Yes, I do. I get aroused when I'm writing them as well. That's how I know it's doing to be a good story.
I have written many things, only some erotica, but I would never offer them for public viewing. They are mine alone.
I get very much aroused while "writing" erotic stories, re-reading, editing/changing,
imagination can conjure any path, und when reading them the first few times as completed work I can get lost in fantasy that ist solely mine, but after that the thrill loses much as I know the whole story.
Time to move on to other adventure.
The ones I write to be arousing, yes. Using a TTS program with a sexy voice to read them back to me also helps.
Fuck, yes, and anytime I read them afterwards, too! I actually write them for myself, but am thrilled when they turn on others!
"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.”
― Carl Sagan
Hi, Like most here, yes when writing mine, reading mine, reading others. I find it a healthy way to recognize my desires for m2m connection and yet remain faithful to my marital commitment of plus 20 years. I find the build-up to be the most arousal inducing for obvious reasons. I think it is writer Leo Marx who said something like, Literary reading educates us about desire. Thanks for the Q and for the shared responses! Sending cyber-hug.
I have not written any down but can easily get aroused remembering the good omes
If they are the true stories, of course. If they are just stories, it depends how well I've written them.
Sometimes. I certainly got extremely horny and wet writing them! I guess its because, like the previous respondent posted, most of them are true or at least based on truth.
The process changes the intensity of my feelings. The first idea, the formulating in my mind and those first couple of passes definitively have the desired effect. After that, during the countless reviews and revisions the boredom sets in. By the time the story is ready I've lost interest. Re-reading brings out the critic in me and all I notice is the areas that could have been better.
I get aroused while writing them but I guess that's the same for anyone writing a sex scene
I wish they would! Sometimes while writing them I get quite excited as I live vicariously through the characters I create. But, sadly, rarely, afterwards. Is there an app for that?
I don't get aroused by reading my own work, but I'm red hot while writing them. It's a really intense experience as I feel like I'm living the story as the words flow onto the page.
Oh, hell yes! Especially if I wait long enough and have forgotten some of it - I get very, very aroused.
I started writing after reading so much erotica for years and got tired of the horrible grammar and continuity mistakes and very few stories/books turned me on as much as I would have liked (in my preferred genres/kinks). So I decided to write what I'd like to read and if others enjoyed the stories, then great. If not, well, I wrote them for me anyway.
"Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were, but without it we go nowhere.”
― Carl Sagan
I get turned on writing them. Well, thinking of them first, but some never get written because I forget the urgency of the sex by the time I put finger to keyboard and so the story just doesn't seem the same as I remember it. They get binned.
I rarely get aroused reading stories, but sometimes I do.
I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!
Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!
"the Great God (snicker)" - James 'Bear' Llewellyn
It's been known to happen.
I get aroused reading them and also when writing them. Especially with the true stories as they bring back some very special memories. Sometimes my wife reads over them with me and jogs my memory or makes suggestions and that can get us both turned on.
I would say, yes, on certain occasions. Firstly, it is because the situations I've written were arousing for me in the first place (that's why I wrote them after all). But even more than that it's to do with the fact that when it is a story I have written I have an expanded sense of environment, characters, intimacy, etc. All of these things can be valid for someone else's story too, after all that is what good writing is about. But arousal can sometimes come easy from your own stories, at least some of the time.
Yes. If they don't arouse me how can i expect others to enjoy them.