male here are some thoughts:

If you are a man, only speak if you are spoken to - never approach a lady first.
Most women on Lush don't want to make friends with men, so don't waste time trying.
Younger people of both sexes, especially those in chat rooms, think that men over the age of 40 are generally disgusting. Sex is for the young, for God's sake!
Even if people in chat rooms are posting sexually explicit pics and gifs, if you are a man - don't, it is disgusting.
The rules are different for men and women - women have brains, men only have cocks - men are not intelligent by definition.
The best thing to do if you are a man over 40 is to crawl into a quiet corner and die.
Active Ink Slinger
OK I am a guy, and after reading some of the responses from the ladies in this thread...

Guys in general are a**holes. It is no wonder the few of us males that are here for the fun and not to be a troll are given the brick wall treatment.

Regarding your username - it should not mean that a lady or a guy for that matter, is here to be trash talked at by anyone.

If you have no respect for others, why should they respect you?

But there have been some responses from the ladies on here that... Well they actually don't surprise me. I see no reason why the ladies should have us guys chat to/with them in any way other than we would in real life.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by justalilfun
OK I am a guy, and after reading some of the responses from the ladies in this thread...

Guys in general are a**holes. It is no wonder the few of us males that are here for the fun and not to be a troll are given the brick wall treatment.

Regarding your username - it should not mean that a lady or a guy for that matter, is here to be trash talked at by anyone.

If you have no respect for others, why should they respect you?

But there have been some responses from the ladies on here that... Well they actually don't surprise me. I see no reason why the ladies should have us guys chat to/with them in any way other than we would in real life.

I take some of your points, the problem is that only the decent guys will post on a thread like this, so at least you'll earn points. The point I'm making is that if you have a user name like Fuckmypussy and your bio reads "I like riding hard cocks" with interests of Rough Hard Sex", then is it any wonder that a guy will say "I've got a 9" dick"?
Why should she then complain of inappropriate messages and blame the guys?
Site administrator
I just want to be a girlie for a few minutes.

Firstly I think respect is key. Beyond that I see it as a challenge for the men, and indeed the reverse is true too, in terms of the approach that they wish to take when chatting with the ladies. However reading the members profile and perhaps observing her messages for a short time may be indicative of how to proceed. Ive spent a few hours in the chat rooms and have my own experiences also. Whilst I would say the majority don’t like the text approach to conversation, the best example being the hru .. wanna pvt?, there are many who do not object to it (not dissimilar to the private whispering actually). Lets also remember that English for many here is not their mother tongue. Then there is the actual conversation. Ive seen members chat on subjects ranging from garden gnome collections (sorry that was me) to politics and the latest stock market prices with sex somewhere, but not always, in there too!. Ive also seen ladies respond to general chat with messages such as ‘this is a sex site and this is the bedroom .. I don’t want general chat! .. get em off!’ (or words to that effect).

As others have said above and I always say to anyone that asks for my view I think its always worth thinking about Lush as a real life scenario and therefore how would one conduct themselves if they went into a pub and wanted to have a conversation with someone that perhaps they have never met before.

There is no one answer to your question .. its ‘Horses for courses’. Having said that .. some rocket science now .. ‘What do you like to chat about here on Lush may I ask?’.

Edit - Oh sorry I forgot to say that really I do think you should have included shoes and handbags in your examples if you are attempting to highlight the most popular topics.

I am going to pop this link in here also since some of the posts are relevant I think to this thread (more so page 2).
Active Ink Slinger
general chatting and see how it goes from there.

sexual/emotion talk right away raises red flags.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX

did somebody say 'double penis'?

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Raven_Star

My point is just as applicable to men as women. If anyone was taking a subjective point of view, I suggest it was you, insinuating that her user name indicates willingness or eagerness to fuck. If I did that with your user name, I'd be inclined to think that you're a double penis whore. Hmm? Perhaps I'm wrong.

I'm with you on that one. That guy is way too condescending and disrespectful toward other users, not to mention this is the "Ask the Gals" section where he shouldn't be snooping. Just saying.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by dpw

I take some of your points, the problem is that only the decent guys will post on a thread like this, so at least you'll earn points. The point I'm making is that if you have a user name like Fuckmypussy and your bio reads "I like riding hard cocks" with interests of Rough Hard Sex", then is it any wonder that a guy will say "I've got a 9" dick"?
Why should she then complain of inappropriate messages and blame the guys?

So let us put a slightly different twist on this then... Off topic a little but...

If the lady was walking/ sunbaking/ swimming etc on a nude beach nude, does this mean she is just waiting for a random male to walk up to her for sex?

I may be reading your responses wrong, but I get the impression you think it does...

Just incase you were wondering, it does NOT.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by justalilfun

So let us put a slightly different twist on this then... Off topic a little but...

If the lady was walking/ sunbaking/ swimming etc on a nude beach nude, does this mean she is just waiting for a random male to walk up to her for sex?

I may be reading your responses wrong, but I get the impression you think it does...

Just incase you were wondering, it does NOT.

Oh please at least show a modicum of intelligence! Don't try and twist what you think I said or mean! Read my posts, slowly if necessary, and at least attempt to take in what I say!
I'm not defending guys in general unlike you who seem to think that women can do no wrong. If on the off chance that understand this post, you just may want to reconsider!
Women can be skanks too. It's just they tend not to think with their genitals so 9 times out of 10 it's men being skanks
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by ToshLoveCC

I'm with you on that one. That guy is way too condescending and disrespectful toward other users, not to mention this is the "Ask the Gals" section where he shouldn't be snooping. Just saying.

Condescending? Obviously you haven't grasped the meaning of the word, look it up!
Arguementative, acerbic even abrasive, I would agree with but I refuse to believe that some women almost invite such messages.
Perhaps if you'd read all of my posts then you'd see that I'm not excusing the behaviour, rather explaining why some of it happens!
Also the forums are open to all, if you don't agree with it then take it up with the powers that be. I'm certainly not prepared to sit back and see men maligned yet excusing women!
Active Ink Slinger
I am not defending women, or men either for that matter. I am merely saying that a persons username, their profile description etc, should not leave them open to rude crude and disrespectful opening conversation lines or friend requests.

I am making the point that you should always show a person a level of respect during the first few contacts, and see where the conversation goes.
Not just start with some derogatory gutter comment - who cares how big or small your appendage is?
If you can't put your brain into gear first, it is going to stay in your pants. With the people I have met it would anyway, people seem to forget the biggest sexual organ in the human body is your mind...

Men and women are capable of being both intelligent and also being absurd little grotts. It is just that sometimes intelligence loses and their ugliness comes to the fore.