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Story Titles - How do YOU do it?

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Does the world revolve around you?
Are you the only moderator on here?
Why take my comment personally?
Feeling guilty?
Take a long hard look at yourself before questioning others.
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by sprite
ok, in the interest of fostering better relations here, please explain to me where i went wrong in this thread or which comment(s) were out of line. and no, i am not trying to be sarcastic or taking the piss out of you. i'd seriously like to know.

Some people are never happy. I wouldn't waste your time with MsTrib.

A new member asked for help coming up with a story title, a whole bunch of people chipped in with some really cool ideas, and then the member deletes her account. The reason she gave, if anyone is interested, is that 'everyone on Lush is a poser'.

And apparently that is the fault of the moderators...

Typical, go tell Nicola! Again!
Quote by Liz

. The reason she gave, if anyone is interested, is that 'everyone on Lush is a poser'.

Is that a pre-selectable option on a pull-down menu?
Quote by oceanrunner

Is that a pre-selectable option on a pull-down menu?

That's worth quoting
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by oceanrunner
Is that a pre-selectable option on a pull-down menu?

lol. It's just above the 'no one will have cyber sex with me' option. smile
Scarlet Seductress
Quote by MsTrib
Typical, go tell Nicola! Again!

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

If you want to message Nicola, please feel free. I'm sure she'll have a good chuckle.

The Linebacker
There was nothing argumentative or controversial in this thread to cause anyone to leave. In fact it had been a cordial and constructive thread. The leaving must've been over something personal with another member.
Perhaps? But why do people feel the need to make fun of the person who left?
It just feels so cruel
Her Royal Spriteness
Does the world revolve around you?

no. i never claimed it does. but, since i seem to take the brunt of criticism here every time a mod says something that is construed as crass, i think it's only natural that i put in my two cents.

Are you the only moderator on here?

once again, no. I also took a look at the other mods comments and didn't see a issue with anything said. Liz's gif was posted after the OP made rude comments about several other lush member (which isn't visible in this thread) before deleting.

Why take my comment personally?

because after a while of constant criticism, push back, and having to deal with trolls while attempting to be able to enjoy the site as a member as well, perhaps i have grown to be a bit sensitive.

Feeling guilty?

not in the least. i'm not perfect, but i think that the good i do here, and the way i treat people with respect outweighs those moments when i make bad choices or the occasional epic fail that i will readily admit to.

Take a long hard look at yourself before questioning others.

i have. like i said, i'm not perfect, but i think the good outweighs the bad, as i have just said. i do realize that i am expected to live up a higher standard. guess what? i'm not always capable of it. there are times when i need to be able to take off my mod hat and actually enjoy the site as a member. if people have an issue with that, perhaps i should rethink my involvement here?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quality response, thank you
Nice to know some think before typing
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by MsTrib
Perhaps? But why do people feel the need to make fun of the person who left?
It just feels so cruel

why does the person leaving feel the need to insult the membership of lush? that seems pretty mean spirited to me. *shrugs*

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Am seriously confused about what the hell went on here.
My story titles are like the rest of my writing: incessantly agonised over and ultimately disappointing!

(Just in case we were hoping to get back on topic... lol)
The Linebacker
It's good to be back on topic - how you come up with your story titles...
Active Ink Slinger
I'm like Buz (YIKES!!!)

A title comes to me, and then the story line follows.

Sometimes though, the title is part of, or gets shortened from, a line of dialogue that popped into my head and caused the story to evolve.
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
I've only ever had one story be a title first around which I wrote a story, or which inspired a story. (Soccer-Mom experience) I've had brilliant title ideas to write stories for but the stories never got good enough to get finished.

Usually it's a struggle to come up with something good once the story is done.

I don't think I'm particularly good at titles.

(Some say I'm not particularly good at stories either, but that's a fish for a different compliment.)
Quote by MsTrib
Oh, wow, another crass forum with Moderators taking the pure piss out of someone!
Maybe that's why they've left?
Just banging that out there to the super duper moderators!

The moderators here are volunteers, last I checked, and donate their time and efforts towards keeping Lush the premier literary erotica site that it is. Don't like a moderator? Please, I beseech you, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

The OP deleting her account is quite likely due to some other interaction with some other Lush member(s). Whatever. It's not about Sprite, nor about any other moderator.

As to the original question, my story titles are almost always either double entendres (as in Double Oxer) or are taken from the story itself--although I tend to have a working title for whatever before I even begin writing.
Want to spend some time wallowing in a Recommended Read? Pick one! Or two! Or seven!

Quote by Mazza
Oh the OP has gone but I can't believe no one suggested "Baby got back-ache"...

*Mic drop*

I like big bats and I cannot lie....
Good grief....maybe we need a "Rage Against Mods Cage?" (For those who take posts too seriously this is a joke FFS)
Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by Mazza
Oh the OP has gone but I can't believe no one suggested "Baby got back-ache"...

*Mic drop*

this was perfect. if she's not gonna use it, i might just write up the story smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
Quote by LYFBUZ
Good grief....maybe we need a "Rage Against Mods Cage?" (For those who take posts too seriously this is a joke FFS)

*shrugs* i'm getting to the point where i'm just going to stop posting. some days, logging into lush is like stepping into a live minefield - between the public posts, the PMs, and the BBs - it gets old after a while and honestly, i don't really need this shit these days.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

The Linebacker
Big hugs to Sprite who is a Lush icon, to the membership and to her fellow mods. She is a constant source of inspiration to the mod team, having picked up our spirit more times than I can say. And anyone who has been here awhile knows of the countless posts of writing tips to Lush authors. She is a huge source of inspiration to me personally.

Now, on story titles. You will discover, the more you write, what works best for you. We're all unique individuals and we work differently. Have fun with it and keep striving to be even better.
Quote by Buz
Big hugs to Sprite who is a Lush icon, to the membership and to her fellow mods. She is a constant source of inspiration to the mod team, having picked up our spirit more times than I can say. And anyone who has been here awhile knows of the countless posts of writing tips to Lush authors. She is a huge source of inspiration to me personally.

Now, on story titles. You will discover, the more you write, what works best for you. We're all unique individuals and we work differently. Have fun with it and keep striving to be even better.

I agree with this post 100%. I may not be a "lush Icon," but I love sprite comments they make me smile. So yes 100% agreed.

As for the Story title. Seriously? I write the story out and sit there reading and think of what is the story core function. If that makes sense.
Quote by browncoffee
Am seriously confused about what the hell went on here.
