We are social beings. We are sexual beings. We paint the lie of the forbidden fruits with more lies while our cunts and cocks writhe to embrace the raw truth of our carnal souls. We put our faces on to fit society, and smile with beguiling charm and avow to purity, betraying the restorative alchemy of sex, the cleansing sweat of bodies coiling around each other in abandon and joyful passion. Dismiss the lie.
Writing, rock & roll, pool, beer.
Favorite Books
A Prayer for Owen Meany, The Martian, Breakfast of Champions, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dune, A Lesson Before Dying, The Hobbit and the Ring Trilogy, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Child's Garden of Grass.
Favorite Authors
Irving, Vonnegut, Arthur C. Clark, Salinger, Tolkien, Rawlings, Jack London, and KimmyBeGood (on Lush).
Favorite Movies
Forrest Gump, Star Wars (first three), Crusaders of the Lost Ark, Breakfast Club, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, Avatar, Being There, Little Big Man, Harry Potter (first three)
Favorite Music
Simon and Garfunkel, Eric Clapton, Beatles, CSN, PP&M, Mamas & Poppas, Queen, Stairway to Heaven (Led Zepplin), Fleetwood Mac, Jefferson Airplane, The Eagles, Dobie Grey-Driftaway, Bob Seger, Carly Simon.