A lot of people write their stories in parts do you tend to post them as you write them? Or write most of them before posting?
I tend to write and then post. The ones I have posted here were written awhile ago and as soon the parts catch up to latest chapter I will post as soon as they are done.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
I'd like to add to the above comment that I usually don't attempt to read a multi-part story until I think all of the chapters are posted for the reasons Woman mentioned.
I would never read the first chapter of anything until I'm pretty sure the rest of it is posted...
Multi-chapter stories are a challenge for every erotica author. Most people simply don't have the attention span or desire to follow a longer story. Those that do, however, often really enjoy them because of the depth of character development you can achieve.
I tend to avoid "chapter one" and "chapter two" statements in a story title. Now, I just try to make each chapter be able to operate as a stand-alone story. Most of my stories are longer than most, and that's simply because I hate breaking things up, and only do so if absolutely necessary. The character count guidelines on this site do affect the way I write a story because I want to ensure I can post it as a stand-alone story instead of smaller chapters. I find a story can lose momentum when there are days or weeks in between posts.
I am writing a series at the moment, but they are all stand alone stories with different character voices, simply bound together through a common plot device. Hopefully that doesn't deter readers. But most people who read my stories know what to expect in terms of style and length, so those that enjoy them will read them and those that don't will choose not to. It's all a readers choice as to what kind of erotic story they prefer, and I find this varies dramatically on this site.
I've written (and illustrated) sex stories for years with no audience for the smut that I found so steamy. Serious case of writer's blue balls. I discovered Lush a bit more than a month ago and I squirted out a story with every downstroke for a while.
Now I've got incomplete series all over the place.
Oh, the remorse. Guilty of reader abuse. I promise to amend my ways and finish my series before publishing.
BTW, on blue balls. I think I googled the term looking for a tease and denial site or some such. Didn't find that, but i learned that Wikipedia has an article on the loved/hated condition.
Paddling works three ways:
* Me on top
* You on top
* On the water
I've been asked to write sequels or part twos on both the stories i've done but I can't imagine any other stories I do in the future would be improved by tying them to an existing story - that said, if you have a very popular tale, why not.
Given the amount of changes of mind I have about characters and situations i have in just a 1000 word story, I'd need a very clear idea of how all the chapters in a story would work out - don't think I'd be very good writing in what would essentially be a soap-opera style otherwise.
Warning: The opinions above are those of an anonymous individual on the internet. They are opinions, unless they're facts. They may be ill-informed, out of touch with reality or just plain stupid. They may contain traces of irony. If reading these opinions causes you to be become outraged or you start displaying the symptoms of outrage, stop reading them immediately. If symptoms persist, consult a psychiatrist.
Why not read some stories instead
NEW! Want a quick read for your coffee break? Why not try this... Flash Erotica: Scrubber I feel that if you post them as you write them, the story might lose it's substance due to a deadline for later chapters to finish your story. I would rather spend the extra time to finish off the story over just having something posted.
I feel that serialising a story is a bit off putting but doing a sequel is a different matter. You could write the continuing adventures of some sex mad fiend or other with a different scenario for each one but with the same characters or central figure especially if it was an established and well liked character. The hard put would be avoiding a formula such as used by Ian Fleming or Catherine Cookson.
This is a topic that's really interesting to me. I am a new writer and my style is to tell a longer story, which allows me to create more complex characters and plot.
The previous series I wrote, I posted as I wrote it. I did struggle to get it written quickly, as I am sure most writers now, it's hard to find the time to sit down and write when life as a habit of getting in the way.
I have just started my second series, and although I thought it would be a good idea to write the complete series and then post it, after the first part was complete, I couldn't resist posting it, so I could get feedback on what the readers thought.
This has put me under pressure to get the next parts written.
I think if I ever write a series again, I will complete it before posting.
So far, most of my writing has been a collection of continuing and intertwining stories. I write in chapters mostly because I don't know how well a 15,000 word story would work out on a site like Lush. At the same time, I only really post the chapters when I know the next segment will be coming in a reasonable amount of time.
"If you knew what you were doing you would probably be bored."
I almost always write in pants.
Its the way to be.
What would you think the optimum time should be between Chapters or episodes of a three part serial? Do I post one a week, or longer/shorter interval? This is my first effort at a three-part story, only attempted because I thought the whole thing would be too long in one block.
The story I have on here is a trilogy that I took time to write in between school and work. I have another story in the works that may get stretched out to several chapters, depending on how well each one is received. I try to not wait too long in posting subsequent chapters or parts to a story, but it happens.
Latest story:
I probably should have read this thread before embarking on a multi-part series. I wrote the first three parts quite quickly, but now I'm a little bit stuck.
Part of the problem is that I've other things taking priority over writing for Lush at the moment, but I also got more interested in the story that will be the fifth part, and have written a lot more of that than part four.
It was also never supposed be a multi-part story, but having written the first part, I got interested in the characters and could see all sorts of ways to develop the characters and relationships. I'm pleased with the way it is going at the moment (apart from the delays), but can see why writing the whole thing at once and then posting each part separately would be a good idea.
after Reading this thread I will wait to post them. i have 3 muliti part stories planned 2 of which I am working on now.
Glad I stumbled in here. thanks everyone
I usually just post as I finished parts. I try not to end on cliffhangers, though, except for Diaries of a Sexshifter. I don't think that one's ever getting completed...
I normally write all mine at once and then submit them, except the last one because it was a four piece. I do have to say though, I’m not a big fan one multi piece work because not everyone reads them all, I hate when I see like story one get 25 comments/scores and story two just 18 comments/scores and story three get 22 comments/scores. It drives me crazy, and part of my OCD, I guess? I don’t write many multi pieces but do have a few.
I'm writing a multi-part story now. Putting the parts up one at a time to then focus on the next is a very good motivator for me.
Being honest, it's a partial re-write of something I wrote years ago. This time though is doing it the justice I should have done to it first time round.
I do put the chapter number on the title, my frustration is that you cannot easily chain these together here without asking for an edit. Or at least that's what I think you cannot do. Very happy to be corrected.
Post as I write. I like taking a short break between each part, think of different scenarios; work them out in my head for a while. Also, like to see the feedback from the readers which helps me pick the next direction to take with the story
I am guilty of writing in parts, but like Dancingdoll, I try to make each segment a story in itself, but, making the ending "open" so I can continue the story. But I always write two or three segments/chapters before posting the first. I am very aware of my wandering mind that will send me off elsewhere. One thing I have found, that helps ME, but not everyone, is, if in the middle of a story a new theme hits me, I crank up a new page and jot down notes, so I don't lose, what at the time felt like another great story line. That gets it out of my head, and I can continue on with my current project. Of course this doesn't help writers block on your current project, if you've lost interest, because that basically is what writers block is.