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How often do you write a story that ends up somewhere you didn't expect?

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Quote by Green_Man
Most of the time I start with an inspiration, which may be a word, a phrase, or an illustration. Then I proceed from there. It seems that often my stories and poems simply write themselves (with my guidance, of course.)

I'll just bump this from a few years back.
Quite often, I have the end in mind before I even start the story. It's the journey to the end that sometimes takes different twists and turns.
Almost always!

I usually have an idea how I expect a story to go, but as the old saying goes — no plan survives contact with the enemy. While I don't see stories or characters as enemies, once the words start going down and the characters are actually doing things, they often seem to get a life of their own and the ending I had envisioned falls to the wayside. It even happens with Micro-fiction stories, which seemed strange to me at first. I mean how far can a character steal a story line when you only have 100 words to work with. The answer turns out to be an awful lot! Just recently the ending of one story hijacked by the characters turned into the beginning of another story with totally different characters and I had no idea where the story was going to go. Sometimes I think I'm only along for the ride!

Meddle Not In The Affairs of Dragons, for we are Crunchy and Good with Ketchup!
With me, most times it has been a short single chapter story, in which something about it just demands I come back and write more. And it may be the setting, or the characters. But 2 of my longest stories started exactly that way. Intended on being only a single shot, but I just could not stop writing.
I only ever have a beginning, or the kernel of an idea. I never know beforehand where the story will lead me. It's one of the reasons I can never complete the multi-part efforts I begin.
I often start with a general idea and most of the time, it goes different ways.
I had a clear plan for my series but due to TOS, I will have to deviate slightly. I have everything mapped out and an ending as a rough draft. If I actually get around to releasing it as an ebook(s) the thriller parts I'm glossing over may be in it. With my competition piece I also completely mapped out the storyline although it was on a smaller scale.
Regularly. I'm honestly trying hard to learn how to write the story I intended to. 15 chapters in to a story currently outlined for 116 parts, I'm doing okay. It was originally meant to only be 100, but whatever.
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The Snowglobe Conspiracy – Solving a great mystery | There Is No Butterfly – Time Travel competition entry | Incurable Arousal – Most viewed | Toxic, But Not Sinister – Mutual loathing at its finest | You Were – An experience in the second person | Desiderium – A scattering of lovers
I have similar issues with my characters the Brooke does... little fuckers are always running with scissors.

Changing the satnav and taking a different route to the same place, sometimes a totally different end.
Picking up unexpected people en route.
Inviting strangers to join in.
Raiding other character's stories isn't uncommon.
Even kicking and screaming until I write another story for them.

Forget the end, one I'm working on at the moment they, all downed tools and it started somewhere very different and very unexpected.

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

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My stories very rarely finish the way they were going to when I had the original idea. My recent series about a young woman dabbling in the porn industry went in a totally different direction from when I'd planned it. The Fucking She Deserved | Lush Stories

Everything I write, Erotica or otherwise, always takes new directions as I write it. I think it's because of my ADHD.

It can be a serious problem because sometimes I then have to go back and edit what I already wrote.

In the past, I have written stories straight off and let them go in their own direction, before reigning them in a little when I edit them.

However, these days, I prefer to spend time planning them out, often writing unpublished character backgrounds and the stories end, long before I flesh out the middle. The story I am currently working on is one, the start and finish are all written and finished subject to a final edit. The rest is still a work in progress.

First chapter of a new novel: "The Three Of Us" - Chapter 1:- “Moving In”

A standalone monster sex story: "Shadows"

I usually come into a story with a pretty clear idea, and maybe some snippets of dialog. Often the final version looks pretty close to what I was imagining.

But some characters take charge and demand you write them a particular way that surprises and delights you. The Coat Check Room was like that. Kim defined herself as I wrote her and took me to some unexpected places.

Quote by wxt55uk

In the past, I have written stories straight off and let them go in their own direction, before reigning them in a little when I edit them.

However, these days, I prefer to spend time planning them out, often writing unpublished character backgrounds and the stories end, long before I flesh out the middle. The story I am currently working on is one, the start and finish are all written and finished subject to a final edit. The rest is still a work in progress.

I’m like you, and often write the beginning and end and then flesh out the middle. 😊

Quote by bad_mann_ers
I was reading one of Mysteria's great stories, and saw a comment from her that really struck a chord with me.
I can't tell you how many of my stories start with an idea, and as I write, the story builds itself in ways I didn't expect. As a writer, I love when that happens and its good. I was wondering how many other authors find themselves writing words that they didn't expect to create.


Interesting question. I am a relatively new writer, and thus, I have a relatively short list of stories to relate to. I have to say, the shorter stories pretty much stick to the original outline, being one example. However, the main character in this story is taken from another one of my stories, and I wanted to explore her character further. In essence, the entire story is built purely by chance.

As for my longer stories, they're slightly different. I do have a main storyline that I pursue, and I have a good grasp of the characters, their traits, and personalities. Sometimes, I have to scrap characters that don't work or develop new ones, but the main thing is character development. Often, the characters will take on a life of their own, forming the stories and pushing them in a new direction. My series Visiting the In-Laws is an example of this. I never intended or expected one of the main characters to have an incestuous relationship with her brother, but the way hers and his characters developed it was a natural (as natural a topic such as can be) turn of events.

So, yes, my characters tend to dictate to a certain degree where the story goes.

Life's too short to argue sexual orientation. Just ask Alex

I wrote the Sam series, initially as a screw-story after seeing a newspaper story. While there is a lot of that in it, its developed a long way and I've made the characters a lot more rounded (as well as Sam's bust!)

My stories often don't end up as I originally envisioned. Especially with my redheaded characters and their strong personalities. 👩‍🦰😉

Dirty Talk Competition story: His Voice

New Mac & Grace story: Boardrooms & Boudoirs - Part Three -Chapters 9-12

The Last Dance - Part 4 & Part 5

The Last Dance is a love story, but not your ordinary love story. I’d love for people to check it out. Thanks! 🥰

New short story: Under The Doctor's Desk

New micro: Another Man’s Wife

I’m late to this since I only recently began submitting stories to Lush.

They are all cuckold stories involving the same two people, the wife Diane and her willing partner Steve.

The stories are all cuckold fantasies from the erotic mind of Diane. She cheated on Steve only two months in a long distance relationship. When they finally moved in together, she learned how much he enjoyed hearing about her sexual past and how he would be into the idea of her continuing her “adventures” with his support.

Diane would share stories about possible infidelities with Steve after they had happened, sometimes long after. But, she’d always tell him about it as if it had really happened.

He wouldn’t know if her story was true or not, until the end.

I have the plots of dozens of stories about them, ready to work on. But, I plan on spreading them out. You don’t want too much of a good thing at once.

I have found on more than one occasion that a character or characters develop life of their own. I wend up with stories that can run to several chapters.