Now wait. Stop right there. I mean it!!! Stop!!! If you are here to glean some insight as to who I am? Please! Please!!! Step right on in!!! Do you have your ticket?
For those of you who want to add me willy nilly to your friend list? In the words of someone, somewhere in a movie, you must first get three questions. Find the questions in the Monty Python movie "The Holy Grail". But do not ask... do you swallow? Cause then I'd just bop you on the head.
Interests Harold. He's the hamster that lives in my brain. Sometimes; he does not run in his wheel all that fast. And sometimes??? He even runs backwards. Be warned. I've not fed him in a while. I am on strike. Right. I am on strike from thinking. Harold seems to have an infatuation at the moment with men's prostate glands and the need to outstretch my fingers to want to play with men's heiny's.
Favorite Books Stories. Stories about backsides. It is not a fetish I tell you. Just a phase!!! Honest!!! It is just a phase!!! Oh and masturbation mishaps. I find these very funny!!! Too bad more people do not write about sexual mishaps, cause we make tones of those!!! You know how many noses I have broken since I started? More than the fingers on both my hands!!! Some of them? twice!!!!!
Favorite Authors Diana Gabladoon, CS Lewis, FTFAGOS, Stephen King, Ian Rankin, and so many others all over the place!!! *Pauses for dramatical effect.... BUM BUM BUM!!! You can continue reading now.
Favorite Movies I melt every time I watch Brigadoon. And just recently discovered, "Cool Hand Luke". Classics are my favourite to watch, and I am a sucker for Adam Sandler. I think it is his egg shaped head. "What Dreams May Come", "The Myth" and anything with Danny Kaye in it. Science Fiction like Stargate... nothing gets my blood pumping than a space fight. And I want to have Danny Kaye dance and sing his way in my bedroom. But if he did, that'd be really gross. Cause he is dead. Ewwww.... nevermind. I take that back. Maybe I should invent a time machine. Yeah. Good idea. Then I can go back in time, pick up Danny Kaye, then let him dance into my bedroom. Cause that would make more sense then having me stay in the past now wouldn't it???
Favorite Music I adore pretty much all music. From Opera to garage, to classical to country, to swing to rock... I listen to it all! Favourite song... A kiss to build a dream on by Louis Armstrong.... such an amazing song!!!! My brain hurts. And I am hungry. Oh hello! Look!!! A kitty!!! YAY!!! Chicken balls!!!! Whoops! Wrong country.